
Bank Robbery

As school let's out, Tj is confronted by Deana and Drew.

"Alright, Evens. Time to come clean." Deana says, folding her arms.

"Yeah, Evens." Drew says, also folding his arms.

"Drew, I don't need help."


"Now fess up, Tj."

Tj let's out a sigh and rubs the back of his neck.

"It's...uh...kinda hard to explain." He tells them.

"We've been friends for most of our lives. Whatever it is, you can tell us." Deana tells him.

Tj smiles at his two best friends.

"Ok. But, I think it'll be easier if I show you."

He then points them at the top of a tall building.

"Alright, keep your eyes on that building." He tells them.

The two are confused, but agree. A gust of wind then blows past Drew and Deana. They then see a red light on top of the building. Another gust of wind blows by them and they turn around to Tj behind them. He then hands them his phone with a picture of them taken from on top of the building. Deana and Drew are shocked.

"Woooaaahhhh." They both said.

"I know, right!" Tj says with a big smile.

The group of friends then go to a fast food restaurant called Burgers & Fries and Tj tells them everything.

"So Tron Labs gave you powers?" Deana asks.

"I guess so. After getting hit with that shockwave from their machine, I was literally moving at the speed of sound."

"Wow, that's awesome." Drew says.

"You, do realize that Tron labs pretty much forced a guy into an unstable experiment that hospitalized some of our classmates, right?" Deana says.

"....Ah man." Drew says, slumping down in his chair.

"So what are you going to do now?" Deana asks.

Tj doesn't answer for a moment, staring at his hands.

"I don't know. Guess I never thought about it really."

Deana and Drew both look at each other and smile, getting an idea.

"Be a superhero." Deana says.

"Go to the Olympics- I mean be a superhero." Drew says.

"Guys, it's not that easy. Just because I have these powers, doesn't mean I can just fight bad guys and save lives." Tj says.

"Come on man, your a fourth degree black belt with super speed and strength. You can do this." Drew says.

"Plus, you have us. We'll always have your back." Deana adds.

Tj smiles at his two friends and nods, agreeing to be a superhero. Later Tj goes through his closet, looking for something that could pass for a costume. He then pulls out a red hoodie, a pair of gloves, and swimming goggles.

"What do you think?" Tj asks his two friends.

The two look at each other before answering.

"We'll work on it later." Deana says, trying to sound supportive.

"Now all we have to do is find a crime." Drew says.

At that moment a news report about a bank robbery near by, with hostages. A gust of wind blows through Tj's room and he's gone.

"Is that gonna happen a lot now?" Drew asks.

"I think so." Deana answers.

The robbers straps three bombs to three hostages. A gust of wind then blows through the inside of the bank. As the robbers looks around with their guns loaded up. One of the robbers quickly disappear in a blink of an eye.

"Where the hell did he go?" The leader asks.

Another one disappears, leaving only two left.

"Who's doing this?"

A third robber is taken away, leaving the leader all alone.

"What is happening?!" The leader asks, aiming his gun at the hostages.

Tj then appears infront of him.

"Hey, how's it going?" Tj says.

"Who the hell are you?" The leader asks.

"I'm...actually I haven't gotten that far yet, any suggestions?"

"How about Captain I Got Shot."

The leader opens fire on Tj, but he easily dodges and maneuvers around the bullets. As he stops shooting, everyone looks on in shock.

"That name seems like false advertisement, don't you think?" Tj jokingly says.

"Well, I wouldn't say the same for these people."

The leader aims his gun at the hostages and opens fire. Red electricity surrounds Tj's body and everything around him begins to slow down. He then runs and catches the bullets one by one. He goes to catch the last one, but it slips through his fingers. Quickly able to adapt, he moves the man out of the way of the bullet as it goes through the wall. As time begins to run normally, the leader is shocked when Tj drops the bullets to the ground.

"What are you?" The leader says.

"Right now, a really pissed off hero."

Tj punches the robber in the face and to the ground. He then turns to the hostages.

"Is everyone ok?"

Before they could answer, the leader presses a button that activates the bombs. Tj eyes widen as he super speeds and takes the bombs off of the civilians. He runs as fast as he can, pushing his speed to its limit. He then makes it to the harbor and throws the bombs into the water. The explosion sends a shockwave that launches Tj into a car.

"That went well." Tj says, rubbing the back of his neck.

Later, all the criminals are taken away as Katherine and her partner Sammy approaches him. Tj hides his face from them.

"Thanks for the help, kid. You saved a lot of people." Katherine says.

"Yeah, no problem, you know, just doing my job." Tj says with a deeper voice.

He then dashes away in seconds as the hostages looks on with a smile on their faces.