
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit.(Forbidden Love.)Chapter 6

All this time Melissa was starring at her, she knew that feeling way too well, this two are in love.

After that Meli said goodbye to to them then left.

"How are you?" Demetrius greeted her taking a seat across her.

"Good." good was her short reply.

Demetrius sat down took one of the apple and started butting and chewing as she watched, she was staring at his lips when he suddenly lick his lips and looked at her and their eyes met.

Melissa swallowed hard then looked away.

'Shit, what was she doing.' she cursed inwardly.

Meanwhile Helena went to her garden and found Alex standing there tall, his one hand on his back and the one caressing her flowers.

"Did you wait for long Alex." She asked with a smile.

"No,,he turned with a wide smile, showing off his white teeth,,and how is my future wife doing?" he asked putting the flower behind her ear and she blushed.

"I am doing fine, I was just missing you." He stated shyly.

"Oh, is that so Lena." He asked seductively closing the gap between them.

"Alex, stop someone might see us." She was blushing hard.

"I don't see anyone around." he stated looking around then encircled her and brought her closer to him as he kissed her passionately just when the kissing was getting heated they heard the foot steps coming towards them and they quickly pushed each other away and pretended like they said something amusing

"Alex meet my wife Melissa." Demetrius introduced, as she approached them.

"Nice to meet you my lady." He stated with courtesy.

"Nice to meet you Alex."

Alex was kind and charming man, he was going to be the next duke. The two men just got engaged in talking politics and businesses. While the two ladies just gossiped sitting not far away from the men.

"What do you think of Alex?" Melissa asked staring at the two men who were busy talking.

"I think he is a good man." he stated gazing at the two men then glance at Demetrius who was nodding to the things Alex was saying.

"Yes he is, i can't wait to marry him."

"You love him don't you?" Melisa knew the answer but she just wanted to confirm.

"Yes very much I can't imagine my life without him, I want to wake up next to him every day."

That brought a Deja vu to her, she remembered telling her Nanny that one day about Lukas.

After lunch the day went smoothly until dinner, after dinner they retired to their chambers with Helena dreaming about her prince charming.

That night Melissa decided that she was going to visit that place tomorrow.

The next morning as usual they had breakfast in their chamber.

Demetrius was enjoying eating in their chamber with her despite her quite ness, he prefer ating with her like this everyday as long as he could escape his brother's glare but even by now he was used to.

After breakfast Prince Demetrius left, Melissa went to the garden, after some time she sent the two handsmaid away, after she made sure that no one was watching she sneaked out of the palace while the guards were still having breakfast.

Since she didn't have money to pay for the ride to where she was going, she decided to pay with one of her jewelry and not long she was there. She covered herself very well not to be recognized.

Outside the hut, their were some smokes coming out it was like someone was cooking. 'as he healed that first that he can cook' she asked herself.

The hut was giving her a bad feeling, something in her head told her to go back but something told her just to face this once and for all. After staring at it for a while she decided to go.

The hut was tiny, the roof was made of grass and the walls had many holes she wondered how someone could live there.

"Lukas." she called several times but their was no answer. The feeling was growing stronger and stronger.

"t looks like no one is here I should probably go back." she muttered but she couldn't go back not without seeing him he was dying to see him even if it was a glimpse of him.

She slowly pushed the door and got inside, the door banged back and it startled her, the scent that hit her nose was the scent of him, he was definitely here. But she couldn't see anything she opened the door wide to get some light outside.

Finally he saw him and she placed her hands on her mouth unable to believe his condition.

Her Lukas was alive, She kneeled down as she stare down at him, his body was covered with herbs but it looks like he was still in a bad shape.

"Lukas." She called but he didn't answer. she called several times but there was still no answer.

"I am sorry but he can't hear you." She heard that familiar voice again and she turned around.

"You! You are the one who gave me that later." She inquired.

"Yes Melissa it was me."She replied, after she found him and brought him to his house, later she figured out that somebody might track him or see him and that is why she brought him in this abandoned house.

"You know my name too?" she asked.

Slowly slowly she tried to remember the voice and it was her Nanny.

"Nanny!" She called and run to her embrace while she let the tears flow.

"How are you my dear?" She asked.

"I am fine, I have missed you,,,she said wiping away the tears,,,,what are you doing here? you are supposed to be in the palace." She asked puzzled.

"I asked for permission." She answered then passed her living her staring at the door and she knew she was lying if their was something her Nanny was bad at, it was lying.

"Tell me the truth Nanny." She asked again this time looking at her intently.

She knew she was terrible at lying but was it that obvious? After staring at her for a while she decided to tell the truth. "Your Father kicked me out of the palace." She finally admitted.

That explained it all, that day when she woke up their was no sign of her anywhere, even on her wedding day.

"I am sorry, it is all because of me." She asked feeling terrible.

"I'll do it again for you Meli." she said with a smile hoping that she will give her one of her smiles, she has been checking her since she got here and she can tell that she hasn't smile for a long time.

Melissa tried to smile but she failed miserably, she couldn't lie that she was okay, she looked where Lukas was and looked at Maggie. "What happened? Why can't Lukas respond?" She asked.

"I don't know I have tried everything but he is not responding to anything."

"Why is that?"

"To me it seems like he is in some kind of dream that he doesn't wish to wake up."

"He doesn't want to accept that he can't be with me?" She asked in the verge of breaking. This was terrible she was the cause of all this.

She walked slowly to him and held his hands.

"Lukas I am here, please open your eyes, don't stay there forever, there are so many people that still need you here" She stated with tears.

"I still need you, remember the promises we made to each other we still need to keep them and we can't keep them if you're not here, so please come back."

As if he heard her he moved his hands.

"Nanny he moved his hands." She stated with excitement in her a voice and Maggie kneel to check on him.

"I am afraid not." Maggie told her and her excitement died.

"I promise Nanny he moved his hands." she told and Maggie held her by the shoulder and led her outside.

"When I found him he was completely damaged, the guards didn't spare him, he was broken."

"And it is completely my fault if I didn't ask him to run away with me that day this could have never have happened." She sobbed.

"No is not your fault." She assured her but that didn't help her at all, she was already feeling worse. Lukas was badly injured and her Nanny was kicked out of the Palace. What could be worse.

"So she is the one who got my brother to bitten like that?" A voice startled her.

Margot was very annoyed how his brother was bitten almost to death, since that day she swore the day she will meet this princess, she will make her pay for her brother's injuries. How did she not manage to stop her father from beating him? she thought that she loved him.

Melissa looked up and her eyes met with pair of glaring eyes with an angry face, she was really furious.

Melissa looked at Maggie her eyes asking who is she? Maggie understood her question and answered.

"Meli this is Margot Lukas's sister, Margot this Melissa." She introduced them, Melissa was surprised Lukas never told her that he had a sister.

"Nice to meet Margot." Melissa said elongating her hands for a shake.

"Huh! You expect me to great you after what your father did to my brother,,,,you have to forgive me but is not nice to meet." She stated and she didn't regret anything she said.

Her brother was the only family she has, since her brother told her that she was in love, she had wanted to meet her, only to find out that she was a princess on top of that her father bit him that he almost died.

"Margot I get it that you're mad because your brother got hurt,,,,"she was cut off.

"Princess you put my brother's life at risk and now he is in there fighting for his life while you are enjoying your new life with your husband, you have to forgive me princess but you have to go and please never show your face infront of me or my brother's again if you don't want me to ruin your reputation." She stated harshly then went inside.

Melissa turned to Maggie.

"She hates me she is also blaming me for her brother's condition, I am a horrible person I should have never asked him to run away with me, I should have just agreed to marry the person he already choose for me." She cried all the tears she had been holding since Margot started throwing those harsh words at her.

"That is not true my dear you know she is just hurt by what her brother is going through, she is just filled with anger." Maggie explained.

"No nanny, she hates me I could see it in her eyes." She cried.

"No dear, come here,,,she told her pulling her into a hug,,,, I think you should probably get going, by now your new family must be looking for you." She told her wiping away the tears from her eyes after breaking from the hug.

"Yes I should probably get going, I will say goodbye to Lukas."

She went but she didn't get inside, Margot was standing by the door and she didn't allow her in

"I am sorry princess but I can't let you in, my brother can't hear you, he can't communicate at all. So I will suggest that you forget about him and get him out of your head, especially now that you're married." She said glaring at her, if only look could kill, she would be dead by now.

"Yes you are right Margot, I should get him out of my head." She said shaking her head.

"Nanny." she called then embrace her.

Melissa ran from there to far far away where she didn't know, she didn't care where she was going, after running what feels like forever she finally kneeled down and yelled out her anger.