
Knockout 2

"Then, good luck."

As Izuna stared at Koji, waiting for the announcer to stop talking and start the match, he couldn't help but think:

'I'm not going to go easy on this guy just because he's a Konoha shinobi, but before I attack, I will let him make the first move, see how he fights and what his abilities are.'

"Fight!" The announcer said, before jumping away, making space for Izuna and Koji to fight.

As soon as he heard the signal, Koji dashed right at Izuna with a kunai. As a respone, Izuna dodged his attack before taking out his own kunai and standing prepared for the next move.

Seeing this, Koji tried to move in on Izuna again, slashing left and right continuously with his weapon. Even without the Sharingan active, dodging such slow attacks was no problem for Izuna.

After Koji failed a couple more attacks, he jumped back, trying to rethink his strategy.

Izuna, seeing this, showed a smirk before throwing a smoke bomb between him and Koji. The smoke soon covered a large part of the arena before it dispersed, showing Koji in a defensive stance with his kunai readied and Izuna staring right at him, seemingly not moved from his spot.

"What is this, some sort of trick? You'll pay for mocking me, Uchiha!" he said before weaving hand signs.

"Take this, Futon: Daitoppa!" (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!)

Quickly activating his Sharingan, Izuna looked focused before his eyes started spinning and he found himself copying Koji's movements.

"Futon: Daitoppa!" he yelled back, before the two Wind Style jutsu clashed in the middle of them, cancelling each other out.

"Amazing! Three-Tomoe Sharingan at his age! The Prodigy of the Uchiha!" could be heard from the stunned audience.

"You... you're only strong because of your bloodline, you jerk! You people think you are so great, but you don't need to put in any work to achieve what normal people train years for!!" Koji yelled, angrily.

Soon, he dashed at Izuna and somehow spun around him, grabbing him by the neck.

Then, he pushed Izuna to the ground. The audience was silent. "What's going on?" they were wondering.

"You should just leave this village! You and your eyes... I know what they can do! I may be a child but my father always treated me like an adult. I know that you were the ones behind the Nine-Tails disaster! You bastards killed my parents that night! You should leave! NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE!!"




"Wh-... What?!..." Koji said, lacking the power to yell anymore.



"You said your parents died, right?... Then...

There won't be anyone missing you..." Izuna whispered slowly, coldly into his ear.

While Koji was busy yelling, he didn't notice that the Izuna he was holding down on the ground was a Shadow Clone and that the real one was right behind him, his arm covered in lightning nature chakra.

Before he could turn around now, to see Izuna's face, he realised the reason he heard that *thump* earlier and felt so weak was because the lightning coated arm was impaled into his torso, piercing straight through his heart and coming out the other side, with blood sprayed all over the ground.

As he realised all this, he slowly lost consciousness and fell down on the ground, where the clone stood earlier.

"M-... Match over. Winner by... knockout is... Izuna Uchiha..."


"Knockout?! The kid is dead! This Izuna is truly ruthless!"

"What a monster! He ended that genin's life in a second!..."

"He didn't think even for a second. He went straight for the kill..."

The members of the audience were shocked that a kid so young could do something so brutal with no remorse whatsoever. He just killed another Konoha genin, after all.


"Never talk about my clan like that, you useless waste of time..." Izuna whispered into Koji's dead body's ear before turning around and leaving towards the sidelines, turning his back to the announcer's shocked face.

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