
Chapter One

Joseph laid in his bed. He couldn't sleep. He just moved from England to New York. And it was certainly something. I mean, it was 1999 in New York. An exciting time to be alive. Apparently, they were all going to die when it became 2000. Also, New York is just a whole other experience.

When Joseph was walking to McDonald's for a Happy Meal, he witnessed two rats ganging up on some guy, trying to get him to drop his bagel. It worked which was the weirdest part.

Not only that, but New York's women aren't bad looking at all. And the same went for the men. The blonde man that was at the cafe across the street was especially good looking. As Joseph was unboxing his toy from the Happy Meal, he could not take his eyes off of him.

The way that he sipped on his coffee. The way that he would adjust his glasses. The way he would brush the hair out of his eyes. The way he did everything was so…pretty. Yeah, Joseph has had crushes on men before, but they weren't as big as this. Hell, and he has never even been in the same building as that blondie.

So, he laid in bed. Coming up with a plan on how to talk to this man. The man didn't seem very old, so Joseph marked that off the list. He was going to shoot his shot. He had to. He was going to go to the cafe.


Joseph woke up to the sun blaring into his eyes. For some reason, Granny Erina put his bed in the only corner of his room where the sun just so happens to shine right in his eyes. Thank you, Granny.

He dragged his ass out of bed, picked out an outfit, put on his scarf, and left for the cafe. It was around the same time as yesterday, so hopefully blondie was there.

He walked down the street, looking for the Zeppeli Cove Cafe and Bakery sign. Then, he found it. He smiled, feeling the butterflies attack his stomach. Joseph stood there for a moment, wondering if he should actually do this.

He then saw him. Sitting in the same spot where he was the previous day. That was just the thing Joseph needed. He gained his boldness back and walked with pride toward the cafe.

Joseph opened the door. It was one of those cute cafes that are pleasing to the eye. The door had a bell that rang when you opened it. The color scheme of the place was brown, white, and beige. The counter had a lovely display of pastries and bagels and about any breakfast and lunch food that looked nice.

Joseph looked to his left. There he was. The blonde man that had caught his eye. Joseph could feel his face heating up. He stood there. Should he really do this? Yes. Yes he should because the man looked gorgeous as he ate his sandwich.

JoJo walked over to him. Be cool be cool be cool be cool… The blonde man looked up at Joseph as he approached him. His eyes were a precious color of green. Almost like an emerald. His hair was quite messy but he made it work. And he wore a cute headband with an odd pattern around his head. But what was most interesting were his birthmarks on his cheeks; they were almost a purple color and were on both of his cheeks.

"Can I help you?" He asked Joseph, "Or are you going to stare at me for a little longer?" Joseph turned a violent shade of red. But the man just chuckled and offered JoJo the seat across from him. Joseph's plan to be cool was out of the window. He hasn't gotten a word out.

"So," Joseph managed, "Uhm, do you come here often?"

"I own the place," The man said, "My name is Caesar Zeppeli. And you are?"

"Joseph!" He responded, a little too eagerly, "Uh, Joseph Joestar." Things were going amazing! It makes so much more sense now. I mean, Joseph could never go to the same place every damn morning for the rest of his life. Well, if Caesar Zeppeli went there every day, then Joseph would gladly go, but still.

"Joestar. What a unique name…" Caesar mumbled, "Can I get you something?"

After that, it went from 11:41 AM to 4:30 PM. Joseph got a breakfast sandwich, a muffin, two cookies, a wrap, a hot chocolate, and a lemonade. Best part was he didn't pay a single cent. And not to brag or anything, but he also got Caesar's number.

"Well, Joseph Joestar, I suppose I'll see you again?" Caesar said from behind the counter. His lunch had ended a long time ago, so he just let Joseph talk to him from behind the counter. Joseph nodded and said his goodbyes.

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