

I met Ernst a year back. He was the "odd" one among all of my big group acquaintances. He has this jet-black hair that was accompanied by dark spectacles, brown eyes and a winsome smile which by far, complemented his modest look, even though he doubts it.

We were the ones that could be called a bodacious duo. But couldn't see each other everyday which made us quite sad. Though, we meet once every week or two to spend some time playing around with wooden sticks, swinging them around like swords.

Playing around the river, cupping the water with our hands and throwing it at each other, pretending they were projectiles that dealt magic damage and such.

We both had busy lives, lots to do, even though we're barely even halfway through being under-age. Yeah most of it was home work.

Eventually, we grew with each other. We got to know each others pasts, our likings, hobbies and our past girl crushes. He instantly became my best friend in a matter of days.

"Hiem flatus!" Ern's right arm glowed a bright icy gust. The atmosphere around his arm were as cold as a winter's storm

"We planned this a hundred times, practiced this a thousand. We'll have him breathless in a second" But he breathed heavily, his chest puffed the second he saw the cloaked phantom materialize out of nothing

"Ready when you are" I cupped his shoulders for a moment and stared at his blank gaze. His breath formed a cloudy, cold gust. He was breathing uncontrollably, already seemed to be out of breath.

I was also nervous, knowing that all of the months we did practicing our patterns of attack, methods of escape and a few tricks off our sleeve come down to this very moment. And the only moment we'll ever have left.

He closed his eyes and fell silent. So did the entire meadow. No songs of crickets, no sounds of brushing grass, not even a single whistle of air. He held in a deep breath and stood still, arms as limp as tall grass.

This relaxed state was his technique that he also had practiced for months. His aura became murderous, lethal. Nothing can go an inch above his skin. Else, if something did happen to touch him, it would be lying on the ground lifeless.

This was his "Ars arcanum" or his talent. Even i had stepped away from him the moment he started his breathing mantra. Though he looked at me for a moment and smiled, grabbing a hold of my arm. To my surprise, nothing happened to me.

I became an exception. I smiled back.

I placed my foot on the ground, on my sprinting position. The phantom was just a few meters away.

Starting from our distance, i can get there just in time to give the continuous rain of blows.

We knew what would happen, his patterns of attacks, his speed and dexterity as we already fought with him last time...

last time...

Ernst had started sprinting towards the phantom. Icy trails of magic travelled through the air as he dashed forward. His eyes locked on to his first crucial target, its head.

As soon as Ern leaps off the ground, the phantom should be moving to the right to dodge. So i started sprinting around his back and readied my right fist.

I know everything is going to be as planned. It's going to work. It has too.

But i had sensed something off. I instantly felt as if my head had suddenly became as light as air. Something was out of place.

We had already practiced this a thousand times to a dummy target, our actions were to be as precise as shooting an apple over a man's head with a bow and arrow.

One small flaw and it's over for the both of us.

Ern had left the ground without a trace of wind, soared up high and clenched his fist. He started diving down fast, like an eagle hunting its prey. His main target locked in sight.

This was the time for me to enter the lethal distance of the phantom, between six to ten meters where he is capable of delivering attacks.

I clenched my right fist as hard as i could and dashed towards his back.

He should move any second now.

But then it struck me. He hasn't moved am inch at all.

The phantom had turned to me in an instant, my heart pounded as the two blood stained orbs inside his hood glowed a bright red.

I couldn't stop sprinting. I was still charging towards him with my firm grip ready. I had lost all control of my limbs and i hardly even noticed. My eyes were only things that were conscious.