

--- "Are you aware that the technique you practice goes against the very heavens?" "Oh, I'm so scared" --- "You ignorant fool, do you think this is play" "Play, me play?, i don't play, i slay devils, when i appear, ghosts shall mourn, gods shall weep and worlds shall be reduced to dust" --- "You idiot, who do you think you're to say such daring words" "Who i am?... I Am The Almighty Thunder Monarch"

DaoistZsYckV1_ · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 4- Why do you cultivate?


Chapter 4- Why do you cultivate?


But before he could even move, the old man clasped Fang's right hand, then…


Changlei Fang felt berserk qi run into his meridians, but before he could react, to the change he then he felt intense pain.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" Changlei Fang screamed in agony as he rolled around on the ground, his face contorted with pained expressions.

"You bastard, you should have at least warned me!" Changlei Fang shouted furiously.

"I told you what was coming" the old man said with an innocent face.

"AAAHH, damn you, you old bastard" Changlei Fang continued shouting as he cursed the old man.

The old man looked at Changlei Fang with an indifferent expression, not caring about Changlei Fang's curses.

He sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes, not caring about Changlei Fang.

He felt an angered gaze on him, he opened his eyes and saw Changlei Fang glaring at him, he was startled slightly as he thought

'Hmmmm, definitely very strange, the records say the ultra ancestor passed through this stage, and he got the Dragon's Veins, but why isn't it working"

"Shit!, I might have made a mistake"

If Changlei Fang could hear what this old man was thinking, he'll probably spit out blood in anger. His hands had been crippled and it seems as if this old man was actually lying to him and the so called Dragon veins weren't forming.

"Tell him to revolve the have him memorize that set of acupoints and channel his blood with twice the speed at those locations, do this quickly" a majestic voice was heard as he told the old man, but despite Changlei Fang being present, he didn't even hear that mysterious voice, only the old pervert heard this, and replied gratefully

"Thank you, master"

The old man wiped off the sweat from his forehead, as he sprung in action.

Changlei Fang who was looking at the old man, but he was interrupted as the old man lightly tapped several points on his body, as he heard

"operate the art, and send the mysterious energy through this places, slowly"

He began imparting several mnemonics and methods to assist Changlei Fang, but unfortunately even after several minutes of doing this and even repeating this, no change happened. He still felt the intense pain.

Changlei Fang asked through the gritted teeth "Old pervert, it isn't working"

"Don't worry it is part of the procedure, it will clear later, just calm your heart" the old man replied with a calm expression, but truth was in his mind, he was also panicking, he asked

"Master, what's going on?"

After several moments, the same mysterious voice replied


 "We have done our best for him, there are definitely some mishaps but, he can only sense where things are wrong with his hand and get through it himself"

"But why am I finding it difficult to heal his hands with even my strength" the old man asked in confusion.

"I don't know why, with our strengths we should be able to heal a mere broken hand, it's very strange, that even I don't understand" the mysterious voice said equally surprised.

The old man was visibly surprised, he knew how strong and knowledgeable his master was, but even he didn't know what was concealed in this child's body.

He had tried healing Changlei Fang's hands earlier but to no avail, he felt something very strange concealed in Changlei Fang's body.

The old man hearing this felt very confused but also regret, he had wanted to help his benefactor's son, but looks like a major mishap had happened, he had not practiced in the Dragon Energy Legacy Art, so he didn't know how to even advice Changlei Fang. He would have given Changlei Fang other techniques but this was the only technique that Changlei Fang could comprehend in his weak level.

That was the unique characteristic of Legacy Arts, they could be practiced by anyone no matter their cultivation level, and could only be practiced by people with certain bloodline.

And thinking how if that Fierce Tigress found out he had crippled her beloved son, she will probably skin him alive, not listening to any explanations he might have to offer. He was really afraid of Changlei Fang's mother, as that woman's cold face appeared in his mind.

He was pondering on this, as he was struck with a thought, he organized himself and said

"You're a shame" he said with disdain on his face.

"What!" Changlei Fang heard this and his rage multiplied, this old man crippled his hands and now he was here insulting him. Although this old man had saved him earlier, the pain he was feeling now made him forget all those, he was the trash of the family, if he came back with crippled hands, the ridicule he suffered will increase, his father might even disown him directly.

"Your mother has to carry a heavy burden every day, and has to put her life on the line all the time, and yet you are here with a chance to go help her, instead of trying to master this technique and gain power, you're instead here screaming like a little girl"

"You're a disappointment" At this point, he spat on Changlei Fang.

Changlei Fang lied there stunned, as his face looked like his soul had left his body, and even when the old man's saliva fell on his face, he didn't even react and let it slide on his face.

What the old man said next, made him stunned and sink deeper into deep thought, the old man asked him a question he had never asked himself before, a simple yet very profound question.

"Why do you cultivate?"