
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit.(forbidden love) Chapter 7

"Why? why is this happening to me why can't I be with the man I love, I am tired, I hate my life I don't want to be a princess anymore." She kept yelling until she couldn't anymore.

Once she was done she wiped away the tears rested for a while then, stood up.

From today she must try her hardest to forget about him, no matter how hard it was going to be, she needed to forget him. She walked slowly with her hands folded on her chest like a lost chick looking for her mother.

Walking, lost in thoughts Melissa lost her away, She was caught up between two paths but she couldn't remember which one she followed coming, first she choose the one on her right but when she reached the middle she couldn't recall anything about it, she went back to the left one.

She started to follow the path and she started to recall somethings and she figured out that, that was the path she came with, a hint of smile showed in her gloomy face, she wasn't lost, but the smile didn't last for long because suddenly three men appeared from nowhere before her.

Melissa pretended like she didn't see them and passed them with her gaze down.

"Hey young lady didn't you see this handsome men?" One man asked.

She ignored them, She really didn't want trouble the moment she saw them her heart started to race miles away and she felt like she was going to loose her breath, she was breathing heavily. In her entire life she has never seen such men.

"Hey beautiful." One man appeared infront of her and she flinched back. She didn't know how to fight, what will happen if they decided to fight her she was just a princess who was never taught how to fight.

Again she ignored them, she started to pray for someone to come to her rescue but who? she told no one in the palace.

"We are trying to be nice but it seems like you want us to be mean."

Suddenly another man grabbed her on the wrist.

"Let me go." She cried.

"Why would I do that?" He asked.

Yeah, why would they do that? She wanted to tell them that if her husband finds out what they were about to do, he will kill them.

Demetrius was known as a king of war, A heartless, cold hearted killer he didn't spare any one in the field.

"Because,,,"he started to tremble and nothing came out.

"Today is our lucky day,,, another man stated caressing her face,,,such a beauty you have a flawless skin I love it." He added.

Melissa tried her best to remove his disgusted hand from her face, but she couldn't, the more she tried the more they followed. She could only cry and pray for someone to come to her rescue.

Suddenly an idea pooped in her head, she used to watch Lukas fighting, teaching some soldier in the palace how to defend themselves she will use those technics on them if the fight get intense but right now she needed to escape.

First she bit the one holding her hand and kick the one was touching her face then started to running leaving them groaning in pain, she knew she wasn't strong and the man she kicked will stand up any moment.

"Catch her." the one kicked yelled and the other one followed her behind.

She run into the woods she didn't know where she was going but right now she needed to save herself from this savages. She run that her leg could carry her, all this time tears were trimming down her face like rain. Once she was far far away from them she bend down to catch her breath. She didn't recall when was last she ran like this.

She kept wondering what did she do in her past life to be punished like this, just then she heard their voices coming closer.

"Did you see her?" One of them asked.


"Look for her and bring her to me." The man ordered and she guessed that he must be their boss.

Lucky for her, she found a big Oak tree and she decided to hide behind it, she covered her mouth tight with her hands to make sure she didn't make any noise and she stood still.

The men kept looking for her until one of them found her, He saw her feet but he didn't make any noise instead he signal the others to come and they all came with smug on there faces.

Melissa who was murmuring a prayer in her head with her eyes closed didn't know what was happening until she had the voice.

"Well well look who we found, it seems like you don't know how to play hide and seek."He uttered,

Melissa opened her eyes immediately and she saw the three men approachng her, she didn't know what to do other than to Yell, she yelled her lungs out hopping that someone, anyone hears her and come to her rescue.

The way she was seeing this men now, they were mot going to have mercy on her.

One man grabbed her by her hair and pulled her out vigorously from the oak and she fell down hurting her knees as she screamed in pain

"You think you could outsmart us." The leader asked.

Terrified and doesn't know what to do just cried "Please let me go." She begged.

"We will, but only after we finish what we want with you." The man smirked. Melissa screamed, now the two men were holding her and the other one started to remove his belt. Just what was going on in her life, hasn't she had enough.

Meanwhile in the castle, it was lunch time, when everyone noticed that it was only Melissa who was on the dinning table.

"Where is your your wife?" King Otis asked looking at Demetrius.

"She must be in our chamber." He answered not sure. He arrived moments ago and since she knew that they normally have lunch with the family, he knew he must be at the table with them, but he was shocked when he didn't find her so she sent some one to bring her but that person has not come back yet.

"I'll go call her." Helena offered.

She checked inside there chambers she wasn't there, on the garden she was nowhere to be seen.

"Demetrius can I talk to you." Helena asked.

"Where is she?" He asked with a stern face.

"I can't seem to find her anywhere." She whispered in his eyes.

"What do you mean you can't seem to find her?" His face changed Immediately. Helena never like when he is like that, that emotionless face, looks like it could kill at any moment now.

The King and the Queen heard what their daughter said and they looked at each other perplexed.

"Demetrius what kind of husband are you? How can you sit down to eat when you don't know where your wife is?" His father asked in menacing voice as the queen just looked at him disgustedly.

"You see father I told you he is not capable of being a king he can't even look after one person, what if he become the King and forgets about everyone." Prince Charles seconded with the same look. Prince Demetrius just stare at him he was already used to his brother's words and it didn't matter what he says.

He had always know that his brother doesn't like him and he wants to do everything in his power to be the next king, he and the Queen have tried but they keep failing. So anything he says doesn't scare him anymore.

"I am sure there is some mistake she couldn't go anywhere she doesn't know this place." Helena defended his brother.

"Call Olivia and Ola right now." He told one of the guards.

Not long they two came and they looked like they were stressed.

"Where is Lady Meli?" He enquired without wasting time with menacing tone.

"We are sorry your highness we left her in the garden for a while when we came back we couldn't find her." Olivia stated kneeling down.

"Since then we have been looking for her but we can't find her." Ola added.

"Brother their is no time to question them and get furious for nothing, now our priority is to find her." Helena saved them they new this cold hearted prince was not going to spare them once he finds her.

"Let her go." The voice suddenly jolted them and immediately the two men who were holding her let her go in one go the voice that uttered those words sounded damn scary and it seems like it didn't like to repeat itself, once Melissa noticed that she was free she quickly run to him and fully embrace him as she sobbed in his embrace.

Demetrius slowly put his arms around her as he tries to calm her down, he has never done this kind of staff before, he didn't know how it works.

"Shh, I am here, sorry I am late." He said but it was not helping because the lady continues to cry as if he offended her.

He continue talking to her, as he pat her back until slowly by slowly she stopped.

"Are you okay?" He asked in soft voice breaking the hug as he wipe the tears away from her eyes and she nodded looking down, she can tell that he was really furious even though he was trying to hide it, but she didn't know if she was furious with her or?

It pained him so much to see her in that condition, he didn't like what he saw, tears was the last thing he wanted in her eyes.

"Stay here." He told and she could only comply she didn't know what to do, it was her fault.

The three men didn't move it was like they were rooted in their spot they were unable to believe that the crown prince of Owalo was standing right before them.

They have heard of this prince when it comes to fight he was not someone you can joke with they knew right now they were in a hot soup. They wondered who the lady was to him.

"So this is how you treat the ladies?" He asked in a cold voice and it sent chillies in Melissa's spine. Ever since she met him he has never heard him talk like that

"I have a challenge for you, how about you guys shows me what you got that is the only way I will spare your lives but if you can't, I will put you three in my dungeon without food and water forever, that will be a good punishment for insulating my wife."

The men looked at each other perplexed his wife? they choose to fight him to fight him beside knowing that they stand no chance with him, that one was better than starving in the dungeon.

They both started to circle him in the middle.

One by one he started to fight them, he was filled with rage and every moment he was fighting them he poured the anger out.

He cut one of the man's left hand and he yelped in pain as others watch with horror on their faces not so long she cuts another man's right hand.

Melissa watched in horror she has never witness something like this, the blood was gushing out as if it was tap or a lake and she felt bad for them despite everything they did not deserve whatever was happening to them and yes It was all her fault. If she didn't left the palace in the first place this could have never have happened.

she flinched again because now someones leg was chopped out as she watch with her eyes wide open as she breathed heavily.