
Ancient evil

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2 Chs

First Born (2)

Going to the store to see the new feature in it he saw it.





Clicking in he saw a message.

<First Guard Catalyst is free. Choose now>

<World Tree

Eldritch Abomination

Mystical Beast Egg

Demon Egg


Looking through them there were 143 options. All of them looked like strong and solid choices. A part of him wanted to just leave this place and explore the world. Another part of him was fascinated with all of this. After all, in his previous life there wasn't anything like this and he was curious to see what it can do. Plus, who knows what the world is like. He may need this power to protect himself. After much contemplation he decided to go with the World Tree. It seemed like a choice that both wouldn't harm him when it grows, and is easy enough to raise. After all, it was just a tree.

Clicking the option he planted a bit far behind the shrine he was living in. As soon as he planted it the roots shot downward locking it into place. It started growing at a visual place. although it wasn't extreme it was startling. At the pace it was going it'd only take a day for it to be taller then Luka. Standing up and stretching Luka started walking towards the forest in the direction the sun was rising from. the path that had one existed was practically grass at this point.

"Its .... so unnaturally quiet." he thought. After what was 30 minutes of slowly walking he came across a village. Looking at the wood that was starting to rot away a passerby would instantly know this place was abandoned. Walking to the first building he came to Luka opened the door. The moment the door was fully swung open he flinched. It fear or anything similar. it was shock. Laying in middle of the room was two skeletons. One laying overtop of the other as if to protect it. The bones on the larger remains had breaks and cracks all over it. Leaving the building he went to the next with a pace that wasn't as relaxed as before. The scene in this one wasn't any better. It was a family of 5. Each destroyed in different ways and one of the larger ones laid under a rope with its arms still tied. As Luka explored the village he came to the conclusion. This wasn't just destruction from a war or a town who died to disaster. This was was a brutal mass murdering of an entire culture. A genocide in its true form. looking back the way he came he noticed that the island was to small to have another village this size, so this was probably everyone. Slowly he walked to the water and looked out. The water seemed to just end. Not in the way it would by bending over the horizon. No it just came to a steep drop. It was then he realized he was completely alone. He stood the looking out into the infinite void lack of all life. No stars, no star, and no life.


Luka laid in the middle of the shrine he started at. its been a month at this point. The three he planed a month ago towered over everything. It pushed into the void and seemed to support the sky above him. Through the gaps in the roof he say the branches sway back in forth. The first week was dedicated to exploring every inch to his new prison. The fact he didn't need to eat or drink became obvious quick. This lack of any needs and companionship encompassed his second and third week. The forth week came down to finding what ever hobbies he could. Singing became one of his few outlets. Maybe even what's keeping him from losing his mind.

Thud thud thud thud.

The sound of what sounded like foot steps running away shocked Luka into sitting up.

"Hel....Hello? ... Can't be..." Luka stood up thinking he finally started to fully lose it. Looking down he saw foot prints on the dust. They led to the tree he planted, so he followed them. As he reached the tree who's top saw no end, he looked up. Every branch had what he could swear to be movement and as his eyes went to look at it, it was no longer there. That was until he looked down. On the side of the tree he saw a person looking at him. While it'd be very difficult to call it a human due to its green skin it was definitely a person. What he saw looked like a girl around the age of 13 years. Green skin that blended in with the grass she stood one and long emerald green hair that reached just past the hips. What should have been the Whites of her eyes was black holding in the gem like green eyes she had. "Who ... are you?"

Knowing she was caught she fused back into the tree.


<First life in Personal domain created>

<Reward Granted>

<Follower enter and exit gate opened>

"Exit gate!> The term exit gate sparked hope in Luka. "Is ... that green girl my follower?"

Heading back to the little temple Luka decided to finally explore this system completely.