
An idiot, an imbecile, a mess.

Imagine your entire social life falling apart like Jenga blocks at the drop of a hat and having to suffer the fallout because you go to school with those people and you just have to deal with it because you're too anxious to actually do anything about it. Welcome to my shitty life. Hi, I'm Vee, and this is basically an online diary telling a story about betrayal, true friends, and all the gross real life stuff that no one seems to bring up. !TW! : venting, self harm, swearing, abuse, manipulation, gaslighting Started: March 6, 2022 Ended: -- (Just an fyi, this is an actual situation going on with me, the author)

M4YB3_V3RT1G0 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Entry 4: It’s Never Gonna End.


Okay, so, what did I learn today?

2 things.

1, apparently I'm scary when I'm mad

2, Ari is a bitch.

Now, you probably don't know who Ari is because I don't think she in the list of people that were apart of the situation, but I'll explain her now.

Ari kinda just lingers around the group every once in a while, Yk, not quite anyones friend, but no one particularly dislikes her.

So, TODAY, It was break, and it was a weird day because we had 2 3rd period classes for pre caasp testing (cali standard tests), but anyway, our break was the same time and I decided to open the monster I brought with me to school.

Im standing there with it in my hand and Kyle grabs it and takes a sip. Not a big one, but he did yank it outta my hands, so I was kinda upsetti.

I looked at him and was like, "Bro, you didn't even ask-" and he looked back at me and went "oh sorry, can I have some?" And so I said no.

Then I turned away and wiped the rim of the can so his nasty mouth germs wouldn't be there, but I wasn't gonna drink straight from it anyway since Kyle put his mouth on it.

So instead of a straight waterfall, I put my bottom lip to the outer rim of the can without my top lip touching the part Kyle drank from.

Right as the liquid poured out, someone smacked the bottom of the can aggressively and it spilled all over my face and partly onto my shirt.

I whipped around and saw Ari with a giggle smirk on her face.


Then she started actually laughing.

I stormed off to the trash can and SLAMMED the monster can in there. There was still some still in it, so it got on my sleeve and I started fuming even more.

Then I went to grab my bag to leave and my friend came with me, Yk, as a normal friend would do.

Then as I'm grabbing my bag, Ari comes up to me.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but you gotta admit, that was kinda funny." -Ari

"No it wasn't! I almost fucking choked!!" -Me

"You can't choke on something you drink." -Ari

"Yeah, ya can." -Me

"You're just being dramatic." -Ari

So I just stormed off because I didn't wanna hear any more shit.

But she went back to the table, and that's when even more shit went down.