Imagine our Earth was only one of many alternates on a separate dimension, it's normal inhabitants all living their tiny little lives ignorant of this fact that could make them question reality as they've known it. But then again it's not all that bad, they could just carry with as they always have after getting over the shock. But then... What if Earth's of other dimensions could challenge our earth and swallow us whole to nourish their dimension, what then shall you do? Would we grovel and beg? Living life as slaves or ceasing to exist? Or would we do everything we can to win the war and consume all alternate earth's? But say we do succeed would that be the end? Step into a world where nothing is certain, a world where our very existence could be wiped away with one wrong move, a world where tomorrow is not a certainty. Step into the world of alternate earth.
9:15 Date-unknown Location-Somewhere on Earth
'Sigh... Mendokuse, having to go to school with all these dweebs really sucks. It's not enough that I have to study a course I have little interest in, I still have to attend school in some out of the way place. Tsk'
'Why plain Astrophysics and not something as exciting and legendary as Mechatronics?!, Sigh I guess this is my life now, I had better get used to it'
Rudge walked down the hallway of his university contemplating and cursing his fate. Usually, most people would be glad to be born to a popular astrophysicist father and follow in his footsteps, having their life layed out before them without having to go through much stress, but that is not the case with Rudge. Rudge has always wanted to pioneer the area of Mech design but was never really able to walk that path due to his father insisting that mechs are a thing destined to only exist in fiction, a dream impossible to realize. It's quite sad how parents atimes cut-off the great dreams and possible bright futures of their children.
Rudge is currently 20 years old he is meant to be graduating university by now but is only just now getting in due to his insistence of not furthering his studies if not allowed to further them in the field of mechatronics. That is until his father recently threatened him with marriage.
'Darn that old man! How dare he threaten me with marriage?! Of all things Marriage!. Damn it! I'm only 20 just stepping into the outside world, embarking on this great adventure called life and he wants to tie me down with marriage?! Kuso! Old man you had better pray that I don't somehow gain my independence from you. The day that I do, I swear I'll dissappear and never return damn it!'
Oh! Quite the foul mouthed MC we have, shooting off his mouth full of swear words without a care in the world
"Ohayo...! Rudge san! How are you this morning?"
"Bad! Very very bad! I tell you!"
"Oh... What happened?!"
"How could my own father threaten me with marriage?! Kuso my blood still burns! It burns I tell you!"
"Oh! Rudge-san you sure know how to hold a grudge it's been over a year since that happened and you keep bringing it up even now"
"That just shows you how much it hurts! My old man really let me down! I'll never forgive him!"
"Hai-Hai I've heard that a thousand times yet you both still watch anime together every weekend "
"Don't bring that up! Anime time is sacred and all sins are left at the door of the theater! *Tsk*"
"Soka soka, then quit being a big baby and prepare your mind for today's classes, you are a student of the honorable and esteemed astrophysics department after all, we can't have people thinking our department sucks with that ugly expression you have on your face, wipe it off and let Hurry to class"
"Today's class is special, Doctor Halfeld is appearing as a guest lecturer today to educate us on the matters of space and time"
"Eek!! I can't wait! Hurry up and move faster you lazy pile of bones, else I'll put an end to your existence in this space-time continuum!"
"Yes! Class representative Rachel!"
"That's more like it!"
"Right. I welcome you all to today's class as scheduled today we are going to be tackling the topic of 'Alternate Dimensions' "
"If I may ask, do you believe that there is another Earth in another space and time, similar and yet different to what we have now? That there is another you somewhere in that earth clueless as to your existence? "
"What if there were multiple dimensions with multiple 'You's on them?' "
Rudge rudely answers
"Well I don't know about others in this class, but as for me I'd say that's a load of bull with no basis, just an endless hamster wheel certain groups of scientists use to keep themselves relevant"
segera hadir