
An Uchiha With A System.

Read the Journey Of Kaiten Uchiha, a prodigy whose mother died during the kyuubi attack, he was a cold hearted and ruthless shinobi, but things take a turn when he receives a system that helps with alot of things.... Read this to find out what happens. Open for suggestions.

sPenK_XD · Komik
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6 Chs

The Meeting



Chapter 2: Meeting of the Uchiha

Kaiten Uchiha halted his training as he sensed the approach of three individuals. His Sharingan, always vigilant, had already analyzed their chakra signatures. The two powerful ones were unmistakably Itachi and Shisui, elite members of the Uchiha clan, each possessing formidable abilities. But it was the presence of Sasuke, a kid about his age, that piqued Kaiten's interest.

With a calculated glance, Kaiten assessed their appearances. Itachi, the older of the two, had a stoic demeanor and an air of seriousness that seemed beyond his years. Sasuke, on the other hand, had spiky black hair and a more youthful aura, but there was a determination in his eyes that hinted at his potential.

As they approached, Shisui, the third member of their group, took a step forward and regarded Kaiten with a scrutinizing gaze. "Who are you, kid?" he asked bluntly.

Kaiten met Shisui's gaze with a cold, unwavering demeanor. "Kaiten," he replied simply, his Sharingan spinning lightly in his eyes.

Shisui's eyes narrowed as he analyzed Kaiten. "Kaiten, huh? You've got the Sharingan. Impressive for someone your age."

Kaiten's response was a curt nod. He had no intention of offering unnecessary information.

Itachi, the reserved and enigmatic Uchiha, observed Kaiten with a careful gaze, his eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of Kaiten's Sharingan. He remained silent, allowing Shisui to take the lead.

Sasuke, who had been quietly observing the conversation, finally spoke up. "I'm Sasuke. I want to get stronger too," he declared with determination in his voice. "I won't let my older brother outshine me."

Kaiten acknowledged Sasuke's declaration with a cold, piercing gaze. " We'll see if you can keep up."

Shisui, recognizing the tension in the air, decided to break the ice with a smirk. "Enough talk. Kaiten, how about you show us what you're made of in a spar? It's the best way to truly understand your skills."

Ding! Quest Alert!

Impress Shisui with your abilities.

Reward :

5000 EXP

+200 Reputation With Shisui

+100 Reputation With Itachi

Fire Style : Fire Phoenix Jutsu Scroll.

Failure :

-100 Reputation with all three.

3000 EXP.


Kaiten quickly accepted the quest and looked at shisui, "Very well," Kaiten gets into his taijutsu stance, "Get ready."

Shisui smirks and itachi just sighs at the unnecessary spar. Shisui walks forward, "Hey brat, say what, if you can impress me, I'll give you the scroll to a fire jutsu."

Kaiten nodded and rushed towards shisui, aiming to kick him in the ribs, but shisui just deflected his kick but had a impressed and shocked look on his face, "That speed and strength is impressive kid," Shisui smirked, "let's see what else you can do, meanwhile he thought 'that speed and strength! Even itachi and weren't that strong when we were his age, and the fact this brat has a two tomoe sharingan at such an early age.'

Kaiten narrowed his eyes and quickly jumped back and starting pump chakra into his chest, "Fire Style : Grand Fireball Jutsu!" Kaiten sucked in air and released a gigantic fireball as big as house towards Shisui.

Shisui, itachi and sasuke all where instantly shocked at the sight, the kid just made this fireball without any handsigns! Shisui quickly dodged the fireball and grinned as he saw Kaiten rushing towards him, "I am impressed kid!" Said shisui as kaiten rushed towards him and began an onslaught of attacks as shisui dodged and deflected them.

Kaiten grunted and jumped as his taijutsu was rendered useless in front of shisui, 'I guess is time to test that technique...' He thought as he concentrated his chakra into his hands and turned it into lightning chakra, "Lightning Style: Lightning Wolves!" He shouted as his hands cracked with lightning and the lightning transformed into two wolves which immediately

rushed towards Shisui.

Shisui's eyes widened at that technique, 'That's an High B Rank Technique! Only High Chunnin And Above Can Use It! Just what is this kid!' He thought but he quickly rushed forward at blinding speeds immediately attacking the two lightning wolves dispelling them, only itachi was able to see it and kaiten only saw a blur, to sasuke it was an flash of light.

Chapter 2 (Continued)

Kaiten's Lightning Wolves were impressive, but Shisui's incredible speed and reflexes allowed him to counter the technique with ease. He continued to evade Kaiten's attacks, but there was a growing sense of respect and intrigue in his eyes.

Itachi, who had been silently observing the spar, couldn't help but acknowledge Kaiten's potential. The fact that this young Uchiha possessed such advanced techniques at his age was remarkable.

Sasuke, while struggling to keep up with the speed of the battle, watched in awe as his new acquaintance unleashed his arsenal of jutsu. He was determined to reach Kaiten's level one day.

As the spar continued, Kaiten pushed himself to his limits, unleashing a combination of fire and lightning jutsu. Shisui, while still deflecting and dodging, began to notice the strain on Kaiten. The young Uchiha was using a considerable amount of chakra to maintain this level of offense.

Ding! Quest Complete!

Kaiten's relentless attacks and impressive techniques had left a lasting impression on Shisui.


5000 EXP

+200 Reputation With Shisui

+100 Reputation With Itachi

Fire Style: Fire Phoenix Jutsu Scroll

As the spar finally concluded, Kaiten stood before Shisui, breathing heavily but with a sense of accomplishment. Shisui wore a grin, genuinely impressed by the young Uchiha's abilities.

"Kid, you're something else," Shisui admitted, clapping Kaiten on the shoulder. "You've earned this." He handed Kaiten the Fire Phoenix Jutsu Scroll.

Kaiten accepted it with a nod of gratitude and respect towards Shisui. "Thank you, Shisui."

Itachi, who had maintained his silence throug?hout the spar, finally spoke. "You have potential, Kaiten. Don't let it go to waste."

Sasuke, still catching his breath, chimed in with determination. "I'll train hard and catch up to both of you." Sasuke voice was tinged with jealousy, but Kaiten ignored him, he was far too weak right now for his attention.

Shisui looked at Kaiten, "kid, care to join me in training tommorow?" Asked shisui.

Kaiten's answer was a simple nod, shisui grinned and patted him on the back, "Alright! See you tommorow!"

Kaiten nodded and turned around and started walking towards his house.

Fast forward.

Kaiten's impressive performance in the spar had earned him not only the respect of Shisui and Itachi but also the opportunity to train with Shisui in the days to come. As he made his way back home, Kaiten couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. He had taken a step closer to his goal of becoming a powerful shinobi.

Arriving at his home, Kaiten wasted no time in claiming the rewards he had earned from the spar:


- 5000 EXP

- +200 Reputation With Shisui

- +100 Reputation With Itachi

- Fire Style: Fire Phoenix Jutsu Scroll

Ding! Host's Level Has Increase By Two.

Kaiten decided to immediately explore the newly acquired Fire Phoenix Jutsu. With a simple click, he began absorbing the knowledge from the scroll into his mind.

[Fire Style: Fire Phoenix. Level 1 (0/80)

A Fire technique in which the user fires several fireballs at the opponent to cause damage.]

As the information flowed into him, Kaiten couldn't help but be intrigued by the potential of this new jutsu. Fire had always fascinated him, and he was determined to master it.

Ding! Another Scroll Detected! Turning it into EXP.

With another click, Kaiten absorbed the contents of the scroll, further enhancing his understanding of fire jutsu.

Ding! The Level Of Fire Style: Fire Phoenix Has Increased by 10!

A triumphant grin crossed Kaiten's face as he felt the power of the Fire Phoenix technique grow within him.

"Status," he called out, eager to see how his recent experiences had shaped him.

Kaiten Uchiha.

Level 9 (61%)

STR: 161

DEX: 157

AGI: 159

DURA: 160

END: 155

WIS: 132

INT: 130

Perks: Fire Expert, Lightning Expert, Taijutsu Beast, and Ninjutsu Master.

Title: Legendary Prodigy.

Effects: Double Tomoe Sharingan. (+20 All Physical Stats, Very High Visual Prowess and Perception Ability, Ability To Copy Techniques.)

Legendary Prodigy (+40% Damage And Exp To Everything)

Ryo: 300000 (He has Uchiha funds)

With his increased level, enhanced attributes, and newfound jutsu, Kaiten felt more confident than ever. The path to becoming a formidable Uchiha shinobi was unfolding before him, and he was determined to rise to the challenge.

As the night settled over the Uchiha compound, Kaiten contemplated the training session with Shisui tomorrow. He knew that the academy was also starting in a week even though the minimum age was 6, he was more than sure that the uchiha elders can pull some strings if he just convinced them.