

Our third dimensional reality is in a grave danger! Strange creatures filled with ‘Virya’ energy are on their way to cause great destruction. But there are people from a parallel dimension ‘Aayam’, slaying these creatures known as the ‘Astradharis’. In a time of a possibily upcoming apocalypse, two friends, Advitya and Vishva travel to ‘Aayam’ and enter the academy to become the greatest Astradhari and stop the apocalypse.

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The Portal

Advitya didn't get it that why his brother said that and thought the need to speak.

He said, "Hey, Tanmay, why do we need to find the portal?"

Tanmay said with enthusiasm, "This book says that Vishva and Diksha's ancestors lived in another dimension so if we go there they will atleast give them some protection so that both of them can be safe from that freak.

" What about that 'Virya' energy?" asked Advitya, "We shouldn't ignore the warning!"

"If their ancestors lived there they should also have some of it too," said Tanmay.

Vishva patted Tanmay and said, "Oo, smart boy!" "Hehehe... th.. thanks" said Tanmay smiling.

"This can be a risky gamble. We should do a little research about it first," said Advitya, being very cautious.

"Okay, okay we'll do it. We'll get more information about it in this book. The main problem is that the portal can be in any part of the world," said Vishva.

"But we cannot search all around the Earth. It would take more than a lifetime!" said Diksha.

Suddenly they heard an unknown voice, "I can take you all to the portal if you want to go there that much."

When they turned, they saw a mid - teen girl with long black hair and light brown eyes.

In a glimpse both Advitya and Tanmay recognised her and said, "Di! What are you doing here?" It was none other than their elder sister, Sakshi!

( 'Di' means elder sister in common Hindi)

"Yesterday, Grandpa got a letter regarding your suspension so he got worried and sent me here," said Sakshi.

"But.... but how do you know about the portal," asked Advitya.

"There are some things in this existence far beyond your imagination," said Sakshi in a very serious tone, "Anyways, who are these two?"

"They are our friends, Vishva and Diksha," said Tanmay.

"By the look of your faces it seems like you have been expelled as well, right," said Sakshi, making fun of them.

They nodded their heads and told every bit of what happened. It was as if Sakshi was figuring out something while listening to them.

After listening the whole matter she said, "It is not safe to stay here for even a minute now. You're lucky to have come out alive. Come on, follow me."

As they moved forward they saw a humongous tree which was branching out over a very large area. In the east side, it had a large opening. It was indeed the portal!

As they reached near the tree, Sakshi turned back and said, "Before entering this portal, there are few things that I need to tell you. First, do not panic, second, stay focused and calm and third, try to live in that dimension until I find you."

"This is such a horrific advice," exclaimed Vishva.

And so, they entered the portal.

End of Chapter Four