

"You're really gonna try to take them all?"

I hear The Darkness say.

"I don't plan on trying.

I'm gonna slaughter all of them."

I say and walk around, before stopping and looking around.

"They're gonna eat you alive."

He says laughing, but I hear a hint of nervousness.

"Let me try... Death seems like an easier option now."

I say coldly.

"You'll have your wish soon."

He says confidently.

"Do you really think they can take me?"

I ask with a smile.


He says nervously.

"You haven't seen me unleash yet."

I smile and laugh slightly.

"I don't think you will, you're too afraid of going dark."

He says with a smirk that I can hear in his voice.

"I'm not afraid of going dark.

I'm afraid of what I'm gonna do."

I say and look at him.

"You'd still be too weak.

Some of these guys are my elite soldiers.... They've had Pure Darkness coursing through them since the beginning."

He says loudly.

"We'll see."

I say and wake myself up, before looking around and seeing no-one.

I grab the intercom and push the button.

"I know you're still here, it's just a matter of me finding you."

I say and set down the intercom.....

"You won't have to look far."

A man's voice says.

"Damn, I knew something smelt off."

I say and think about the new power I just got.

"You're not as scary as I thought you'd be."

He says and I hear a shotgun pump.

I close my eyes and think about an image of me sitting in the chair.

"Any last words?"

He says and I hear the safety click off.

"Fuck it, if this doesn't work I'm dead anyway."

I think to myself, then stand up...


I look down and see myself still sitting there, so I step away slowly and focus.

"Alright then."

He pulls the trigger.


I hear the shotgun blast, then watch as my brains blow across the screens.

"Damn and I thought watching Jake die then him coming back was weird."

I think to myself, then watch my headless body crumple to the floor.

"I'll come back for the void later."

He says, then turns to walk out.

I go to kill him, then realize he can lead me to everybody.

So, I step out behind him slowly and focus.

Hoping that anywhere I move it'll look like I'm not there, and the space where I am is empty.

"Randy, I'm coming back now. He's dead."

I hear him say, as I follow him down a hallway.

"How's he talking? There's no radio."

I think to myself, as we turn a corner to the South Yard.

"Yes sir, I'll be coming out soon."

He says and keeps walking, then stops at the door leading to the yard.

I watch him and realize I have no weapons, so I ready my hands and wait.

He opens the door and I look out and see about thirty people, but that's with my view blocked.

So, I run forward and slide out the door, before hiding in the bushes.


I hear a man almost roar, as the guy makes his way into the yard.


He cheers.

"Come to your queen."

I hear a voice say, before instantly recognizing it.

"Yes, My Queen."

He says and walks further in, before bowing.

I try to get a view, but can't see anything.

"You killed my son?"

She asks happily.

"Yes, I watched his head explode."

He says confidently.

"Good, I'll tell The Darkness how well you did."

She says happily, before stepping down off of a makeshift throne.

I hunker down in the bushes, before moving around the fence to get a better view.

"We can now rule this place. Show everyone how we are superior."

She says with an evil smile, as a tendril comes out of her hand.

"Starting with his friends."

She says and snaps her fingers, then I watch as they're dragged out.

"No. No. No."

I think to myself and look at everyone, before watching the hungry eyes of the convicts as they see the women.

"Since you did so well, you'll get first pick."

She says and looks at him happily, as he walks down the line.

"I like you."

He says to Rachel, as his hand rubs her face.

My fists clench and I can feel the burning inside of me.

"But... I really like you."

He moves to Sydney, and I watch as his hand goes down her shirt and she tries to move away.

That's when I snap.....

My arms make an "X" shape, then I slice and watch the fence open up.

I jump through and see the man turn around.

"No, I killed y-."

He tries to say.

My hand goes up and I watch as his head is melted, because a white blast of light shoots from my hand.

"So..... You think you can kill all of us?"

My mom says and looks at me astonished.

"I know I can."

I snarl and my arms go to my sides.


My mom says and I watch the convicts make a wall.

"Do you guys honestly think you're gonna win?"

I laugh and think about the USAS-12, then feel my arms go to change but I stop it.

"I have 30 Alphas that are about to rip through you."

She says smiling, as her guys hands ready.

"Stop stalling then."

I say and smile.

Now, let me explain the USAS-12.

By no means was this a gun meant for ranged use, so the fact that I'm only fifteen feet away helps.

It's an automatic shotgun that was made to kill, there's no other use but to be destructive.

I have a wall of convicts in front of me, and there's no way I can miss.....

"Get him."

I hear my moms voice say, as I close my eyes and let my arms change.


I hear a roar that could've made the Earth shake, because it's all of them running at me.

I smile and open my eyes, then watch as my view is filled with orange.

My arms fully switch and I raise them, then watch as bodies are ripped to pieces and limbs are torn to shreds.

I'm being coated in blood and body parts, but all I can do is smile as The Darkness fills my blood.....


A solitary roar pierces the air from behind me.

I turn and keep one arm firing, then swipe my other and decapitate the convict.

"Dear Darkness, what have I done...."

My mom says, as she turns around and walks away with a small group of guards.

I see about ten Alphas left around me, but they're using their powers to shield the shots.

I stop firing and change my arms to blades, then smile as blood drips from my hair.

"I warned you."

I say and look at the ten and a half Alphas surrounding me.

"It's time for you to die."

One of them says, as his arm heals.

I look up and see my group, then realize I have the illusion power.

I focus on me still standing there, as I use my tendril to push myself over the convicts.

I run over and slice off Jake's bonds, then stand him up.

"Boss, I'm so sorry."

He says and stretches, before trying to raise his hands and nothing happens.


I say and get behind him, then use my blade to cut the chip out.


He says and rubs his back, then I watch as it heals.

"Jake, go take care of those guys then get ready."

I say and cut Rachel loose, before cutting the chip out.

"Yes sir."

He says and turns, then I hear screams as Jake goes to work.

"River, I shou-."

Rachel goes to say.

"No, we don't have time.

Get everyone out of here."

I say and cut Sydney loose, then cut the chip out.

"We're not leaving."

Sydney says and stands up.

"Yes. You are."

I say coldly and shoot a blade out my hand, then hand it to Rachel.

"Cut everyone else loose and go back to the house. Jake and I will catch up."

I say and turn to Sydney.

"Yes sir."

She says and keeps cutting.

"I can't. I'm not. No. I'm not leaving. You ca-."

She starts freaking out.

I cut her off by grabbing her and kissing her deeply.

"Listen to me. You're gonna leave and get to safety.

I'll be right behind you."

I say and look into her eyes, as I pull away and hold her face.


She says.

"But nothing. I'll be back at the house in a little bit. Now, go with Rachel and keep everybody safe."

I say and look into her eyes.


She says as a tear comes to her eye.

"I promise."

I say and kiss her head.

"I love you, now go."

"I love you too."

She says and looks at me sadly.


I ask and hold her face.

"And always. Don't break that promise."

She says and looks into my eyes sadly.

"I won't."

I say and turn around wiping a tear from my eyes, then look at Jake as he snaps the last man's neck.

"You ready, Boss?"

He says and walks over, then picks up an AR-15.

"Jake.... I might not make it back..... I'm not asking you to be a part of this."

I say and look at him.

"You didn't ask."

He says and pulls the bolt back, before checking the clip.

I just smile and pat his shoulder.

"You're a crazy son of a bitch."

I say and laugh.

"Seriously? Look who's talking."

He says and looks around.

"Let's go, we need to catch her."

I say and move towards the path she took.

"Yes sir."

He says and clicks the safety off, then follows behind me.

I follow her scent down a path they used to transport prisoners.

Before, coming to an iron door.

"You wanna breach?"

Jake asks and scans the walls around us.

"Yeah, I breach, you fire."

I say as I smell the heavy Alpha presence in there.

"Yes sir."

He moves back against the wall, then aims down sights at the door.

I move back and put my hands up, then focus and watch a blast of light melt the door.


I hear Jake fire three shots, as I see a figure step out.


It doesn't even phase him as he bitch smacks me and I fly backwards ten feet, then I watch him throw Jake farther.

"Shit, what are you?"

I ask and spit up blood, as I stand up and look at him.

"Your mom calls me Goliath."

He says and his arms bulge.

"Ok, you're a big bitch. I get that part, but what's your power?"

I say with a smug look, as I see that his skin is almost shining.

It's like he's made of metal or some other substance.

"I'm invincible and impenetrable."

He says smirking as he prepares to charge.

"You're kinda like an ugly superman."

I say smiling as I look at him.


He yells and charges.

I run back and jump halfway there, then change my arm into a sledgehammer.


Is all you hear as I slam it against his face, and he flies backwards.


He yells as he stand back up, then his skin changes.

"Oh yeah, I adapt to any weakness."

He says smiling and readies himself again.

"Aren't you full of surprises?"

I say and watch him, then sense Jake behind me.

"Boss, what's the plan?"

He says and stands behind me.

"Kill him before he can adapt."

I say like it's the simplest thing in the world.

"Yes sir."

He says and charges, then jumps and I watch his fist turn purple.

He hits him and he moves back a little, but then it's followed by an uppercut.


He stumbles backwards, but counters with a kick that sends Jake flying backwards.


I say and catch Jake so the doesn't smash the wall.

I set him down and look at the guy.

"Jake, can you grab hold me steady?"

I ask and pick him up.

"Maybe for a few seconds, why?"

He asks and looks at me, as the guy gets ready to charge.

"Just get behind me and hold me with everything you have, when he charges at me."

I say and look at him.

"Yes sir."

He says and moves back, then I look forward at the guy fifteen feet away.

"You guys ready to stop yet?"

He says smirking as I get my arms ready, then think about a .50 cal machine gun.

"Bring it, BITCH."

I yell and focus, then hope Jake can hold me steady.


He roars so loud my ears almost bleed, as he charges at us.

I stand still and wait, then when he's about teen feet away I raise my arms.....


I yell and raise my arms, then support try and support the weight as they change.

Jake grabs my waist and braces me.

He reaches the end of my barrels, as I begin firing and I feel the recoil pushing me back.

Jake holds me steady and I watch him slow, as I make a hole in him.

He begins to heal, and I realize this could be our only chance.....

I shove the barrels inside of him, then begin filling him up with bullets from the inside.

I feel his organs, as my bullets rip through him.

I move the barrels up and watch as his head shakes, then his eyes bleed and his head explodes....

Jake and I get showered with blood, but I'm able to pull my arms out and turn to Jake.

"River.. This blood tastes so good."

He says licking his lips hungrily.

"Take his void. Now."

I say and grab him, then push him towards the body.

"Yes sir."

He says and leans down, then begins draining the body.

I watch as the body turns white and he leans back, then smiles and licks his lips.

"How do you feel?"

I ask and help him up.

"Amazing Boss."

He says smiling, then his arm changes.

"Oh shit, I got his powers?"

He asks confused.

"You two were compatible, but we'll have to talk about that later."

I say and move forward, then through the hole and look around.


"Yes sir."

Jake says and moves in behind me, then scans the room.

"Let's go, she's still here."

I say and move to a door on the far side, then rip it open and move into the hallway.

Jake nods and steps out, before tossing away the broken gun.

We come to a place where four halls meet, then I look and smell down each of them.

"Which way, Boss?"

He asks and watches me.


I say and walk down the hallway, then stop abruptly as something smells off.

"You smell it too?"

He asks and stays alert.

"Yeah, let's go slow."

I say and move slowly down the hallway, then hear some voice from the other side of a door.

"Guard's office."

Jake says as he reads the sign.

"This can't be good."

He says and looks at me.

"Let's clear it."

I say and point to the other side of the door.

He nods and gets ready, then looks at me.

I get in front of the door, then take a deep breath and kick it in.

"SHIT!! They're here early."

One of the four guys say, as he turns around and goes to raise his gun.

I punch him in the face, before grabbing the gun and shoving the barrel through his chin.

Jake has already killed the other, as I turn around and see the last two.....

Armed and pointing their rifles at both of us.

I look over at Jake and see him put his hands up.

"Turn around and you don't die."

I hear one of them say, as I look forward.

"If only the same went for you."

I say and smile, then imagine an illusion of a swarm of Omegas attacking them.


I watch one of them scream and drop his weapon, as he swings at the invisible Omega.


The other one screams and shoots his friend accidentally, then drops his weapon and writhes on the ground.

"What the hell did you do?"

Jake asks laughing a little.

"Made an illusion of them getting swarmed by Omegas."

I say laughing, then swipe my hand and watch the man's body split in half.

"Damn, that's new."

He says and turns to the closed door.


I say and move to it, then open it and see another hallway.

He nods and grabs a rifle, before moving out and scanning the hall.


I follow behind him and realize her scents getting stronger.

"Jake, she's still here."

I say and look at the door at the far end, then realize it's the criminally insane ward.

"We'll take her down then."

He says and looks at the door.

"Jake, you can leave because these are gonna be powerful Dark Alphas."

I say and grab his arm.

"I'm not leaving. We've made it this far."

He says and looks at me.

"Aight then."

I say and move towards the door, but before I can breach it I hear her voice.

"You don't have to kick it, just walk in."

She says and I look at Jake.

He shrugs his shoulders and looks at the door cautiously.

I slowly open the door, then see her standing behind six guys.

"Son, these are my elite few."

She says and smiles, as they snarl.

"You always did go for the ugly ones."

I say with a smile, as Jake and I walk in.

"Screw you, you little shit."

She says with a snarl, as her guys buck up.

"Awwww, mommy's little bitches are getting mad."

I smirk and move forward, before stopping about twenty feet away.

Jake steps up beside me and looks ahead.

"Kill him."

She says coldly.

"Yes My Queen."

They say in unison, as two of them step forward.


I feel a blast of water blow me backwards, then watch as Jake gets smacked by an Earth tendril.


She says and watches with her other bodyguards.

I stand up and watch my guy's hands as he moves forward, then they shoot up.


I hear the water shoot out, but my hands go up and I block it watch a purple shield.

"You won't win, you're just a child."

He says and moves forward, then stops and focuses more.

"A child who this world has turned into a ruthless killer."

I say and smile, then spin and use my left hand to shield the water away.

My right hand has a blade come out, but I grab it as I spin.

I jam the blade into his temple, then watch as he crumpled and the light fades from his eyes....

Jake's guy has him pinned down and is about to rip his head off.

I rip the blade out, then throw it and watch the man go limp.

Jake throws him off and looks over, before nodding and turning forward.

"Seriously? That's your elite force."

I say and laugh a little, before moving forward.


She yells and I watch two move towards me, then the other two rush Jake.


That's what I hear as I'm punched so fast my face can't even turn.

"You can't beat someone who moves to fast for you to see."

I hear the man say, as he stops and towers over me.


His boot meets my face and I fly backwards.

I open my eyes as I fly through the air, but all I see is ceiling before I slam against the ground.

I slowly stand up and look at him, then watch as he disappears.

I feel a pair of hands grab me, before I'm thrown across the floor into a wall.....

My bones break, but I'm healing so fast it doesn't matter.

I stand up slowly to make myself seem weak, as he gets ready to run at me again.

"Think River think, what's the first hit he's thrown both times....

A right hook."

I watch him get ready to run.

"Which side has he been on.....


I think to myself and get ready.....

I watch him take off running, then he disappears.

"One... Two... Three..."

I duck.


His punch misses.

I come up with an uppercut, then watch his jaw shatter and him go into the air.

I use my left hand to grab his ankle with my tendril, then change my right hand into a blade.

I yank down and impale him on my arm, then rip upwards and make sure he's dead.

I drain his void as a final measure, then feel Pure Darkness flood my veins as I drop him.....


I hear my final guy yell, then grow bigger.

"Oh shit.... He needed time to charge."

I say and realize why two weren't attacking me....

He grows to about twenty feet tall, then his arms and legs become huge.

"What's your name?"

I say and watch him, then change my arms into blades.

"They call me 'Beast'."

He says and snarls, as his hands change to claws and his teeth turn to meat-shredding spikes.

"He's my strongest soldier."

My mom says lovingly.


I say and look him up and down, then realize I might not make it out of this one.


He roars and charges, before swiping at me and knocking me across the room.

"Oh shit.... That can't be good."

I say and spit out blood, before standing back up.

He charges again, but this time I slide and stab him in the leg.


He roars and turns around.


I say and look up as his claws come down, but he picks me up.

"You'll be a good source of power and food."

He says smiling, before throwing me into his mouth.


I yell as I watch his teeth come towards me, but I focus and surround myself with a bubble.

I feel his teeth try and puncture, but he stops trying and swallows me.


He roars and I feel him move.

"No way in hell am I dying like this."

I say and make the bubble disappear as I'm swallowed.

I go to drop into his stomach, but I stab my arm blade into his throat.

I hang on and look down at the boiling stomach acid, before using my blades to work my way down into his soft stomach.....

Once I get far enough down, I keep one blade in him to secure me.

Then, I use another to rip open his stomach and climb out.

"AHHHHH. He's hurting my stomach."

Beast yells.

"Kill the other one, then you can lay down."

I hear my mom say, then feel Beast move.

"Yes My Queen."

He says loudly.

I climb through his organs, until I reach his heart.

"This is Fucking sick."

I say before changing my arms into blade again, then slam them into his heart and rip it open.


Beast roars and drops to his knees.

I look down and see his lungs, before dropping down and using my blades to rip a hole into them as I fall.


He gasps as I rip his lungs to shreds, then move to his back.


I roar and start slicing through his back, until I feel a breeze.

Beast is about to fall, because his heart is gone and so are his lungs.

I slice once more, then jump out into the air as he collapses forward.

I gasp for air and change my hands back, before wiping my face and laying beside him.

I can feel the need to take his void now....

We're compatible.

As I lay beside him I slam my bladed arm in, then start draining his void and feel Pure Darkness flow through me.

It feels so good and all my wounds are healing.

I stand up with a dark smile on my face, as I see Jake finish off the last guy.

I look over at my mom and see her standing there scared.....


She says as I move forward.


I say snarling as I keep moving and keep my arm changed.

"I'm your mother."

She says and raises her hands.

"No. You're not."

I swipe my other hand, then watch as they're cutoff.


She screams as I approach.

"You made this happen."

I say and go to impale her.

"You're not leaving either."

She says and I feel a tendril pierce my chest.....

I look down and see a gaping hole, then feel everything going dark.

"I told you I'd win and that you were gonna die."

She says and stands up smiling.

"I never planned on leaving here alive."

I say and focus, then cover Jake with a cocoon...

I focus on Pure Light coming from my body, then I feel all my power and energy be converted to this attack.

All I see is white, as my body explodes outwards with power and I watch my mom disintegrate....

I roll onto my back and let Jake go, then look at him as he rushes up.


He yells and grabs me.

"T..Tell Sydney.... I'm sorry..... For breaking our promise."

Is the last thing I say, as a darkness covers me.


I hear as I fade into a void, but I don't know if I'm gonna come out of this one...