

Houdininus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs


After Sora ate through Zylerion's rich and diverse delicacies and had himself his fair share of drinks, he found himself lying out in the garden looking avidly at the dark sky. 

"How did I even get here." These were his first thoughts before he became lost in the stars that dazzled Zylerion's night sky. A sight that should have been breathtaking leaving a smile on anyone's face had Sora looking wounded. 

"It'll never be the same again huh," King Loube said barging in abruptly on Sora's melancholy. Sora wasn't completely sobered up yet so King Loube's surprising entrance didn't make him jump out of his seat.

Sora turned his head to see King Loube standing there, his presence unexpected yet not unwelcome. His gaze returned to the star-filled sky as he acknowledged Loube's words with a solemn nod.

"Yeah, even now it takes some getting used to I guess," Sora said. 

"Do you mind if I join you?" Loube asked.

"Of course not, Your Majesty." Sora replied.

Loube sat down next to Sora and gazed up at the sky. "I'm sure you've heard this before, but the stars are especially beautiful tonight." He remarked.

Sora nodded, still staring up at the glittering expanse. "They are." He replied quietly.

The two sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the cool night air and the tranquility of the garden.

Loube broke the silence first. "Tell me Sora, why did you travel here to Zylerion?" He asked.

Sora pondered Loube's question for a moment before answering. "Honestly? To prove myself," Sora replied.

Loube raised an eyebrow. "Prove yourself? How so?" He inquired. 

Sora paused, unsure how to explain his motives. Sure the main reason was because Leland had told him to but for him, it was deeper this was the first task he would handle on his own in this world without being babied by Leland. If he was capable enough to handle Leland's work it would ensure he had the strength to stand on his own.

And he had done just that for the most part sure he revealed some things he shouldn't have but the result was still satisfactory. 

"I wanted to show myself that I could handle things on my own," Sora confessed.

Loube nodded in understanding. "I see. You're a strong warrior, Sora. I can appreciate the drive to prove yourself," He replied.

Sora shrugged, not sure how to respond. The conversation involved too much thinking that it sobered him up, so his mood soured.

The somber atmosphere lingered between them as the conversation seemed to weigh heavily on Sora's mind. Loube, sensing the shift in Sora's mood, "Well that's enough talk about that we'll be having much to talk about tomorrow so let's drink to our heart's content today!" Loube said cheerfully. 

"Just get me some women," Sora replied an unsettling grin rose on his face. 

Loube smiled and as he said, "And here I thought you had a thing for Hannah," Loube smirked.

Sora grinned "Who says I don't? The more, the merrier" Sora laughed.

Loube shook his head in amusement. "As long as you can handle it," He laughed back.


Loube stood up, a wide smile on his face. "Ah, what better way to lift your spirits than to drown in Zylerion's finest booze. Come Sora join me for a drink!" Loube said jovially.

"I don't think I should keep going at it like that," Sora said, but Loube didn't listen as he headed back inside the palace. Sora sighed and followed Loube inside.

Loube led Sora to a large banquet hall, where various guests were mingling and enjoying drinks and food. Loube made his way to the center of the room, gesturing for Sora to join him. The guests parted to make room for Sora, who reluctantly followed Loube.

Loube raised his glass, declaring, "To Sora, for his victory over me and for bringing peace to Zylerion! Let's celebrate!"

The guests raised their glasses and cheered, a chorus of "To Sora" ringing out. Loube downed his drink, motioning for Sora to do the same. Sora raised his glass and took a sip of the strong liquor. He winced at the intense flavor, but soon the alcohol began to take effect, warming his body and lifting his spirits.

Loube laughed and slapped Sora on the back, cheering, "That's the spirit! Now let's party!" The guests cheered and began dancing and singing. Loube led Sora in a dance, the two men laughing and enjoying the festive atmosphere. The night stretched on as they continued to drink and dance, lost in the revelry.

Sora was surprised by Loube's ability to handle his alcohol, not showing any signs of being intoxicated as they danced the night away. At the end of the night, Sora retired to his room, feeling content and satisfied.

When he did he began to think a little about today specifically what he was doing the cloud in his mind was finally lifted as he recalled today. He went a little red as he recalled some of the embarrassing things he was saying. 

""Your music is beautiful."" He mocked. "Just what the hell am I saying," As Sora recalled that scene he remembered what King Loube was telling him specifically about Hannah. "How exactly did he know that? Did he know her somehow?" Were thoughts that filled his head.

As his mind continued running amok he began wondering why he felt that way towards her sure she reminded him of Ruby but he hadn't seen Ruby in a couple of years so that couldn't be it, and that sense of familiarity towards someone felt like he was having deja vue. Ultimately he trashed the thoughts as he went to bed he was almost done with this mission and after this, he would touch down with Leland and see his brother after two years. 

It had been that long since he'd seen him. He had been quite the neglectful brother letting strangers take care of him. Maybe Nico hated him, still though he wondered if his brother was eating right and sleeping okay. He promised himself he'd take care of him like a real older brother should when they reunite. And with those thoughts, he drifted to sleep.