
It's always the quiet kid

The sounds of teenagers talking in-between themselves filled the small room. There were different groups around the room. There were the popular boys, the popular girls, the bullies who are popular, but no one really likes, the quiet girls and boys and lastly the weebs.

The group in the corner of the room were the weebs, while all the other groups were talking harmoniously the weebs were in a fierce debate about topics which were of the utmost importance.

"Are you stupid? Obviously, Rem is the best waifu! I'm surrounded by idiots! She's considered basic, but what's wrong with that huh?"

"No, clearly it is Hinata. Do you not see how she cares for Naruto, and well she has some other assets if y'know what I mean!"

"All of you are uncultured, only care if they are cute or sexy, no care for intelligence. What about Kurisu Makise. Clearly the right choice."

No side could come to agreement, or even a truce. Until...

"What about Sakura?"

In a second every side stared blankly at the person who made this suggestion. The debate came to a sudden end as everyone could find a common enemy, looking at them as if they were stupid.

Just slightly outside the group was a young boy. He was friends with the group and enjoyed anime but didn't like it enough to go to that extreme.

"Hey, Aaron, who do you think is the best?" The Rem stan asked with a pleading look on his face.

"Ah, I don't really know, they're all good." Trying to appeal to everyone Aaron decided he should probably stay neutral.

Before anyone could complain about Aaron the bells rang in the classroom signifying the end of break.

The rest of the school day continued like normal. Boring and long.

'Only a few more minutes till we can leave.' Aaron glanced at the clock above the teacher's desk. He was doodling in his copy. Aaron couldn't just put his head down and sleep since his desk was placed in front of the door.

"Miss, can I go to the bathroom." In the corner of the classroom the normally quiet kid stood up and asked the teacher.

'I wonder if he is doing okay. When class ends, I'll introduce him to our group, it's better than nothing.' Aaron reminded himself when he saw the kid walk towards the door before the teacher could respond.

The quiet kid who just left was what society would call a loner. He didn't have the confidence to try talk to any groups and since he never took the chance he got left behind while everyone else began becoming good friends.

Aaron heard he was getting picked on by some of the bullies recently and felt pity for him. That was when he decided to ask if he wanted to be friends with his group. Slipping back into his previous thoughts the last few minutes of school began to pass.

'Hmm, there's nothing to do anymore. I could play a game or watch anime I guess.' Although he was bored Aaron wasn't necessarily unhappy. He wasn't in poverty, he had meals every day and a family.

Aaron suddenly felt slightly sad as he thought of his family. He lives with his mother, sister, brother, and grandmother. His father was an alcoholic and died when he was younger. His grandmother was 96 years old and had dementia. She would mistake Aaron for other people regularly.

This had taken a toll on his mother who must mind her regularly. Along with this his sister has started to get in arguments with his mother. His brother generally stayed in his room only coming down for meals.

His friends often talked about how they wished they could go to a fantasy world and live out their life as a hero. Sometimes Aaron would agree. He knew that although it sounds fun in fiction the chance of you being killed is stupidly high unless you go to a slice of life world or a world like that. If you ended up in Naruto, Attack on Titan, or a world with similar threat you might as well give up.

"Not that I will have to worry if it happening to me though." Aaron muttered quietly to himself.

The final class of the day was maths, and they were going over Venn Diagrams. Aaron got bored and just started to draw random circles in his book using his compass.

"Alright class you can start tidying up no-" As the teacher began to end the class a loud bang shocked the class.

The quiet kid had slammed open the door to the classroom and entered. After seeing everyone's shocked faces he closed the with a sinister smile enveloping his face.

"What do you think you are doing in my classroom! Go straight to the principal's office now!" The teacher was annoyed how the kid suddenly barged in.

"Be quiet." Although he only said two words his actions said everything.

While saying those two words he reached behind him and pulled out a small pistol from his trousers. The kid pointed the gun at the teacher with a grin soon appearing on his face when he saw the class's reaction.

"Callum, Jerome, Alex, Maria, Corey and Ms Kelly. Please go into a line against the whiteboard."

"The fuck are you saying!" One of the kids who were called out shouted back in fear and anger.

"Are you deaf? Do you need your ears cleaned with a bullet perhaps?" The quiet kid cocked his gun. The clicking sound was enough to make everyone pause.

After forcing them to the whiteboard the kid looked around once more and laughed.

"Do all of you think you are safe? Just because you didn't participate in the bullying directly you all allowed it happen." The quiet kid began to get more and more frantic as he continued. "I'm not an evil person, all of you are! You forced me to do this... That's right, it's their fault, not mine."

After this he took out several magazines from his bag and laughed some more.

'What the fuck is going on right now!' Aaron's heart was beating faster than it had ever been before. He was scared and could barely move. His desk was close to the whiteboard so he could see the young kids twisted face and the look of fear on his victim's face.

"You better stop this shit right now or else!" Corey, one of the tall and strong teenagers lined up against the white board shouted at him.

"Or else what? What else can you do to me that you haven't done yet? You're scum who thinks he's cool just because he's sleeping with that whore who calls herself a teacher."

"Screw you!" After hearing the quiet kid Corey began to rush towards him. In a panic the quiet kid stumbled backwards and shot at Corey.

Silence engulfed the room, the next few seconds felt like an eternity to Aaron. In a moment Corey collapsed to the floor, blood began to spread on the ground.

The sound of the bullet woke Aaron's survival instinct as he remembered the situation, he was in. He knew he had to do something or him and all his classmates would die.

The quiet kid was only a few steps from where Aaron was sitting. In a couple seconds Aaron looked around him for a weapon. The only useful thing was already in his hand, the compass. Although it was a small blade it was still sharp.

The quiet kid was still in shock as he leant on the teacher's desk beside Corey's dead body. He was shaking in shock from what he just did.

Aaron took several deep breathes as he tried to calm himself down. No matter how he did it, it wouldn't work.

Although he was close Aaron would still need to get out of his seat and get to the kid before he was able to react and shoot Aaron. Thinking for a couple seconds Aaron had an idea. Although it is simple, he hoped it would work.

'I can do this, relax.' Aaron repeated this phrase like a mantra in his head while he quietly reached for his pencil case on his desk.

Aaron was planning to make a distraction to buy enough time for him to get to the quiet kid by throwing his pencil case at the other side and causing a loud noise. Although it is simple it was the best he could come up with and it would be extra effective during the current situation.

Everyone was extremely tense after Corey being shot and it was so silent you could hear a pin drop in the classroom.

'If I'm going to die, I'd rather it happens while I'm trying to live.'

In a sudden a loud crashing noise shocked everyone taking their attention. At the same time of the noise Aaron pushed from his seat and rushed towards the quiet kid. With his back turned Aaron could ran the compass into the kid's right shoulder.

The kid shouted in pain as he pushed Aaron off him. Only the tip of the compass went into the quiet kid's shoulder. That pain still felt terrible.

The kid fell over but still has his gun, in a rush he lifted his arm with the gun and pointed it at Aaron. Before he could shoot Aaron once again went to try and stop him.

In Aarons mind right now he only had one thought. It was how could he cause the most damage to his opponent as fast as possible.

Despite getting on top of him the kid still managed to pull the trigger of his gun. Since he was pushed it lost some of its accuracy and hit Aaron's stomach. Despite being shot adrenaline let

Despite being able to get on top of him, the quiet kid still managed to shoot his pistol at Aaron hitting his chest and piercing his lung. Despite the pain Aaron followed through with his attack and aimed for the kid's eye.

He didn't care about the consequences at this point, he just wanted to survive. Adrenaline was carrying him. He knew his weapon would only be useful stabbing somewhere like the eyes or the neck.

The blade didn't go all the way in when he stabbed the boy, in a last attempt Aaron began to twist and yank at the blade until the quiet kid stopped moving.

Aaron soon collapsed to the floor. His injury was fatal. Every breath he took sped up his death. His lung collapsed from the air, and he began to slowly die. In his semi-conscious state, he could hear his classmates crying as a teacher who heard the gunshot entered the room calling the police.

Soon after the teenager known as Aaron died from his suffocation after saving his class from a school shooting.

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