
(4) Short Story: The Darkness

Going back in time a little...

-Well, before we merge, can you say why you chose me over one of the other 3?

-Oh it's simple, your soul, among all 4, is the most compatible with mine

-Compatible souls?

-Yes yes, basically each soul has different frequencies and amounts of energy. And yours, for some reason, has compatibility with "darkness"

--Yeah...that's explained...Anyway, before trying to make this bizarre fusion, can you explain to me about your "magical powers" and the energy you absorbed?

-Don't worry, just like me, when you unite with her, you'll instinctively know how to control it.

-But what does it do?

-Well, I can try to explain...Basically it's invisible energy, but you can condense it and create something physical.

-How do you know it's something physical, if you said that only our souls are here?

-Only our souls are here, but this is not a completely spiritual environment. It even has a floor if you travel down for a few years.

-Oh, I'll pass, thank you .

-Well, besides, it can also be used as energy. Like for example mana, if there is magic in the world you go to.

-Manna? It really is a damn isekai. Well... I think I'll try to fly when I get there.

-If you have air, you can always create wings.

-And if there is no air in that world?!

-Probably you won't die. This energy can sustain your body too.

-Wow...this power seems incredible.

-Isn't it? hehe

Well... I think it's no use suspecting that voice anymore, after all, if she doesn't want to, I'm not leaving here. At least, with this fusion, I gain some cool powers.

-Okay, let's do this, Vegeta!


-Forget it, just let's do it soon.

-Alright, here I come...

Suddenly, I feel a strange chill. It's like something directly injected into my soul...

Too much information enters my mind at once, as if I've remembered something I already knew.

Using this ability became instinctive, like moving an arm. I could instantly control this whole place...

The voice is gone... Lost its memories, and joined me. It's like it just died

I confess that I was a little sad...

I could only stop time in this place... so I decided to stay there for a while... thinking... testing the powers. Even without seeing, I could understand the environment very well.

As I played with these powers I couldn't see, I began to reflect. About this new world, about my world, about the people who summoned me and their selfishness. I thought about the voice...about my sister...my mother...

-Well...maybe I don't find a cliché situation. It could be an accidental invocation, or it could be someone really desperate, if that's the case…


As I flew through the night sky, already far away from that Kingdom, I thought to myself

-No, it really was the same cliché situation I expected 

Looks like it's going to be a long, long journey, wherever I'm going to.

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