
Angel with Black Wings

In a celestial realm, Athena, an angel with black wings, becomes infatuated with a mysterious being rumored to be the devil. Born as Crown Princess, she tries to find out the truth about the being. The more she tried to uncover, the more she was forbidden not to. There were secrets buried in the two realms and it might cost a war if uncovered.

littlebirdy · Fantasi
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69 Chs

Chapter 8

Days later, I emerged from the bowels of the dungeons exhausted. My two Head Court ladies who were waiting for me took note of my aching and weakened body, activating a spell so they could accompany me back to the estate without giving me more pain. They took a path less traveled, away from curious eyes, and entered the estate via the back door.

It was in the dead of the morning, and the estate was quiet as everyone was asleep. It was good timing. Althea helped to remove my article of clothing, while Iole drew me a flower bath with warm water. They let me soak, massaging my aching body before they put me to sleep with lavender-scented candles. 

I woke up with the curious monkey hovering above me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice was close to my ear.

"Go away, Aidan," I groaned. I was too exhausted to push him away from me. I buried my face into the pillow. "I'm not in the mood to deal with your human nonsense."

"Your powers have depleted," he said. His hand was rubbing on my arm. "What happened?"

I kept quiet as fear crept into me. My heart jolted in shock. I could feel it hammering hard in my chest. How did he know that? How could he sense my powers? Was he as powerful as he actually claimed to be? Should I be worried about this? But I was too exhausted to think and I wanted to sleep. 

"Please leave me alone," I said. Begging. I tried to shut my eyes. I was too tired to bother with his insistence. "Let me sleep."

I didn't hear his reply after that as I passed out from sheer exhaustion. I did not dream any during my slumber and I was grateful for that. Many hours later, I rose awake with a warm body pressed next to me and I realised that the monkey had slept next ot me with an arm thrown over my waist. 

But the main important thing is that I felt better.

"What has happened?" I muttered under my breath and whacked him awake.

The poor fool jerked awake in surprise, mumbling under his breath for being awakened before he focused on me. His hair was a dreadful mess. The skin on his face had marks where he had laid on it awkwardly. Despite the dishevelled look, he had never looked more handsome than the first day I saw him.

"What? What's going on?" he asked drowsily. "Did you just hit me?"

"What did you do?" I demanded.

"I gave you some of my powers. I got worried when I noticed your powers was depleted by almost half," he stated as he yawned and stretched out his limbs like a feline. He gave me a knowing smile as he curled next to me, feeling satisfied. "How are you feeling now? I bet you're feeling better now."

I didn't like that look on him so I kicked him off the bed without warning. He fell with a yowl and landed with a thump, groaning on the floor before he got up with a scowl on his handsome face. I didn't know what expression I should put on my face but I made sure that I looked annoyed as he stared at me in disbelief.

"You're lucky you're cute," he said flatly and bounded away, finally leaving me alone.

The fact that he gave me his powers was astounding. Feeling another being's powers was different, I didn't know how to describe it. But it felt intimate and my face was burning bright. I cannot understand why he gave his powers so willingly, and I did not want to think too much about it either.

I rang the bell for my Head Court Ladies. Althea came to the room a few seconds after. "Yes, Crown Princess?" she asked as she hovered by my bed. "How are you feeling now?"

"I want food."

She bowed. "Right away, Your Highness."