
Who Is He

Rai just sits there staring at his hand, the grey looking flesh is covering his arm all the way up to his elbow. Hysterical thoughts fill his mind. Should I cut my arm off? Should I kill myself? Should I run away so I won't attack Nya? Should I scratch Nya too? Before he can think another thought a burning pain shoots up his arm, turning his whole arm grey. Now he can't cut it off. Maybe there is a cure? Rai is thinking crazy thoughts but he might be right. If someone created the decease they must have been smart, or really stupid. Hopefully they were smart enough to create a cure or something. There is an old lab around here somewhere it showed it on the map. It was north of here no it's was south of here. Rai slaps his head. "Remember you idiot!" Nya looks up and points south " it was that way". she says with a smile. Should Rai believe an 8 year old girl or his stupid brain? Rai picks up Nya and starts walking south. She better be right about this. Luckily Rai's arm stopped hurting, actually he can't feel it at all. Nya can tell that Rai is worried. "What's wrong?"Nya's face was so innocent. "nothing." Rai forces a huge grin to show Nya he's okay.


Rai spots a big metal building. It looks like some kind of science place. Rai always had bad grades in his science and biology classes, but for some reason Rai loved forensic science. He was at a big metal door. Should I knock or try to open it? He thought. Nya started banging on the door. Can't turn back now. Rai also started pounding his fists on the door. No one answered. No noises came from inside. Rai picked up Nya and started walking away. Nya grabbed Rai's shirt and said "look the door is opening!" Rai didn't really believe her, but he had to see for himself. She was right the, door was slowly opening. All they could see was a bright light and a silhouette of a person with a bat. The person had a deep voice, it was a man's voice "are you guys coming inside or not?" Nya jumped out of Rai's arms an bolted for the door. Rai had no choice but to chase her.


When the door finally closed a tall 50 something man with a scruffy face was holding Nya and Rai at gunpoint. Nya's eyes lit up "daddy!" The man lowered the gun and grabbed Nya. This man was her father? "Who are you young man and why are you with my daughter?" The old man had a happy expression but his voice was angry. Rai stood up straight to show he had confidence. " I was in the hospital hiding from some creatures when I heard a woman's voice asking for help so I let her in..." Before Rai could finish his story the man interrupted. "You mean Hina where is she and our son!?" The man's expression changed, he was now scared. Rai shook his head. The man didn't even ask how he just bowed his head. "What should I call you?" Rai asked trying to lighten the mood. "I'm Eric." The man held out his hand for Rai to shake. Grabbing the man's hand Rai smiled "I'm Rai nice to meet you." Now that introductions were over, Eric told the story of how he ended up here. To sum it up Eric was a scientist, he was working late at night no one was around,but on the cameras outside he saw his co-worker being ripped apart by something. Then, his alarm went off attracting more of those things.He managed to shut it off, but now he was alone. He had worried about Nya and her mother and brother ever since. Rai feels a sense of nostalgia from Eric. Who is he? How does Rai know him? Is he really able to be trusted?

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