
46. Sweet Flavour

The whole kitchen turned to face the entrance. Jacob stood watching everyone and smiled when they all looked at him.

"Carry on. I'm here for my daughter," Jacob told them. He headed to the office. 

Laughter carried through to the rest of the kitchen from the office. The tension in the kitchen eased. 

A sous chef patted her chest. "He usually only comes when the Luna is here. I nearly ruined the dish." 

The head chef rolled his eyes. The sous chefs were so dramatic. They were all nervously going about their tasks. 

Jacob looked over Gabriella's shoulder. He frowned; these meal plans extended several months down the line. His wife normally worked on three months at a go, this looked far more extensive. 

He shook his head. These kids took preparation to the nth degree. Gabriella consulted the Alpha on his preferences and the time flew by. 

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