Ai High is known for years now. It is a famous school for delinquents located in Japan. A lot of people living in japan already know that this kind of school exist,but they can't find the school. People tend forget about the school but every year the school stands out because of their students. President 星 also known as star is quite excited because he knows that this year Ai High will rise again. On the other side, Cheska Therese Libasora is a innocent girl who have been kidnapped when she was young so that the Aishe Clan can have a representative for the upcoming Ai High biggest challenge that been organize years ago, they didn't even train her how to use any kind of weapons. Instead,they give her love that her biological parents can't give her.
Ai High is a school for delinquents, High profile delinquents. Normal schools teach their students how to learn, while Ai High teach their students how to survive.
This school isn't just an ordinary school,a lot of people tried to passed the test for them to enter but failed.
Ai High will teach their students how to use a gun and different kinds of illegal stuff that a minor should be scared of, but again Ai High is not ordinary so as the students.
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