
Chapter 35

nineteen million eight hundred and sixty thousand seven hundred and six

The college entrance examination will be held tomorrow. It's really so-called "I don't know when the big pain is coming". It's not unusual. I wish I had taken the exam earlier. I was amazed that there were still more than 20 days left. It can be seen that I was tired of fighting and wanted to fight. Review these days, night to 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock, bitter! During the afternoon meeting, my uncle came to me and gave me two melons. In the evening, I couldn't review. I went to watch the video "divine eagle heroes" (21, 22) with Li Erqiao. Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv are really enviable. I bought tickets for "a thousand miles of black colt" and didn't dare to watch it. After coming back, I was a little excited and couldn't sleep, so I had to sit and torture myself, repeating it twice and falling asleep at one o'clock.

19860707--0815 (end of high school diary)


The great college entrance examination has begun. In the morning, Chinese and geography have been passed smoothly, and the examination papers are easy. Pinyin 3 points. After reading Longtou and qinbin, auspicious people have their own heaven. I slept well tonight.


In today's math and English exams, I failed to work out one and a half math questions, but so did others. It doesn't matter. I got a good English test (I think) and God helps me too! Terrible sentence pattern conversion, collocation did not test, but reading comprehension accounted for 30 points, good!

In the past, I asked luozhihua to copy for me. When I was late, I went to the street to eat dumplings. He broke the money (1.5 yuan). I was very upset. I kept trying to report. I invited him today. Two people eat dumplings at home. It seems that they have arrived at their own home. It's very enjoyable. Four bowls (two yuan and twenty-eight cents). Hell, but they are very happy.

I am very upset tonight. It wasn't until three o'clock that I fell asleep.


Such a great college entrance examination has passed. It has been successful in history and politics.

My brother came by tractor to carry things for me. I gave him everything. There were a lot of things. Mr. Fu originally asked me to wait for him at 7:30. He wanted to rewrite a summary for me and discussed to photocopy the award certificate tomorrow morning so that it could be sent to Nantah. Thank him very much. But before 7:50, I probably had something to do, so I watched the videos "the divine eagle Xialv" (25, 26) and "the woman being followed" with Erqiao. I was very happy.

When he came back, he bought melon seeds to eat. Luoshouxi was very upset about his money. Playing cards until four o'clock, I went to Dai Zhaofang's bed because of mosquito nails. I slept alone.


When I got up today, I waited for Mr. Fu. He said he would wait for him at 9 o'clock (he came last night at 9 o'clock and asked my roommate because I was away). He also waited for Mrs. Xi to turn over the key and take back the money. Later, when I came, I rewritten the summary at Mr. Fu's office. He wrote and I copied it. It was really difficult for him.

Mr. Hou Ji came again and wrote the head teacher's opinion, which was very good. Later, I went to the county government with Mr. Fu and zhengrenxiang to make copies. Zhengrenxiang and I had a strange feeling, like a pair of men and women on TV. You know, I never had this opportunity. Maybe in the future.

Later, I went to the Xinhua Bookstore to buy Pushkin's Lyric Poems (Part 2) and the collection of four people, and then I took the bus home.


I have been watching TV for a few days. There are fewer Hong Kong films and none in Japan. The rise of "railway guerrillas" and the like is pure nonsense.


It's really hard. It's only been more than ten days. It seems that after a century, it's hard to wait.


This afternoon, I was watching Red and black. Suddenly, I asked loudly, "is Yimin at home?", After a few questions, my brother went out, and I immediately thought of the college entrance examination scores. Sure enough, as soon as I went out, I saw dingzhuoran, sweating, and told me, "I know your score, and I told you 532". I immediately became happy and smiled. He went to see XURUI. XURUI told him that he was big enough to be recommended. The whole dormitory was talking about me.

Mom was happy too. After a while, my aunt came.

532, the third in the county, with a maximum of 534.

Thank God!

So I decided to look at it clearly.


This morning, I went to see the score. I took the tractor of Genbao Murakami and saw teachers wangyinquan, wangrongpei, jiyanggen, fushaozeng and fanxianglin. They all said that I did well in the exam. NTU only waited for notice. Zhuning 534, zhengrenxiang 533, I 532, Hua Ping 524, Tan Derong 516, Qin Bing 506, Li Erqiao 454, mawenxiang 422, Tang Ping 483, lijinlin 480. They didn't do well in the exam. I'm really sad for them. If it were for me, I would be dead.

In the evening, I listened to the radio. The first batch of liberal arts students were 517, and the second batch of liberal arts students were 538, and the second batch of liberal arts students were 506, and the first batch of liberal arts students were 518. I got 15 points more than the first batch, and I said hello. I'm really relieved. That night, Dad wrote to his brother.


Forget it, this summer vacation, wait, wait, wait.

Wait for grade, wait for notice (Chinese Department of Nanjing University), wait for school.

When they came, they were glad, glad, glad again.

Go to dinner, go to friends and relatives, treat people to sugar.

Forget it, go to the University!

(end of high school diary ----- Part 2 ----- college Diary).