
An Afterlife’s Life

Pazu, an orphan from the year 2367 had died, and now is sent to the so-called afterlife.

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7 Chs

Still Blind

The unconscious soul of Pazu is currently erratically soaring through the skies, well until it hit some sort of invisible wall?

But simply because it wanted to, the soul decided to not move on but instead force it's way through, and somehow it worked!

Pazu's life would finally begin without anything holding him back! Albeit his life would start weirdly enough in the afterlife.

# Year XXXX - Eurasia, Barren Soul Outskirts - 6 : 28 p.m # 

"Too much light.. Must move immediately" slurred Pazu in his unawakened state.

Yet to no avail, no matter which direction he went into light still crept into his pupils. Still in his asleep state he rose fuming.

Angry from the disruption of his sleep due to the sunlight rippling into his eyes, the young boy stood up even higher yet he suddenly made a face as if he had a been sent an prophecy from God.

'Ah! Wait a minute! Weren't I literally just dead? And most importantly why am I naked?! Was I captured by 'them' again!'

In fact Pazu, as a seemingly easy prey has been captured numerous times by slavers in his ruined city. To slavers, he seemed like abandoned child due to his down-right horrendous odour.

And it doesn't help that he just naturally looks feminine, with his neck-long black hair, smooth slightly tanned skin and his small bodily proportions due to starvation which aids at rising the selling prices for the Monthly Auction.

Pazu subconsciously had been never happier, not only was his life sustained but his only visible wound is a slight scar on his stomach, all other of his scars had disappeared entirely.

| General POV |

While pondering of possible explanations for his mysterious rebirth, Pazu is seen by a mysterious leather-armoured man who hurriedly rushes to him.

"Hey! Kid! You there!"

Startled, Pazu poses in his defensive form which in all honesty is less-effective than just laying down and waiting for death, but in terms of appearance it is quite menacing.

"Who are you?" 

"Hold on! I'm just you're average neighbourhood scout guard, Okay? Did you just come here or are you a stripper? From you're speech it seems you just came."

Not wanting to seem suspicious the boy had chosen to be a word he had no knowledge of… yet. 

"I'm simply a stripper" He had said with a serious tone attempting to seem intimidating in order to gain the enough momentum to redirect a question at him.

Nonetheless the guard had pulled up his hand in search of something of which he had no knowledge of.

"Kid, follow me." The guard said with a heavy sigh.

"Why though?"

"So I can get you approved by the Ministry of Souls"

And with no words spoken he took out a cloak from seemingly nowhere and covered me with it.

If the boy had looked closely, which he couldn't, he would've seen the mysterious "I" hanging of the guard's belt.

Shocked, he decided not to speak ill to this.. magician? 'No, maybe it was a trick. I'll ask later.' He thought.

# A Tiny Time-skip Later #

| Pazu POV | 

After few minutes of walking, I found myself in front of an imposing gate, although that's what I thought it was since I still can't see without my glasses as inconveniently my disabilities went alongside me to the afterlife.

"Hey Adam! Is that a new soul?"

"Yep, seems like quite a foolish one though"

Feeling insulted I nearly elbowed his family jewels, but sometimes listening to just my instinct can lead to horrible things so I contemplated to my brain which said quote on quote.

"Do it"


End of Chapter

(Author) I'm going on a murder spree for this night to find if i enjoy writing or not.