

After those days school was going back to normal nothing really special happened. Then Friday night came, the end of the first week of school.

"Good Evening Miss, your dad is waiting for you in the dining area." I nodded a bit shocked that my dad was in the house. I mean dad in.the.house. That only happens when pigs fly! Well that's an exaggeration but you get the idea.

I changed to my clothes and went to the dining table. "Dad." I looked at dad. He was tall and has short black hair. He is going to turn 44 this year and yet he looks like he was still in his 20's, no I I'm not joking.

"Siwon, dear child." he stood. "How nice of you to join, dad." I said still not believing he was right infront if me now. "Well here I am." he smiled and continued . "Did you miss me?". Miss you? I don't know... "Yes I did."

Then there was silence. This silence I was sure of was not comfortable. "So... how was school?" he said hesitantly. "It was... normal... Tiffany goes to school there." I replied. " Who is Tiffany?" he asked.

"She was a friend." I said. "That's nice." he replied back he probably didn't hear me say 'was'. I was really happy my that my dad tried to make a conversation but you know it just doesn't work sometimes. He really did try I pity the guy. So I tried to make a conversation.

"So is there a special occassion on why your back in the house? A party of some sort?" I paused. "A girlfriend maybe? That wouldn't be surprising since you don't really check on me that much. You might be too busy with her I know some good things to bu-" "Stop right there young lady!" He blew up.


"Why would you think I wouldn't care about you?!" he shouted. "That's easy because you don't even visit me these days. Or even check on how I'm doing. You did once which was when I was starting school. The other days you were silent as a dead rat." I stated calmly. "You..!... Is this how I raised you?! To talk back to me?" He stood up. "You never come home even in my birthdays wait let me count how many, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7! Seven years you never showed up. Even when I got into trouble you just called and boom it's done! I don't even know if you thought of me of nothing else but a nuisance!" I shouted. I felt liquid drop from my cheek. Darn I thought I told myself not to cry!

I was too embarrassed to even eat dinner and so I went through the stairs and into my room. After sometime I stopped crying. I went to the bathroom to wash my face with water. I decided to take a bath to clear my mind. I readied the hot water and when it was already hot I jumped inside (not literally).

I took a deep breath and exhaled. So, what happened so far? I collected my thoughts. I said a few thinks that made my dad angry, ran up the room without saying a word, and went to the tub to bathe.

I wonder what dad's reaction it to all this. I mean what I said was true he might even already have ladies flocking to him. With his power, money, and looks. He was pretty much what one would call "Jackpot". He could just shoo me away and no one would even care. After more time of "relaxing" I fell asleep in the bathtub.

Next moment (Or 30 minutes after sleeping) I heard someone banging at the bathroom door. What the?! How did someone get in my room? I thought I closed it... maybe not then. But that does not explain what in the world is happening right now!

"Siwon!! It's me your dad! Open the door Siwon..." Oh god someone's goin' maad. "I'm sorry... please... please tell me your alive... I... I promise I won't ever, Ever leave you again... I'm sorry..." Wait what?! why did dad ask if I was alive????.... *infinite question marks*

Hearing more of my dad's pleas I decided to cut in but before I was gonna cut in I heard dad do something I never saw him do before(If that made sense) . "Siwon please..." I heard a sniffle... HE WAS CRYING!

"I'm so so so sorry I promise to buy you a kitten and all your favorite bo-" "Dad, I'm fine and yes I'm alive." There was this silence again.

This time I couldn't even decribe what type it was anymore. "S-siwon?" he croaked. "Is... is that really you?" "Yes it is me dad." "Then get out of the bathroom this instant!" he shrieked (yup like a little girl.).

"Sorry dad, but I'm still taking a bath." After that another round of silence came. Damn, the silence was even longer than the conversations I could come up with...

He cleared his throat "Okay then I shall wait in your room." He said. "Actually dad, can you give me some clothes? It's in the cabinet to the right." I asked.

"Okay." He then said.

Minutes later I was wearing an animal onesie that I never EVER wore before... It was probably a gift from someone or whatever. I wanted to refuse the clothes he gave but when I remembered his pleas from before I felt that the onesie wasn't so bad afterall.

"I'm sorry about not being there for you Siwon."

"..." I couldn't reply.

"Can you please forgive me?"

"... I'll... I'll think about it."

"Okay."Seeing that he had a glimmer of hope he smiled.

Then he suddenly hugged me which I was not ready for. And one thing you should know is that he didn't know about is that I wasn't really fond of human touch.

It Iasted for a second before the butler told us thay the food has been rehaeated. Dad cleared his throat and said the he would be going first.

My heart was beating fast I almost fainted. I clutched my blanket and told my self to breathe and stop panicking. After awhile I went down to eat food. Me and Dad talked about stuff and it wasn't as awkward and cringe worthy as before.

After awhile he led me to the balcony then we sat on a chair.

"Get comfortable it's time I tell you about your mom."

Hello Everyone! Merry Christmas! I hope your having a wonderful time if not I hope I could atleast cheer you up! Once again MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ????

MizukiYamadacreators' thoughts
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