
meet Ancellea

   The sky was without a cloud, on the atmomonitors.  The birds chirped their morning song as the sky projected the morning sun.  The house was filled with brilliant colors and it had a metal driveway on it.  A blue car flew onto the driveway, a platform rose and a woman in green came out. She headed to The entrance which had a white DNA scanner. The machine shined a bright light at the women, then turned green.  The door unlocked, it faded away ,she entered, and it reappeared.

   The room has wooden floors, and the wall popped out a hanger for the women's coat. She put it on the hook and it flew up the stairs, that rose from the floor. When it reached the second floor the stairs sunk to their spots. The woman yelled "Ancellea, WAKE UP!". the woman found a button on the wall and pressed it.  Then, an alarm roared upstairs, Thump, "Guh, Mom give me a few more minutes".

    Up stairs in the teenager's room, the teal blue pod shook, it then rose up setting the girl on her feet. In the pod a bar lowered squirting out soap and suds,  the bar then shot out water rinsing her clean. The bar then dried her body with air and a tray of amenities lowered and brushed her teeth, then combed her hair. Finally the pod fed her breakfast. While doing this all, the screen on the pod provided news and entertainment. It gave her the scheduled projections on the atmomonitors and showed her news of what was happening.

    On the screen a man walked to his desk and sat down.  He looked at the screen seriously, then said "Welcome, to Xtreme News!," as a fiery logo flashed across the screen. The news man then hollered,"This is Josh Reality!, Today we are going over the conclusion of the professors!" The screen showed a man with crazy gray hair and a lab coat surrounded by reporters and flashing cambots, "Professor reality! Professor Reality!, the reporters yelled. Cambots flashed and the mic-bot flew in front of the professor.  A reporter asked "What did you conclude about fantasy fiction novels?", The professor answered "We concluded fantasy is just a bizarre combination of ideas, for hope during the desperate days of primitive life. This subject evolved into senseless entertainment over the eras. We will send to the government our program to delete all of this nonsense permanently, and tomorrow at midnight they will run this program."The professor smirked then said "the world is in reality, not fiction so we will use our reality to improve not absurd magic." The screen returned to the news man and he said "Well that's good news!  The world will only get better if we stay in reality!". The pod gave Ancellea her outfit for the day, and she commanded "Open!" to the pod, the door disappeared.

    Out came a girl about to turn 16 with brunette hair with a streak of blonde and brown eyes with a sparkle of bright blue. Her room was blue and all around her there was posters and books about the mystics. A tear dripped down her face, "Why doesn't anyone believe, they exist!" she cried.why would they do this to me, she thought. She questioned if her neuroprojector (a.k.a. N.P.)would blur or even send the police over to destroy them. Then she calmed down and thought if i hide all of my books and posters and take off my neuroprojector before I show their location I should be good. Ancellea typed in midair and a portal popped up, a telecloset.  Ancellea Ran across her room hiding her posters and books in the telecloset. She sent it to the storage unit Y-86483 in space. She felt confident until she heard her mother yelling "Ancellea, you better come down here right this instant!".

Ancellea rushed out of her room and toward the stairs.  The floor lit up and the stairs flew to position, just in time for her to rush down them. She ran to her mother and stopped right in front of her.  Her mother Jade looked furious, they both took a deep breath. Jade looked concerned now, and said softly "I know you're mad, but don't speak a word of your belief to anybody.  If the government finds out, they will arrest you for a life sentence. Just go along with it, i will be removing everything fictional from your room tomorrow in time for your birthday present." Ancellea cried "No, not my scriptures,  Not on my birthday!". Jade responded "I have to it's the only way that, i can guarantee your safety." Ancellea sadly agreed.

Little did her mother know that she actually copied all of her scriptures with a text she knew since she was born.  No one ever taught her this language she just knew it by heart. She realized this language exists when she was two, she found a picture with a fairy, to her it was like the picture spoke to her. It said "I will protect you forever".  Ever since i looked for as much as i could. I got all the mystical texture I could get my hands on. So she left the English scriptures in her room with a few posters, so her mother would believe she was truly destroying her collection.  She was told this day would come and that she should prepare this way that same day she found the fairy picture.

Ancellea grabbed her lunch and a blue Zboard and left saying "Ok, if you have to.". When she got outside she dropped her board on the driveway and commanded "Z on!". The board lit up and buzzed as it hovered above the ground.  Ancellea leaned forward and it Zoomed down the driveway and then she Zboarded to school. She arrived at a huge silver skyscraper that reached the atmomonitors. Of course school was only the 50th floor so she command "trace wing!".  Her Zboard buckled her feet and she lifted her foot as the board followed and flew up the skyscraper. She looked for the open ledge labeled "School". She swiftly directed the board to it and landed with the command "Z off!". The board softly sunk to the ground and she walked into her school.

Some students were whispering and pointing at her, "I hear she still believes in that nonsense like a primitive."Another girl whispered "more like a primate", they giggled. Ancellea held her head down and tried to avoid the gossiping students.  She walked to her locker to put away her zboard. When she got there, her neuroprojecter showed a picture of a stabbed fairy. Then she thought who dare harm a fairy, she was furious. Then suddenly the image disappeared. The warning bell rang so she tossed her stuff in the locker, and ran to class.

She entered the door just as the tardy bell rang.  She nervously awaited for the tardy message to show in her field of vision. She silently walked to her seat next to the window, just as she liked it. When she sat down she noticed it didn't appear, Ancellea smiled and silently cheered "Yes!". She placed her hand on the desk and it started to glow. Her N.P. displayed the bellwork on the desk. She pulled the stylus out of the side of the desk and began to answer the questions. When she finished early she observed the room around her.

She noticed that the grey haired teacher, Mrs. Johnson was wearing a long pink dress with her hair down and long.  The walls were programmed with inspirational posters.There was about twenty other students in the room, but only two of them were her friends, her true friends. They were Foster and jessica, foster had long black hair and jessica has short blond hair.  They both always seem to stay by Ancellea's side. In fact they sat right next to her Foster sat behind her and Jessica sat to the right of her.

Jessica whispered "Did you get the tardy Notification?".Then Ancellea Answered "No, I guess I was just lucky.",They both smiled.  Mrs. Johnson started class with polynomials. Everyone listened to the teacher, well almost everyone. Ancellea and her friends were neuro texting.  To the left of Ancellea's vision was the messages from her friends. She used the desk as a keyboard and mouse.

Ancellea texted a sad emoji, and Jessica responded in concern "I know ur upset, they never understood the power of imagination it's stronger than anything you can program".  Foster texted in response "Magic triggers imagination and imagination can change". Jessica reassured with "No matter what they do, they can never erase your knowledge of the mystics and they can truly never stop you from talking about it". Foster texted "agreed" and they all showed a little smile.

Mrs. Johnson gave them a glare and then asked "How many terms is in 4x^4+7x-12, Ancellea?". She tried to figure it out and she quickly looked around and then she answered "four", the class giggled. Mrs. Johnson then gave her a detention notification.  Her friends asked in unison" How long is your detention?", Ancellea answered "half an hour of etutoring!", "That's not bad." Responded Jessica. Foster whispered "we will meet you when your detention is over.", they all agreed and nodded their heads.

When the  bell rang we l clicked save and then closed.  They got up, and grabbed their lunch, then Ancellea noticed the robot next to the door waiting for her.  She gave her friends a sorry expression and went with the robot to the detention hall. In detention you can't wear neuro projectors. They ask you to put them a basket before entering and they do a scan to check for any other devices.  She then walked inside a room full of cubicles, the robot guided her to cubicle A3. She sat in a metal desk. There was no stylus or screen instead students were handed paper and pencil with a textbook.

The robot said "hello, Ancellea I am roboteacher 24780. I will help you complete your assigned lesson today.", the robot paused then said "You will need to read pages 289-299 first. You have 10 minutes to complete this task." The robot's face turned into a timer and started the countdown. Ancellea rushed to the page and started to read. If she did not complete all the work in time she would have to stay after school until all of the work was finished.

The ten minutes were up and she just finished. "Now it was time for the guided practice"  said the robot, it then printed out a worksheet from its stomach. Ancellea grabbed the paper and a pencil and began to work. The first three problems were very easy now, but the fourth problem made her question her ways.  She then commanded "Roboteacher, I need help with problem four." The robot wrote the problem "find the solutions of y=2x^4+x^2+7" on the whiteboard with a dry erase marker, then it asked "where are you so far?", Ancellea responded with "step two." The robot then explained the pro pen and interactively solved it with its assigned student. Ancellea then finished her work soon after.

Now it is time for the quiz(etutoring in detention requires a completed quiz with a passing grade. The quiz is only review, but there is no help and if you don't pass you will have to go to detention again. She finished the quiz in plenty of time and the robot then scored it. A few seconds later it said "Ancellea, you have failed the quiz you are required to return here tomor..mor..mor.ow"the robot was swinging left to right and was glitching out, then it said "Congratulations, You have passed with a score of %100!, You have completed today's etutoring. You may now leave." She sat there puzzled wondering what happened to the robot, today's robots never make a mistake. After a while she gave up on the idea with her thorough conclusion that she should do what the robot said and leave, so she did.

Ancellea returned to her friends and they started working on the remainder of their lunches. Jessica said "Hi, did the tutoring go well?", Ancellea responded with a smile "yeah, I think so", Foster asked "Did you complete it?", "Yeah, i completed it." answered Ancellea. "It was kinda weird though" she then added. "Weird? How so?" they both asked. She then said "The roboteacher was acting funky near the end, it's no big deal though.". The bell rang and they rushed back to class.

Mrs.johnson started talking about the past, she started with "in the early  2000's life was very different! Cars didn't use ecomotors and fly, instead they had engines that needed Gasoline and it rode on the ground pushing itself with wheels. Can anybody tell me one of the major issues with this?". A few kids rose their hand, including Ancellea. She picked a student named Eric, he got up and answered with "Cars made a greenhouse gas called CO2 they also made many other harmful pollutants and released them into the air, which harmed the environment." He sat down and Mrs. johnson nodded yes. She continued to talk about the early 2000's until the bell rang.

School was over! Ancellea jumped out of her chair and she grabbed her friends by their arms and ran out of the room. Her friends followed as they knew they were visiting her house today.  They smiled and rushed to get their Z-boards. Together they stood on the ledge and commanded "Z on!" they paused then commanded "trace wing!" The boards buckled to their feet and they left. They swiftly z-boarded to her house. When they arrived they stopped and commanded "Z off!" the boards turned off and they entered the house.

This is were the fantasy and sci-fi Genres mix.

ancelleacreators' thoughts
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