1 Chapter 1

It was the midnight I have just caught up all my novels and was now laying on my bed bored out of my mind waiting for the novels to update to keep me amused when none did instead of going to sleep like I should have I leaned the app store and went looking for a game.


several minutes later


there was only one game in the store that looked interesting it was called Apocalypse Shelter and had a summary of 'try to take back a world that has fallen into the apocalypse by getting people and making shelters.' The game sounded great like a mix of a God game and a city builder put into one, so I decided to download the game onto my phone and right when I pressed download my phone screen went black with nothing I do making it work.

After waiting several seconds some words appear one the screen.


what is your username:_____________


I decide to enter my usual username: firebird

and it is accepted and moves to a new screen that look to be the start of the game.



please don't not skip and read all the way to the bottom.

This game is property of the Universe system corporation and any attempt to steal or copy is a serious affence and can be accountable in the court of law.

( lots of other legal stuff that I don't want to write or look up)

The world that you are given control over is a real world with people and it's own way of working.

losing in a raid or from the apocalypse will result in your world and or timeline becoming property of the universe system corporation and used in an Apocalypse Shelter game.

[ ] accept terms of agreement



When I saw that it was a terms of agreement. I Johnathon Miller did what any game would do and skipped all of it and agreed to the terms so that I could just get to the game.

with that I pressed next and was taken to a screen that would decide what my apocalypse would be like. It had a wheel on it asking to be spined on the right were a description of what would get to start with a start ment saying that I could add to the list on the next page though it comes with drawbacks.


10 people (50/50 split or gender)

supplies for 4 days

shelter (It will be run down)

4 basic weapons ( randomly generated)


as I look at the list I decide to spin the wheel and try to finish the set up befor going to bed.


You have spined demon invasion (warning: this means that low and middle ranked demons will be in the world Naturally)


Wow that will be hard to win but I will try my best tomorrow. putting the phone down and going to bed.

POV ???

I wake you in a damp place that looks to be underground with what looks like 9 other people.

Getting up and looking around I see that we are in what looks like a subway station with all the normal ways in distroyed exept for gate A1. Also there is a train that have the roof caved in on it with a bunch of ruble around it though I am not sure if you can still walk to the other side of the train through it.


suddenly memory start coming to me of my family running from creatures that came.from portals that opened all around the place. I was only able to get in here with my sister by luck and both my parents were torn apart by one of the creatures. I remember working with the 9 other people down here to get the supplies from the stores in here and only found 4 days of supplies. the only up side is that this underground system had a water filter system that collected water from rain and any runoff and filteres out all the impurities. after that we decided to go to sleep.

How did this happen why is it happening.

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