
An Underwordly Revenge

*** NOTICE *** This book will no longer be continued, so do not read it. If you are a writer and are looking for ideas, feel free to use it for reference or to continue its story. *** UPDATE *** There is a possibility of me resuming the story. Please let me know if you've read, enjoyed, and would like me to resume the story.

Zedicus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs



"Hello, Sister," a petite figure voiced as she walked into a large dark room. The only source of light was an ethereal-looking candle that stood in the far corner, its fire glowing in an otherworldly manner, making things hard to see. The petite figure who strode in had two short horns on her head and a beautiful face that was contrasted by a sinister smile. She had a very revealing ensemble as she wore what seemed like a stylized version of rags that seemed to barely cover her private regions.

Deep in the room, sat another beautiful lady with a curvaceous body and two long horns, which bent backwards into her hair. She wore a tight black jumpsuit that covered every part of her body but portrayed her curvaceous figure perfectly. Her lips were painted black, and she had a stern looking face, which could make people judge themselves as soon as they laid eyes on her. In her hand was a musky-looking goblet, which she slowly sipped from before replying to the greeting, "What do you want?"

"Why, can't I have a little chat with my sister?" The petite figure said, pretending to be hurt.

"I do not have time for your games right now," the curvaceous lady said as she continued sipping whatever liquid she had in her goblet.

The petite figure chuckled, "Fine. You are no fun, you know. " Then she walked up to the lady and sat by her side. "How are you feeling today?" she asked.

"I'm fine." the stern lady replied coldly.

"That's good, that's good..." the petite figure commented, then smiled. "Our queen sister hasn't returned for a long time. It's been 10 years already." she stated.

"She has her own agenda. There is nothing we can do about it." The stern lady retorted and didn't look bothered.

"You know, overlooking this place without a leader gets harder as time passes. The damned will catch wind of this soon, and a riot might rise soon. Someone has to fill the throne and keep them back in check." The petite lady said suggestively.

"Are you saying you are unable to do your job properly?" the stern lady said with a quizzical look as she starred at the petite lady.

"Of course not. Do I look like I can't handle a few worried souls? All I am saying is, we will need someone sooner or later with the authority of a queen to handle... serious cases." the petite lady quickly explained.

"Then all you have to do is wait for your queen to return. She will not be gone forever." the stern lady replied and returned back to her goblet.

The petite lady stayed silent for a moment before finally sighing. "Just look at her. It doesn't look like she will be coming back anytime soon. I wonder why she insisted on possessing that human." she said as she looked towards the other side of the room where a large throne chair stood with a faint light surrounding it.

On it sat a voluptuous and gorgeous woman with her legs crossed, which further exposed her figure perfectly. Unlike the other two ladies in the room, she had no horns on her head but rather had long white hair that flowed down her shoulders. She wore a black vinyl-looking bodysuit with laced up sides and a contrasting red trim, but her legs were exposed. The sleeves were long and puffy and equally had a red laced up detail with a tall, oversized collar that surrounded the back of her neck. He eyes were closed, almost like she was in a deep sleep, with a single hand supporting her head as her elbow rested on the arm of the chair.

"Instead of waiting for her to return, which could possibly never happen, why not take her place, sister?" the petite lady suggested again.

"Are you saying I should betray my queen?" The stern lady stopped her drinking and turned to look at the petite lady with fierce eyes.

"You are next in line, after all, and she can't do anything at the moment. Isn't it right to claim what is rightfully yours? Like it or not, we can't keep going on without a leader. It will be rather dangerous when things finally get out of hand because they always do." the petite lady retorted exasperatedly.

"I will pretend like this discussion never happened." the stern lady said, then stoop up and left.

The petite lady sighed and looked at the queen sitting silently on the throne with a wonderous gaze, seemingly contemplating what to do. At that moment, the queen's face twitched for a split second before returning to its normal state. The petite lady narrowed her eyes as she noticed it, but shrugged and left, thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her.


Back in the arena, Albus watched as Aeryn flew through the air and landed with a resounding thud and never moved again.

"Aeryn!" He screamed as he began to run towards his son but was stopped by Al'Lan, who tried to hold him back.

"You need to calm down! He isn't dead yet, so we have to stay focused on Bulhar, lest he repeats the same move again." Al'Lan screamed as he tried holding Albus back.

"How dare you. Get out of my way!" Albus chimed as he pushed Al'Lan aside but before he could resume his movement, Bulhar appeared before Aeryn again, picked him up and threw him against the wall, seemingly not caring for the fact that he couldn't move any longer.

Seeing this, Albus' eyes darkened. The sound of the crowd's cheering slowly faded away, and all he could hear was the sound of his own heart beating loudly and with increasing intensity. Tendrils of black vapor began to escape from the corners of his eyes, and his breathing began to quicken.

"That's right, keep going. I've missed this side of you for so long. Let it flow. Let the anger flow. They are all beneath you. No one in this world should be able to make you feel so much pain. You have the power. Just let your anger control you, and everything will be fine." Jezebelle churned in his head as she began to feel the anger and hatred residing within him. You would see the smile on her face if she had a physical body.

Around him, Al'Lan was flung backwards as waves of magical energy emanated from Albus as he stood with a murderous look in his eyes. His whole aura became visible, and it looked like black tendrils of smoke were continuously sipping out of his body. A large crater could be seen where he stood, and the arena began to tremble lightly.

"Oh no, I think history is about to repeat itself again. This doesn't look good."

"Do you think we should leave? I think we should leave."

"... oh, my last savings, I am cursed!"

The crowd began to speak amongst themselves, feeling very unsure of what might happen.

Feeling the light tremors, Bulhar finally turned and faced Albus as he uttered in a growly deep voice, "Ah, yes. Now I can finally play with you."

He quickly brandished his huge sword and held it before him to block Albus' punch, who had seemingly appeared before him in the twinkle of an eye and threw a punch at him. The force from the punch was so heavy that it pushed Bulhar a few meters backward, and a resounding crack could be heard as the sword couldn't bear the weight of the blow fully.

"Seems I won't be needing this any longer," he said as he threw the sword away and looked at Albus who was quickly dashing towards his direction with lifeless eyes and the same incredible speed which he used earlier. He quickly crossed his arms before him to block another blow from Albus which pushed him backwards again and his back hit against the wall causing the area to shake violently as a few scattered rocks broke loose from the wall.

Albus then quickly used magic to levitate the fallen rocks and flung them at an incredible speed towards Bulhar, which caused a rumbling as the rocks stroke against him on the ground Soon, he was absolutely covered by rocks with no sign of escaping or even surviving.

With that out of the way, Albus turned and faced the crowd, ready to strike like a trapped bear who had been caged for too long. He then suddenly flew up with incredible speed only to be hit by an impenetrable barrier, which made him stagger in the air for a short moment. Noticing that his path was blocked, he began to relentlessly fire at the barrier, alternating from elemental magic to using his fists.

"Oh no, we are doomed for sure. We are doomed!"

"I sure hope that barrier holds. If not, then this is the end for us. It's too late to run now."

"... my savings... "

The crowd murmured worriedly amongst themselves as they watched Albus smash against the barrier, no sign of stopping at any moment. But suddenly a huge surge of bright magical energy exploded throughout fighting area and Albus turned around to find Bulhar hovering above the ground, his body covered in what looked like a golden aura as he growled at Albus in his signature deep voice.

"Your fight is with me, boy..."