
Aot remix

Aot if eren, had been smarter. The main character is my oc who is working with marly. But, they plan on getting revenge. Levi and mikasa abandon eren. So the ones in the shadows can win him over to there side.

AkixHaru · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

~Come out・

TW blood

`As the morning sun rolled in the green village and villagers opened their windows and doors. Ever since the titan attack a few years ago on my village moving to a new village had been hard. But more people had been trying out for the scouts to protect us, which was both good and bad.

Faith yelled climbing up to me. "Stop running off," rolling her eyes. "Mhm," I replied, tucking a hair behind my ear.

"Are we joining?" Faith said crossing her legs as we watched the village. I shook my head. I wasn't going to risk my life for someone else's. It had always felt like the scouts got special treatment. I get it, they "Save us". My eyes locked with Faith's. Her brown hair was fixed into a braid and her bangs hung out. I placed my hand onto my hairband and pulled out the hair that was bunched together. Scouts were now training, just like every other morning. They flee the small paths of our village. "Why machines," I say, leaning my head back. "It's easier," Faith replied. "Let's go," I said standing up. My bare feet stung as they ran against the hot roof, we had been living in abandoned houses for a while. They were close to the wall. That's all that was important. The Scouts were now closer. A boy was getting closer. His head was shaved, and he was now at arms reach. "Come with me." He said, reaching out a hand. "Who in the hell?" Faith replied confused. "We need recruits and you both look perfect." He said back. My head turned towards Faith, as I nodded. Her eyes closed. "Just pick one," she said, walking closer. I grabbed the boy's neck and lifted myself. "Whatever." Faith groaned grabbing the boy's hand. As we were going through the air Faith's voice spoke. "What's your name?" She said calmly. "Connie." He said grinning as his lips got smaller. As we passed the houses we finally reached the headquarters. Lines of villagers stood silently, men, and very few women. "Line up." A man said walking towards me. "Uncle Keith?" Faith said looking at him. "Oh, Faith," he said smiling. Eyes had now widened. "And, you must be-" he was cut off by a short scout with brown hair. "Line up," he said, walking closer. My head turned as I scanned the lines with my eyes. Faith looked at me, her eyes were narrow. "Hey." A man said walking in front of us. "You'll scare the pretty ladies." He said pointing at Faith and I. My eyes widened. "Bitch," I mumbled. "Pardon." the boy said, turning towards me. I looked at the brown-haired scout behind him. "If you are not here to sign up, leave," he said, his face somehow getting even more serious. "Let's sign," I said, nudging Faith's shoulder. "Why." She said, looking down at me, she had always been taller than me, not by a lot, but. Still i had to look up to see her. "We go out anyways, plus a little action might be fun.'' I said walking towards the line of people. Faith followed close behind. As we got into the lines the short scout stood in front of us. "We will be testing you all if you fail even one test. You will be sent home." the scout said. "What's your name?" a woman asked. "Levi." he said walking off stage. The villagers started moving towards an open space. "Find a partner and fight." Levi said as the scouts walked out into a line. "Ima pick that flirty guy." Faith said, placing her hand on her neck. "Why?" I asked. Usually Faith doesn't like fighting. But why choose him? "So I can kick his ass.?" Faith said as she nodded her head. "Mhm, I'll pick that girl." I said pointing to a black-haired girl, with a red scarf wrapped around her small neck. As I walked towards her I traced her eyes to another boy. This one also had brown hair and his height was about average.

As we watched the others fight, most scouts were winning. Not a surprise, they had been trained for this. Now it was Faith's turn. The boy who she had been fighting was smiling. "The names Jean," he said, holding out his hand. Faith grabbed his small wrist and spun it so he was now on his back. I smiled, she looked down at him and he was now grabbing his arm in pain. She was mad. "A lady, huh," she said, grabbing his hair and lifting him to her level as she bent down. "I'm more of a man than you'll ever be," she said, tightening her grip and placing her other hand on his chin. "And Faith wins." Uncle Keith said with a smile. Faith walked off stage and was now skipping towards me. She pointed at the stage. "Your turn," she said smiling. As the black-haired girl stepped onto the stage I smiled. I knew how to win. "You," I said pointing at the boy with brown hair. "Yes?" he said, turning to me. "Your name?" I said tilting my head. "Eren," he said, his face getting serious. I smiled and grabbed his chin. His eyes widened, and so did the girl on stage. My eyes locked with him as I pulled him closer.

-Mikasa's POV-

She held Erens head closer. What was she trying to do?! He was in shock. But he didn't pull away... Who is she? Eren closed his eyes, as she whispered something in his ear. Her red hair blocked her pale lips, so I couldn't read them. I bite my lip. Her fingers traced his colloar as she smiled.

-My POV-

He was still in shock so I removed my hands and turned away. "Who are you," he said, his hands tightened into a fist.

"Who knows,'' I said as I arrived on the stage.

I jumped up, surprisingly the girl looked calm. I sighed. "Start," the man said. The girl started walking towards me


she said, "Oh, Mikasa."

I said back. She threw a hit towards my face. And I grabbed her scarf which was still around her neck. She was surprised. My hand grabbed her shoulder and I pushed her down and threw a kick towards her. Grabbing my leg she dogged. She kicked her leg and landed a hit on my arm. The arm she hit swung back at her hitting her in the nose. A small line of blood dripped from her nose. A smirk grew onto her face as she wiped her nose clean. My hand grabbed her red scarf, tightening it around her neck. A red color filled her face, and she slowly fell to the ground. "The winner is-."

Keith stopped. "Your name.?" he said. "Ren"

I said grinning.. After the rest of the fights, Levi walked back on stage. "The winners will be moving to the next stage," Levi said. As the scouts walked towards a training course. "If you hit the floor, you'll be killed," Levi said, pointing at a group of people. "If you'd like to quit, line up over there." Villagers ran to the area. "We made it this far, why to quit now.?" Faith said, crossing her arms. As the villagers were led to an exit Levi announced, "You all pass." Eyes widened, all we had to do was stay? "I see, a test of courage, '' a man said with his hand on his chin. Mikasa was walking towards me. But Reiner got to me first. "What are you doing," he said. He was mad. "You were supposed to stay in the shadows." "We got bored.'' I shrugged. "You, don't mess this up," he said, grabbing my shoulder. My eyes narrowed as I grabbed his chin. "Don't make me tell father, what will he do when he finds out you're failing to collect information?" I said grinning--------He let go of my shoulder and looked at Faith. "Go." Faith said glaring at him.

. He turned around and walked off. Confused Eren walked over to us.

"You, know him," he said. "Let's go." Faith said, completely ignoring Eren. I nodded and followed her. "What did you tell him." She said, she was serious, "Nothing.." I said my eyes closing. "Fine. Let's just go," she said, groning. We were assigned rooms and introduced to the scouts. Time skip to a week later, after training.

The night sky faded and the sun rose. Yawning and talking we all got out of bed. "Mornin Fai," I said, pulling off the soft blanket that had been shared between the both of us. Faith yawned, rubbing her brown eyes. Other's were now sitting up in their beds yawning and putting their hair up. ------- We gathered by the door, Levi who was wide awake and was choosing scouts. "Stay, you'll go, not ready." The scouts ran in and out of the rooms, getting clothes and their shoes, and now it was my turn. "You," Mikasa said, scanning the room. "Let's talk outside," she said, opening the door. Mikasa closed the wooden doors we walked out. She looked around and pulled out a knife, it was made out of some kind of stone, maybe a piece of rock. Walking closer She frowned. "Who are you." She said, She pressed the stone agents my neck.

Mikasa's POV-

I stepped closer, it had taken me hours just to make a knife, if I had to kill her, it had to be painful. I pressed the cold blade against her pale neck. Her blue eyes were looking up at me. She didn't move. She was surprisingly calm. "I asked, who are you," I said, putting more pressure on the blade. A small line of blood dripped from her neck. She stayed silent, her eyes now looking at my lower face. I wondered why she wasn't answering, but I need to be quick. "What," I yelled, usually people would be on their knees in this situation, but her. No. She just stood there. Her eyes brightened, and a small smile grew on her pale face. And as soon as I looked down, a rock came hitting me in the eye. clamored in pain. My hand grabbed the bottom of her throat, and her smile grew more. "You-" "Let go." A voice called from behind me. I turned to see the source, it was a boy with brown hair, it was Eren.


Eren yelled, his face was serious. . Mikasa's hand loosened, she tucked her chin into her red scarf, frowning. "What were you doing?" Eren said, walking towards Mikasa. "well she was-"

Mikasa's sentence was cut short "We're leaving." Levi said, stepping in front of Eren. My eyes were now locked with Mikasa's. "Let's go," Levi yelled, walking towards the gates. There were about 20 scouts now ready to go, 5 of them were new, and training still. But, the last test is to kill one of those things. "Gear up." A man said, picking up swords. Wait no the weapons were not swords, they were knives. "We'll die if we use these things!" A man said, picking up a dull knife. I walked over to the sharp knives. My hand was placed onto a green pair of butterfly knives. I smiled, my mother had gotten me a pair once. It had been lost in the accident. Faith walked over to me and picked up a similar pair that was laid next to mine. As the knife lifted from the ground she started spinning it, "Show off." I Mumbled rolling my eyes, she was good with knives. Though, she was also very careless with them. -----

The gates were opening, as they parted the grass stretched for miles. It was pretty, I'd have to say. But, then there was a yell. "HELP!" It yelled, the scouts started running toward the open fields, following close behind a titan approached. A woman with blonde hair was in front of it, she looked up. She was also a trainee. "Move," she said but right when the words left her lips the titan's foot landed on top of her. The sounds of bones cracking made me smile. The blood which was once in the body was now pouring out, the grass was stained red. But a loud shriek caught my attention. In the distance birds circled the trees. Yells and other noises that one could not explain came from the group. Looking back on the body of the trainee, the titan was now walking towards me, its brown eyes looking down on me like weights. I stepped back, getting out the knife I had brought with me, As the creature got closer I stepped forward. The movement was quick and so was the end. Climbing up the side of the titan's slim shoulder, my weapon hit the skin. A river of blood was now pouring out of its neck, slowly the titan fell to the ground. Running towards the tree I wiped my blade on the bottom of my shirt, the blood-stained instantly. ---- As the trees got closer titans creeped around. Trainees and scouts were running to Levi, who was jumping from neck to neck with his sword just grazing the tall rough trees. The screaming got louder, and louder until the horrific noise had silenced. It was Mikasa's scream, Eren was on the ground covered in blood, a smile grew on my face as my eyes scanned him. "Help him!?" Mikasa screamed at me, her hand was placed on the back of his head keeping it from falling. "Just go, not like you'll be any help." I said, layering my hands on the back of his neck. Mikasa glared at me. "Shut up," She said, her body still firmly on the ground. "Let's go," Levi said, grabbing her arm. "He's done for, so is she." He said his eyes locked with mine. Tears rolled down Mikasa's face, as she was pulled to the exit of the trees. "See, they left us," I said, biting the side of my finger causing a bit of blood to spill. I smiled, placing my finger above Eren's mouth. A red droplet of blood fell onto his lips, sliding down entering his mouth. I knew Eren could transform into a titan by harming himself, so did Levi. But, were they just going to leave him here? He couldn't even control it, the switch has to be flipped, some have mastered that switch, even flipping it when they're unconscious. Eren's eyes opened. My smile faded. "They all left you," I said, covering my mouth as I yawned. Eren's eyes widened, "Left me…?" He said his face was full of disbelief. --- "She wouldn't leave me, no way." he yelled, shaking his head. "What are your motives.?" I said, I had to find out what he wanted. "I have to kill Marley." He said without hesitation the atmosphere began to darken. "Because of the experiments.?" I said, Eren's eyes widened, "How did you know?" He said now sitting up.

Erens Pov- She looked away. I needed to find out how she could have known…? I leaned closer. Her eyes locked with mine. "Who are you?" I said, grabbing her chin. Her blue eyes gazed up at me as we inched closer. "Im, sorry." she whispered, as she pushed me back and screamed. My eyes widened.

standing up as fast as I could, my hand covered her soft lips. "What are you doing?" I whispered the sleeves of my shirt scraped her cheek. --- A sharp pain hit me. My hand flinched off her face, and blood spilled from my chest. I looked up, her hand held a knife, usually we'd give them swords but we had to make more. "I'm helping you. You'll know that soon." She said her tongue licked the blade clean. In shock I stepped back. Who would want to kill me? I'm the savior of this hell. The only person who'd try and kill me is…

Ren's pov

His eyes pierced up at me. "Marley." He said clenching his dirty fist. A laugh leaked from my lips. "I get why you think I'm the bad guy." I said, stepping closer to the boy.

He stepped back walking into the tree. "I was gonna let the titans finish you off, but. Why can't I.?" I said, propelling the cold knife onto his neck. His eyes narrowed, "Try me." He said pressing against the knife.

I smiled, "Mhm, how about we work together." I said lowering the blade from his neck. His eyes widened. He didn't believe me. I don't blame him. "You're serious.? YOU JUST STABBED ME" he yelled, grabbing my arm. " Coulda been worse" Faith said, walking out from behind a tree. Her clothes were barely covering her. They were torn and ripped. But, as always. She still looked good. Eren turned his head. "How sweet, " Faith said laughing, placing a hand on her hip. "I won't work with a marly." Eren said his head still turned. "What if the Marly actually betrayed marly?" Faith said, spinning her knife around her finger.

SO, a week later again Eren agreed to work with Ren and Faith. But Eren had started developing feelings for one of the girls. (GUESS WHOOO)


A voice came from below the trees. "I don't understand. We came for a body that might not even be in one piece?" A boy said. I peaked threw a branch and saw a small, and thin. Line of scouts walking through the forest. I grinned. "You know Ms Hange likes experimenting on titans, after all they were once human too." Jean said. One of the men screamed in tarrer. "Titan!!" He screamed, taking out his blade. "...." Jean stood in silence looking around. "Where..?" He said studying the trees. The rest of the scouts looked around confused. "Dan, there's no titans, what are you talking about?" Jean yelled, slapping his hand on the back of his head. The man continued to scream and swing his blade around. "Stop you'll hurt somo-" the man's sentence was cut short as his neck split open. Red thick blood gushed out staining his white uniform. Gasps came from the other scouts as they stepped back. Dan turned to look at Jean. Pointing one fat finger. He grinned and proceeded to step closer, his body shifting back and forth. "He's insane." One of the men yelled, "Kill him." another replied. "It's a drug, anyone who inhales it will go crazy." Faith said through the trees. The rest of the men drew their swords pointing them at each other. "Who said that?" "Your next I bet." Everyone was looking around and scanning the trees once again, not for titans, but for humans. "Come out." Jean said