

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

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A loud noise outside the car and a cry of pain from Josie in the car came at the same time, and El, who sank his face, first turned his head to confirm that Josie only hit his elbow slightly, and then looked through the rear car glass at the black Porsche that was not far away and was trapped in the guardrail next to the road.

He frowned and said to Josie, "I'll go see what's going on, Josie, you stay in the car for the time being." "

Josie's face was also bad, but she just nodded hastily to El.

El got out of the car, locked the door before going to check the situation in the direction of the accident vehicle.

Josie in the car exhaled, and heard Edward's anxious voice from the mobile phone that fell on the seat: "Josie? Josie? Are you still there? What happened? "

Josie picked up the phone again, "There was a small accident, it seems that someone was speeding and going against the road just now, but El and I are fine, and now El got out of the car." "

Edward on the other side of the phone visibly relaxed a little, and quickly said thoughtfully: "In that case, you guys deal with this matter first, and tell me when you get home." "


As soon as Josie finished the call, someone knocked on the window a few times from the outside, and after rolling down the window, El's face was revealed.

"What's wrong?" Josie asked.

"The driver was Robert Jr. Donny, you know him. Al frowned and said, "The problem is that he not only broke his head but also overdid it, and there were some dangerous goods in the car." "

"Dangerous goods?" Josie felt things get a little out of control.

"There was mainly an unloaded revolver and four pieces of ammunition." El was obviously puzzled, "And when I passed, he was stuffing the former in his mouth, so I had to knock him out." "

Josie didn't have the heart to continue listening, she wrinkled her brows fiercely, and the thought in her heart jumped back and forth between calling the police and helping someone, and it took half a minute to make a decision.

"El, you go and drag him into our car and dispose of the trash in his car by the way." I make a few phone calls. "

She commanded El as she jumped out of the car and got into the front passenger seat.

El nodded and hurried to work while the night was dark.

Falling into a coma, Downey was like a powerless wild dog, allowing El to pull him out of the expensive roadster, drag him all the way to the black Volvo, and then be roughly stuffed into the back seat.

The famous Hollywood star closed his big caramel colored eyes, and there was a maniacal smile left at the corner of his mouth, and with the strength of El's hand, he could sleep at least three or four hours of good sleep.

"You're lucky, bastard."

El muttered and closed the car door.

Then he found the tool set in the trunk and dialed the number of the head of the local towing company in Los Angeles: "Luciano, ask your men to drag a car on Highway 1 in the direction of Chautauqua Avenue, the license plate number is... Ciao, next time I invite you! "

It's already late at night, but for some in Hollywood, tonight's chaos is just beginning.

A good night's sleep.

Josie changed into Marilyn after washing. Monroe-style sweaters and plaid pants, just walked to the stairs of his house, he heard the angry cursing of strange men in the living room-

"You promised me to stay on set and make this film, bastard, but what the hell are you doing?"


"And you, you are this bastard's bodyguard, why weren't you with him when something happened?"


In the living room, little Robert wakes up from a hangover. Donny had a headache, but he could only sit on the living room floor with his head in his hands, allowing the man in front of him to point at the top of his head and scold.

Next to him are two other people with similar treatment, one is a tall bodyguard, and the other is a typical Hollywood agent.

In addition to this, Josie's agent Archie. Dano was there, but he was standing by, watching with relish with El.

Josie, who poked her head out from the staircase, couldn't help but "ewww", then adjusted her expression and walked down the stairs casually.

The kitten's mules stepped on the marble floor, making a knocking sound that could not be ignored, and the man immersed in anger temporarily stopped the angry scolding that might affect the owner and retracted his temper.

Following the prestige, I saw a blonde beauty coming in the right style, and the man's angry bad mood because of Donny finally eased a little.

He didn't use his self-introduction as an opening statement, and in fact he didn't need to introduce himself, because his iconic face appeared in this year's Olympian movie "Death Row Walk", and he himself is one of the contenders for this year's Oscar.

"Thank you, Josie. I owe you a favor. "Sean. Pan said.

"You're welcome, I owe Donnie once before." Josie said and glanced at the decadent Donny, "But you really should forcibly send him to the strangulation center, he will only completely destroy himself if he goes on like this." "

"I tried it once." Sean. Pan rubbed his temples with some headache and followed with a glance at Donny, "But the day after I tied him up to the Arizona Traction Center, this damn bastard ran away!" "

Donny, who still had gauze tied to his head, spread his hands and shouted: "Hey, the bastard you said is still here, can you not ignore my existence?" "

However Josie and Sean. Pan just frowned at the same time, and exchanged a look after looking away.

"It's a multiple choice question, either a strangulation center or a prison." Josie spoke first.

"If you go to jail—" Sean. Pan didn't seem to agree, "This guy's career is over." "

He can't help but feel sorry, because Downey is really a very good talented actor, and his career is also going well, except for this little "little trouble" at the moment.

It's like guessing Sean. Pan's thoughts, Josie spread her hands and said, "Anyway, don't you think it's just a matter of time?" He has now lost the most basic self-control. "

"Wait, what are you talking about, little ghost, you can't do this to me, I don't know you at all, I'm going back to work..." shouted Donnie.

"She can't, but I can." Sean. Pan didn't squint, and his face was frowning, "Josie, do you have any good solutions?" "

As soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it a little - he actually asked a little girl who had just come of age with such a headache?

Sean. Pan subconsciously pursed his thin lips, not hopeful for an answer.

Unexpectedly, Josie's answer was very concise and clear.

"Only he can save himself." She pointed to Downey over there, who was still trying to get attention, "Look at the way he looks, even a few more stitches on his head won't delay him from having fun, because he's an incurable rotten man right now." "

"Who are you talking about!" Downey was dissatisfied.

"I'm talking about you, little Robert. Mr. Downey. Josie deliberately turned her head to Donny and emphasized, "Maybe you've forgotten that you helped me once, and then your wife got pregnant at a party, and you knew to rush home to spend time with your wife and children—look, at least you didn't stink yet." "

"Interrupt, she's already an ex. In addition, I seem to have missed you a little, it's that Miss Nine Thousand Swords, right? Donny looked proud, and clenched his fist with one hand and slapped his palm.

Josie gave Donny a blank look and turned to Sean. Pan said: "For Downey, I am actually just a stranger, I am not qualified to dictate his life, but you, as his friend, may be able to try again to pull him back from the edge of the cliff." All I can do is forget everything that happened last night and give you a piece of advice by the way. "

"Let's hear it?" Sean. Pan looked interested.

"Find a reputable private prison to put him in." Josie smiled sweetly, but it was very bad for Donny on the ground, "Aren't you worried about his reputation and his own health?" You should have a way to let him have a prison journey to understand life on the premise of ensuring that he is not beaten to death, right? To be honest, since no one saved him, such as letting him die once, it is better for a man to shed some blood than to shed tears and regret. "

As soon as Downey heard this, he shouted: "Wow - you are so poisonous nine thousand knives!" Did I stab your dad in the ass or slept with his mistress, why did this to me? Give me a reason, at least to make me die calmly..."

Josie shook her head, suddenly walked to Donny and crouched down, holding her arms and looking at him.

Her eyes are beautiful, but more intuitively there is the calmness and firmness in her eyes that transcends her age, and she looks at Downey as if she is looking at an unreasonable adolescent teenager, with a hint of pity that can be called arrogant and rude to him.

Yes, that is mercy - Fxxk!

Donny's complaints stopped abruptly, and he subconsciously avoided the sight that belonged to Josie.

"Mr. Downey, don't you feel pitiful?" This terrible woman spoke very calmly the truth that made people speechless, "All the betrayals, the end of the road—endure so much pain and suffering, just for these things, can you really be happy instead of sad?" Why can't you live more like a person than a wretched worm who is humble and incompetent? "

Donnie was slightly stunned.

In fact, his wife could no longer endure all this, chose to separate from him, and took their son, Indeo, with him.

In the short waking time, he did not think about stopping all this, but his whole world, his whole life, was habitually pushing him forward, making him unable to control himself and extricate himself, and could only indulge in illusion.

A hint of hidden loneliness appeared under his eyes.

However, such a trivial feeling lasted only for a very brief moment, and he tugged at the corners of his mouth mockingly, returned to that cynical, even oily smile, and said rather indifferently: "So what? My life is like a derailed train, it drives vigorously to places that even I don't know, sometimes there are occasional birds singing outside, but most of them are only dark tunnels with no end in sight, and the meaning of my life is to wait for it to stop on its own - and then, bam! "

He said and sat there and laughed, as if he had heard something very interesting, but after a while his mood began to fall, and he pulled his head and held his arms and sobbed lowly.

Josie frowned, obviously seeing that Downey's state was abnormal.

El walked up behind her and whispered, "He may be addicted, you'd better let Sean. Pan tied him up and took him away. "

After speaking, he glanced at the dark-faced Sean. Pan.

As if sensing their concerns, the other party nodded and said, "We'll take him away now." "

"El, go get the safety rope." Josie reminded.

Sean. Pan thanked lightly, personally stepped forward and patted Downey on the shoulder and told him: "Bob, I think her suggestion is very feasible." "

"No, Sean, I don't want to—" Downey suddenly raised his head, his voice filled with wild pleading, and his red eyes rolled around, "I still have to go to work on the set!" You know, I still have to work! "

"You've been fired." Sean. Pan said lightly.

"Nope! That's impossible. I'm little Robert. Donny, I'm a genius, the youngest Oscar nominee..."

However, no matter what Donnie said, his good friends, the few who were able to restrain him, Sean. Pan, however, visibly believed Josie's advice and intended to actually carry it out.

He heard Sean. Pan sighed, his palm slid down, and he grabbed his arm without refusing.

"Bob, I'm just informing you, not asking for your permission." Sean. Pan said and gave his bodyguard a wink, who strode forward, skillfully took over and restrained Donny, who was trying to escape.

At this time, El handed over the safety rope that he had just taken, and the two quickly tied Downey strongly, blocking his chattering mouth by the way.

Having done that, Sean. Pan glanced at Josie rather complicated and said to her, "Tomorrow night we have a high school alumni association, starting at 8:30, in the oasis courtyard of the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, you must come." "


It's a bit of a meaning.

By the way, the three Hollywood stars in this living room, in the usual sense, did attend the same Santa Monica Middle School, including Robert Jr., who was tied into rice dumplings on the ground. Downey.

Josie keenly captured the subtle word and replied with a smile: "Thank you for the invitation, Sean, I'll be there for sure." "

Sean. Pan gave her a slightly stiff smile, then turned around to deal with the other two guys responsible for last night's accident.