
Another Kind of Genius

Ru Shenqi is a young Spirit Master, hoping to shock the world like the Shrek Seven Devils once had. Armed with her powerful martial soul, she does just that... and before she even turns ten! At just eight years old, she goes to Heaven Dou City to enroll in the infamous Shrek Academy. Already a Spirit Ancestor, she shocks all of the teachers. Just as the new battle team from Shrek Academy prepares to enter the Advanced Spirit Master Battle Competition, the reunion of the Shrek Seven Devils stirs the Academy. Ru Shenqi gets the chance of a lifetime to meet her idols, the geniuses of geniuses. When she overhears the Shrek Seven Devils talking about the resurgence of Spirit Empire, a deeply buried hatred reignites within her. She vows to grow stronger to one day go up against Spirit Empire and make them pay. **Soul Land (Douluo Dalu) fanfic based on lightnovel/anime, not live-action** *Originally published on AO3 and Scribblehub*

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140 Chs

Qin and Lotus Gain Their Fifth Rings

Ming Yong reached out and sat down, beginning to absorb the decade millennium year spirit ring.

Dugu Yan and Yu Tianheng sighed, "We really can't compare to those from Shrek Academy. Back then, we lost to Tang San and his Shrek Seven Devils. Now, your new team is stronger than they were during the Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition."

Suddenly, something caught Ru Shenqi's eye. "Ultimate Darkness Straight Line!"

Her black wings broke out of her back, purplish-black flames igniting on every scale. She released her innate Fire Dragon Domain and shot a straight line of fire towards the target. The flames caught at the base of the plant-type spirit beast, and it thrashed around trying to put the fire out.

Flender's eyes sharpened as he released his Four Eyed Owl spirit and flew over. Calling back, his voice echoed, "It's a Demon Thistle Willow!"

Yu Xiaogang pondered it. Finally he asked, "What's its cultivation?"

"Seventy thousand years!"

"That's within the limit," he murmured. "Youyou, the Demon Thistle Willow's most well-known skill is its quick attacks from the thistles. If you're lucky, you may gain a speed boost ability."

"Grandmaster, may I have this spirit beast then?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded to Liu Erlong and they both took over towards Flender. The three formed their famous Triangle.

"Golden Saint Dragon Luo San Pao!"

In the center, Yu Xiaogang's spirit changed from a dog to a golden dragon. Yu Tianheng's eyes widened.

"The True Dragon Evolution?"

"Break wind like mist, mesmerize to deep sleep Luo San Pao!"

After mesmerizing the Demon Thistle Willow, Yu Xiaogang cried, "Break wind like striking thunder, rumble the heavens and split the earth Luo San Pao!"

A terrifying shockwave emitted from the Golden Dragon in the center of the three golden pillars of light radiating from Liu Erlong, Flender, and Yu Xiaogang. Stunned, and thoroughly traumatized, the Demon Thistle Willow barely put up anymore of a fight.

Gu Xingyun called, "King Tiger left arm bone skill, King Tiger Halberd!"

In his hand formed his golden halberd. He handed it over to Fang Youyou. Bai Shanxin grabbed his hand and sped him over to the spirit beast. He threw the halberd and struck the Demon Thistle Willow.

As the tree began to disintegrate, its black spirit ring appeared. Fang Youyou reached out and took the decade millennium spirit ring. He sat down in the lotus position and began to meditate, absorbing the ring.

Dugu Yan commented to her husband, "These kids are just as well coordinated as Tang San and his friends. Anyone who fights them will have hell to pay."

The whole group wandered over to where the others were, about fifteen meters north, further into the forest. Upon seeing Fang Youyou face difficulties in absorbing the ring, Ru Shenqi bowed her head.

She murmured, "Goddess of Nine Stars Domain."

A bright white dome spread out from her. Under the influence of divine spirit power, the decade millennium spirit ring's deterrence lessened. After four hours, both Ming Yong and Fang Youyou stood.

"Teachers, I'm now a fifty fourth ranked Spirit King."

"Teachers, I'm now a fifty seventh ranked Spirit King."

"GOOD!" Flender cried. "You little monsters are Shrek's pride and joy of this generation! Yong, what's your tyrannical fifth spirit skill?"

"Jiaxiang, release your spiders again."

She did so, and his fifth spirit ring lit up. "Fifth spirit skill, Dragon Qin Enchantment."

Soon, the spiders turned on each other and began to fight amongst themselves. But no one heard any sound come from his qin. Finally, Yu Xiaogang realized what it was.

"This is a hypnotizing skill. You can make the enemies turn on one another."

Ming Yong nodded. "That's right. And only they can hear it... lest we also fall to the same fate."

Everyone shivered at the thought.

"Youyou, what's your fifth boost?" Liu Erlong asked.

"My petals have grown thistles on the ends of them, but they're harmless. My fifth spirit ability grants a thirty percent boost in speed to a maximum of fifteen spirit masters."

Yu Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction. "We've got what we've come for. Tianheng, we'll help you and Dugu Yan hunt for Xiongmeng's spirit ring now."

"Thank you, Uncle," Yu Tianheng said as he bowed.

They departed and headed back towards the outskirts of the Sunset Forest. When the thirteen-person group entered the millennium year spirit beasts' territory, they stopped.

"Xiongmeng can handle eight thousand years and below. So let's try to find one as close to that limit as possible. The higher the grade of the spirit ring, the more power and benefits that go along with it."

"Sure, Uncle. Lead the way."

Yu Xiaogang called, "Xiao Shen, your eyes."

She nodded and released her spirit, sending her sight out as far as she could. Shanxin released her spirit and scouted the surrounding ten meters. Flender took to the skies and peered down from above.

The group searched for the rest of the day, but could not find any suitable spirit beasts. Finally, they set up camp and prepared for bed. Ru Shenqi and Gu Xingyun offered to stand on the first watch. As everyone else climbed into their tents, the closest of the Shrek Seven Tyrants gathered at the fire in the center of the camp.

"Xiao Shen, I can tell something's on your mind. You've been quite quiet since we left the decade millennium spirit beasts' territory. What is it?"

"The seventh spirit skill is always the spirit avatar, making the spirit master an incarnation of their spirit. But my spirit is Clear Crystal Eyes. Am I really just going to turn into a huge pair of eyes?"

Gu Xingyun shook his head. "I don't think so. Don't you remember your battle with the Shrek Seven Devils?"

She thought back to the day she had learned an important lesson. Strength can back arrogance. So unless one is strong enough, there is no room for arrogance.


"Senior Xiao Wu's seventh spirit skill enhanced her spirit and body, but she also had a spirit skill ability. Perhaps, with the right spirit beast, you can do the same. Your eyes might evolve and you might get another spirit skill as well."

Realizing he was right, Ru Shenqi could only hope that was her luck.

"Xingyun, the Finals are swiftly approaching. Soon, us Shrek Seven Tyrants will split up. I know we've all promised to meet up again in five years, just like the Shrek Seven Devils, but with the Continent being the way it is, and the tyranny of Spirit Empire, can such a reunion be possible?"

He sighed and shrugged. "I don't know. As Crown Prince of Guang Kingdom, I'll have to take on more responsibilities soon. Don't forget, Xiao Shen, that I'm already eighteen. I'll be nineteen in a month. In five years, my father might already abdicate and hand the kingdom over to me. At that time, it would be extremely difficult for me to leave Star Luo Empire to come and see everyone again."

Sadness filled her eyes. "Then I'll just implore our Seniors to let me take a trip to see you."

"And if Spirit Empire gets in the way? Xiao Shen, think of your safety first. I hate to lecture you like this, but you're still young. Yes, you've seen terrifying things, but when comparing age experience, I hold more. Your safety should matter most. You are a seventieth ranked Spirit Sage. You should be able to protect yourself well enough, considering you have two spirit rings and bones of the century millennium grade. And with the Shrek Five Devils protecting you, there should be no problem."

She hung her head. "Xingyun..."

"I will do my best to meet up with everyone in five years. That is my promise to you."

Ru Shenqi rested her head on his left shoulder. He glanced at her, knowing she was pure and innocent. Still a child, she hadn't fully developed yet, and her body remained that of a child. Whereas Suyin, Jiaxiang, and Shanxin were beginning to bud and curve, Ru Shenqi was still a stick-like, flat figure. Gu Xingyun wondered if he would even recognize her in five years' time. She would be seventeen, body almost fully matured by then. This child that had shocked him in Slaughter City and had since become his best friend... her future was bright and endless.

Unaware of his thoughts, Ru Shenqi pondered about the finals. Both Grandmaster and Xingyun have said that Star Luo Empire's teams have always been strong. Even though last time they lost to the Shrek Seven Devils, two of the Devils are from Star Luo Empire after all. But Grandmaster warned they weren't to be underestimated. And Spirit Empire...

As she thought about the organization that may or may not have caused her parents' deaths, her hands clenched, knuckles turning white.

Our bodies have grown more resilient after taking the Immortal Herbs. Under Grandmaster's extensive training, we have also grown. They may be a full Spirit King team, but we are not lacking. We will be a team of Spirit Kings, possibly a Spirit Emperor, and a Spirit Sage. Though the battle may still be hard, we just have to be careful and perhaps the victory will be ours.

Her old way of thinking began to resurface. But then, the horrors of the Shrek Seven Devils' combined battle against her shook her core. She closed her eyes and took a shuddering breath, alarming Gu Xingyun.

"Xiao Shen, are you alright?"

She nodded. "Fine."

Spirit Empire, let's see if us Shrek Seven Tyrants can bring you trouble.


The next day, everyone got up early and packed. They wandered through the forest, eyeing some spirit beasts, but not finding the right one. It was apparent Yu Xiongmeng, Dugu Yan, and Yu Tianheng were beginning to get discouraged.

"Patience," Yu Xiaogang tried to console them. "Sometimes, a long wait can reap great rewards."

After four more hours of nothing, Yu Tianheng sighed. "It's just not our luck this time. Perhaps we'll bring Xiongmeng to Star Dou Great Forest. Surely there should be some suitable spirit beasts there."

Just then, something tickled Ru Shenqi's senses. Turning around, her spirit released, flashing brilliantly. Her sight was enhanced to the max, and she scanned the surrounding area.

"What is it, Xiao Shen?" Flender had seen her spirit activate, and he turned too.

She replied, "Something's not right. I sensed a creature just now, but I can't see anything."

Worry creased the brows of the Golden Iron Triangle.

"Could it be people from Spirit Empire?" Dugu Yan asked coldly.

Yu Xiaogang shrugged. "Could be. Or it might be others. We need to be careful."

Everyone nodded, but Liu Erlong looked ready to slaughter someone. If it really was Spirit Empire's people, they could only imagine what they were here for.

Just then, a deep, older voice said, "Oh, I didn't expect it to be you Shrek Academy. I sensed a breakthrough and came over. Forgive me if I startled you."

An elderly man suddenly approached. His green hair and beard were the most striking features apart from his beryl eyes. His black clothes hugged his body, but a cloak flapped in the wind behind him.


Dugu Yan ran forward and embraced the old man. Surprise flitted across his features. "Yanyan?"

"Grandpa, we have united with Uncle this time to hunt for Xiongmeng's fourth spirit ring," Yu Tianheng explained.

Dugu Bo nodded. "Good. These Shrek teachers are trustworthy. They raised the Seven Devils, including Little Freak, and helped defeat Bibi Dong."

His eyes scanned over the seven Shrek students. Using his spirit power he tested each of them. To his surprise he found them all to be Spirit Kings! But his jaw dropped on Ru Shenqi.

"Little girl, how are you so powerful?"

Ru Shenqi had never met nor heard of the Poison Douluo before, so naturally she wouldn't know him. She turned to look at Yu Xiaogang for confirmation.

"Senior Dugu is an honorary dean of Shrek Academy. He's also very close with Xiao San."

From his reassurance, she bowed and introduced herself to the Poison Douluo, Dugu Bo.

"Ru Shenqi, spirit Clear Crystal Eyes, seventieth ranked Control System Battle spirit master."

He had about guessed her spirit power, but was still shocked to hear this little stick-figure was a Spirit Sage. Was she a tiny person? No! She was just a Little God!

Her eyes flashed, revealing the splendor of her Clear Crystal Eyes. But then, her tyrannical spirit ring configuration appeared. Four black and two red rings danced around her.

Dugu Bo couldn't believe it. Her spirit rings were on par with Tang San's!

"Ru Shenqi... Ru..."

Flender explained, "Senior Dugu, we won't hide it from you. Ru Shenqi is Ru Zuanshi's only child. She not only-"

Suddenly, Ru Shenqi stiffened. "Xingyun."

Hearing the urgency in her voice, he blended his words with hers, "Death God Domain, Evolved Skill: Demon Hell!"

An icy aura seeped in slaughter intent spread from the both of them. With one at seventieth rank, and the other at the fifty seventh rank, their combined Death God Domains could rival a Titled Douluo's innate domain.

This, even the family trio didn't know about. Four voices simultaneously cried, "TWO DEATH GODS?!"

"Fire Dragon Innate Domain!" As fiery red light spread from her, in addition to the white light of the Death God Domain, her external spirit bone unfurled. The pitch black, scaled wings lit on fire with purplish-black flames.

A spirit beast came surging towards them, angered it had been found out and trapped within a dual domain.


"King Tiger left arm bone skill, King Tiger Halberd!"

The two launched their strongest attacks towards the Crescent Double Headed Serpent. Though only a millennium year spirit beast, it was still quite powerful. Its earth brown scales completely deflected both attacks. Shu Jiaxiang shot forward and launched her fifth spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Multiply, and then her third spirit skill, Shadow Cheetah Fog. Bai Shanxin took to the air and shot forward. One appearing in front of the spirit beast, she launched her fourth spirit skill and her Air Strike. Her skull bone emerged and glowed as she began to suck its spirit power. Fang Youyou boosted them with stamina and strength. Ming Yong used his first and second spirit skills to have his seven qin strings to wrap around its body and restrain it. Liao Suyin leapt towards it, eight jade legs stretched from her back. As her fifth spirit ring glowed, thousands of tiny spiders appeared. She launched her fourth spirit skill to help Ming Yong control it.

Dugu Bo, Yu Tianheng, and Dugu Yan moved to help them, but Yu Xiaogang held up a hand. Flender snickered.

Liu Erlong said, "Let them handle this. Combat is good for their progression."

"Circle!" Ru Shenqi called.

Knowing exactly what she intended, the other six listened. They surrounded the spirit beast.

"Third spirit skill, Flowering Lotus Regrowth!"

After receiving a return of seventy-five percent of her spirit power, Ru Shenqi's bright eyes locked down onto the spirit beast.

"A friend needs your ring. So, we will help him out, otherwise what good will us Shrek Seven Tyrants be?!"

Taking a deep breath, her sixth spirit ring appeared. The blood red changed the color of the surrounding atmosphere. Everyone could feel the power of her century millennium year spirit ring.

"Sixth spirit skill, Clear Crystal Pack Hunt!"

All seven became bathed in white light, turning into pillars of spirit power. Though, unlike the battle with Sword Douluo Chen Xin, the white light wasn't as bright. Ru Shenqi was using all of her spiritual power and mental capabilities to control the force of this attack, so it wouldn't kill the Crescent Double Headed Serpent. Their spirit power combined into a single ray above the spirit beast.

Upon seeing this, Dugu Bo, Yu Tianheng, and Dugu Yan exclaimed, "A SPIRIT SKILL CAN GRANT A SEVEN SPIRIT FUSION ABILITY?!"