
Alpha WOLF

Caarice who is young boy bitten in the forest by a ware wolf which changed him from a scared man to hero who begins to find ways to be strong

Ycaarice · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


It is the middle of the night when a woman voice is heard from one of the house.

" honey the....time has come ...is now" ( breathing

heavily )

" what is now lexy 💤" ( sleeping tone )

LEXY. " haa what kind of husband did I get married

to.... I said the baby is coming" ( shouting)

Lexy is a mid aged woman with a brown hair and a beautiful round face with can make and attract people's men.He got married to his husband who is Brian hezbon at the age of 25 and now she is 32 years

BRIAN. " sorry am calling a taxi ...." ( removing his

phone from pocket of his trousers)

LEXY "Then hurry up you stupid bald head "

BRIAN. " Hey even though my head is bald now don't

call me that ok ...."

The taxi arrived and the two people went to the hospital not forgetting about Brian he is tall or may I say American tall as some people call it .His hair is black but right now he doesn't have any hair on his head and the only place that has hair is only his chin .His brown eyes as sometimes scary when he is mad or angry and his age is about 34 years leaving his wife with only 2 years behind

DOCTOR " mum you need to look at me and don't get

distracted by any thing because it worsen

this matter."

LEXY " Ok..ok...o..k." ( breathing heavily )

DOCTOR " Now what I need you to do is do what I tel

you "

LEXY " Mmm mmm...."( in pain)

Outside the hospital Brian is in great thought of his wife who is about to give birth.

BRIAN ( Oh men am fricking but what am I fricking

about is just birth thing which is not that bad ) talking to himself and then suddenly the doctor came to him with a smile on his face which made Brian's mind to cool

BRIAN " Yes something wrong or you will keep

standing there smiling at me like a gey."

DOCTOR "Hey chill just come with me please."

BRIAN " If I may ask is something wrong doctor."

DOCTOR " No just come."

Reaching to where his wife was Brian saw his wife carrying a baby on his hands

LEXY " will you keep standing there or come and help

me here bald head."


After the whole situation the family were back in their house with the baby who was a boy but no name wa given to him.