
fussy classroom

As the day1 passed out as an exhausted one, all the oldies in the class ,the next day itself made out a self intro to all the new ones in there own way so as to mingle with them.Even though ,the teachers who came in, started their lessons one-by-one , no one took notice of it ,as they were busy in their own work of making new pals.

A joyful class was made just two weeks later ,as everyone was at their brim of talking ; for the book smarts it means their subjects, and for others like Riya &Hisha it was their gossip times!

Days passed by, the messy classes were filled with texts, assignments, record works and so on...

By the time Riya noticed the changes that happened to Hisha in her character , as she found Hisha moving towards a group of girls who were found as the trouble makers of the whole class. She found Hisha having her comfort zones with them and once asked her about this.The rejection Riya faced from her best friend made her realise not to interfere anymore in Hisha's matters.But losing her best friend meant a lot to her . She found herself depressed and alone in the whole class. The jolly class turned a hollow one to her just because as she lost her friend.

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