
The End That Leads To A New Beginning

Hou Yan traveled through the void, he was heading towards one of the remaining eleven general's location. Since Hou Yan had reached the peak of this world, he had the strength to compete with these bitches.

Far from the mainland, there was a small island. This island was once known as the Seven Dragon Island. It was said that seven dragons died here and their blood soaked into the ground. The Island was inhabitable due to the pressure that was being released by the dragons' blood. This was also the place which the tenth general, Libra the Fairy. She was sent here on a secret mission to search for a lost artifact.

While Libra was searching around the island, she felt the presence of someone heading towards her direction. At first, she was tensed up, but when she realized it was that mongrel's aura, she was relieved. She could finally avenge Piscis, her crush. She loved Pisces more than anything. She even had body pillows of Pisces and at night, would pleasure herself while holding the body pillow.

"You mongrel, appear before this fairy!"

Libra released her aura in order to force out Hou Yan. Unfortunately for her, Hou Yan didn't appear as she expected. Instead, a wave of Hou Yan's aura struck her, causing her small body to be thrown 10 meters away. When she tried to get up, she realized her body felt weak and she felt a ton of pain. It wasn't that her body went weak from Hou Yan's aura, but the aura had heavily damaged her.

If it was another general, this wouldn't have happened. Utmost, that general would have shaky legs, but she was heavily injured. It was because Libra was a support type of cultivator. She didn't focus heavily on increasing her strength; instead, her magical powers. With those powers, she could save her teammates from life-threatening moments.

"You called for me beauty?"

Hou Yan responded to her with a disdain tone.

'Hmph, trying to force your daddy out with such meager ability? You truly underestimate me.'

"H-How did you get so strong?"

"Why should I tell you that? Well, enough with the chitchatting, I need to end your lives so author-Kun can end the first volume successfully."



Hou Yan slashed at her neck and the blade went through her neck like tofu. He had killed her with one slash! How could she be that weak?

"Well, who cares. I need to kill them."

[Yeet... Congratulations for defeating one of the remaining eleven generals... Experience +...]

[Yeet... For killing a general easily, you have been awarded <<Heaven Binding Dragon Rope>>]

"OOO! I hit jackpot!"

[Yeah Yeah! Just go and finish them off]



Meanwhile, the other generals gathered together and the conference room was covered by a heavy atmosphere. The reason why had that to do with the death of Libra. Libra was a useful general among the generals. She had the ability to restore them to full health in seconds, which could help them win battles.

"Who is the culprit?"

"I believe it was that mongrel!"

"Him? But how could he?! He shouldn't even have the strength to go to that island!"

"That bastard! If he were here right now, I would've chopped him into pieces!"

"Same! I would've cut off his ears and swallowed his tendons!"

"I would've skinned him alive!"

While they were shouting threating words towards Hou Yan, they didn't realize the person they were cursing at was right next to them. Hou Yan couldn't help but cringe at their soft methods.

'You call yourselves generals, yet you don't even know how to torture someone? If I were one of you and I captured that handsome and cute Hou Yan, I would've tickled him to death and spray painted n his buttocks!'

[You know that you are saying those stuff to yourself right? I don't know whether I should call you a narcissist or an idiot...]

"Were you looking for me cuties?"

The generals were startled by Hou Yan's appearance; moreover, they were surprised at the appearance of right next to them. They weren't even able to tell how he got in.

"You! Haha! You have finally brought yourself to your grave! Let me help you go in there you bastard!"

Scorpio was the one that spoke as he launched himself at Hou Yan. Hou Yan remained unfazed as he watched Scorpio throw himself towards him.

"Puh! Do you dare throw your dirty whore body at your father? You sinful bastard! Let me discipline you!"

When Scorpio was a foot away, Hou Yan lifted his blade and slashed at Scorpio's neck at an incomprehensible speed. The other generals couldn't react in time and Scorpio's head fell off.

[Yeet... Congratulations for defeating one of the remaining ten generals... Experience +...]

[Yeet... For killing a general easily, you have been awarded <<Divine Escape Talisman>>]

Hou Yan was really happy when he saw the notification. If he killed more of these generals, then he would gain more awesome items!


The generals looked at each other confused.

"Did he go crazy?"

"I think so!" x9 generals

Hou Yan didn't care about what they said. He immediately supposed the Heaven Binding Dragon Rope. When the generals saw it, they began to shake in fear. How could this bastard have such a supreme treasure?! It was truly incomprehensible!

Taking advantage of the moment when their bodies froze in fear, Hou Yan threw the rope towards them all and it bound all the generals together. Without waiting for another chance, Hou Yan killed them one by one. He didn't even give the generals time to beg, he finished them off immediately!

[Yeet... Congratulations for defeating all of the generals... Experience +...]

[Yeet... For killing all the generals, you have been awarded <<Reincarnation Talisman of the Xianxia Series>>]

'Eh? That's all?'

[Nope, there is more!]

[Yeet... The host has leveled up to Divine Realm]

[Yeet... The host has surpassed this world's limits and achieved something that none could. For this achievement, the host shall learn about what this world is!]


[To explain to you what this world is... First, let me do something special]

[Yeet... The system has forcefully triggered <<Reincarnation Talisman of the Xianxia Series>>... The host has 3 seconds before being reincarnated]

"What?! Why?!"

[This world is just the beginning. This world isn't actually a world, it is but a fictional world created by you from the past. This world was meant to train you up for what is about to come. I wish you luck Young Master Hou, or should I say Young Master Co--]

[Yeet... The host will now be reincarnated]


Hou Yan disappeared into the dark rift that appeared in space as his voice got quieter. The 'system' that should've been inside Hou Yan's sea of consciousness appeared and was floating in space. It was not a female nor a human.

On the face of the 'system', there was a smile on it as it looked at the place Hou Yan disappeared to.

[Hais, I have finally finished my job. Now, it is all up to you young master. I wish you luck! Now then, it is time to clean up this mess.]

The 'system' raised its hand and indescribable power came out of it. The sky shattered, the earth shook, and space fell into the ground. The world itself was being destroyed. The life that was in the world now was gone. It wasn't actually live, but just fake characters. It would be known as NPCs in Earth, the place where Hou Yan came from.

[Now that this mess is taken care off, it is time to enter a deep slumber. I shall only wake up when the young master has reached that level. Once I hand in the artifact, I shall finally experience real rest.]

I know this chapter may have been rushed and a bit cringy, but bear with me for I had suffered tremendously to come up with an ending. I had truly fucked up hard in the first volume, but worry not, for I shall not fuck up again!

Y0ur5_Trulycreators' thoughts
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