
Agent: Calypso

Calliope Balgron, an aloof women who's addicted to online games. A women who choose to stay at home and play all day. The was a time when she doe not sleep and eat for several days that caused to her death. But little did she know that it will be the start of her new adventure. She was able to live again but not in the world she exist before. Calliope Balgron was reincarnated into another world. A world where she did not expect that exist. A world she only sees in game. A new adventure awaits to Calliope Balgron, meeting and experiencing a battle between human and monster. A battle of hardship in life and protecting someone important.

Milo_Zepeto · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Chapter 8 - Suspicions

[Viscount Alfhere Tarravia's POV]

I am busy doing some paper works that are piled up on my table. When suddenly someone knock on my door. I look at the door in front of me, who might it be.

"I'll check who's knocking on the door." Arnold, my assistant said. I just nod in response to him.

"Sir Arnold, I have a letter from Viscount Andovine." Katie one of my reception staff handed over a letter to Arnold and leave immediately. Arnold them came to me and handed over the letter.

"Hmmm... It is so sudden that Ben sends a letter." I read the letter. Looks like he met an interesting group of new adventurers. I continue reading the letter when someone knock again on the door.

"Viscount Tarravia, may I come in? I have something to discuss about a group of new adventurers selling a bunch of monster and magic stone materials." Katie said.

"Please come in." the door opened. "Have a sit." She sat on the sofa in front of my office table.

"What will you be discussing with me Katie? A group of new adventurers you say?" I ask for confirmation. A group of three people. Same on what Ben wrote on the letter. "Katie, what do you think about the new adventurer downstair?" I asked her.

"I checked their IDs and seems like the two of them is a dual-class. The third person uses a dimensional storage, a very rare sight to see. Even though she's a single class adventurer, the two dual-class respect and fear her. I think they are siblings. They call her sis; this girl also dresses very suspicious. Wearing a cloak and mask." Katie explained.

"I want to see her. Let's go downstair. Arnold come with me." I said and headed down on the reception area.

I was walking on the stairs, and I can see that there are 3 people sitting and chatting with each other. I approached them and start a conversation. They may be a beginner but their aura is not normal. The girl that Katie said is still sitting and sleeping?

I was asking a question when suddenly the girl approach me in an abrupt manner. I was taken aback as a reaction to her actions. Her aura is so eerie. The girl called Scythe, called her out and tried to calm her down. This girl with a mask warned me not to meddle too deep on their business. I resigned and go back to my office. I should investigate more on these people before taking action if they will be a threat to this kingdom or not. I need to call Ben to discuss this matter with him. We should plan on what action we should take as a precautionary.

"Arnold gets the Contact Mirror Artifact." I commanded him to get it so I can call Ben. He handed me the artifact. I was waiting for Ben to respond.

"Alfhere, did you received the letter I sent to you?" He asked me.

"Yes, I already met them, we should investigate and see if they will be a threat or not to this kingdom." I said to him.

"I heard they will be having a dinner with one of your merchants. Ed was the name of the man they will be meeting in front of your guild. One of them is a little bit suspicious as she does not want her identity to be known in the future. What a mysterious girl. She's like a year younger than us." He explained.

"You already gathered information on them. Wow!" I said while laughing. Ben does not gather information on a person if they did not interest him. "Should we meet later in front of my guild and have a dinner? I'll inform Sebastian as well to be wary. Let say that we already planned to have a dinner so that they will not suspect us that we have ulterior motive." I suggested to Ben.

"That's a great Idea, I will ask one of my staff to track their whereabout. See you at 6 in the evening." Ben said and ended the conversation.

"Arnold, go to the Royal Palace and inform Sebastian about this matter. Dismiss now." I said and start working again.

[Viscount Rouben Andovine's POV]

I sent a letter to Alfhere to inform him about these new adventurers that signed up on the guild a while ago. There skills are not that outstanding although one of them seems to be a little suspicious. Two of them are a dual-class. They seemed to respect the other member of their party as a highly skilled person. They fear her as well. A respect and fear from someone that class is above you is fascinating. I called them here in my office to offer to work exclusively on our guild for a high-rank subjugation although their identity card is not S-rank. Regarding with the letter I sent to Alfhere. It will be a good idea to track and gather more information about them. We are connected with the crown prince of this kingdom. He let us decide on what action to do once we feel that there will be a threat or a commotion will arise on the kingdom.

The Contact Mirror lit up and Alfhere showed. I decided to tell him about those three people who went earlier to our guild and decided to inform Sebastian about this matter. He agreed that will be the best measure for now. We will investigate and gather more information about them.

Time past by and it's already past five in the afternoon. I decided to leave now since the information I gathered is that it should be around this time that thy will meet in front of the Merchant's Guild Entrance Gate.

"I'll be on my way now. No one is allowed to enter my office." I said to the staff that are left on the reception area.

As soon as I stepped my foot outside the gate, I already to the target. Lucky!

"Wow! What a great coincidence that we bump sooner than what I expect. Where are you going?" I ask her but she did not answer him. See looks to her companion and the two of them answer me instead.

"We will be meeting someone in front of the Merchant's Guild. Are you going home now?" the girl, I think her adventurer's name is Fria.

"Ah, yes but I was planning to go to my friend. I'll be heading on the same direction so let's go together, is that alright?" I keep on looking to her side. I saw her frowned face and the guy answer me immediately.

"Ah, yes, you can go with us." He said and whisper something to me. "Please stop looking at her, don't ruin her mood so we can eat a proper meal." He said to me with a pleading tone voice then I said "Okay" in response then glance once more before walking.

When we arrived in front of the Merchant's guild, Alfhere shout my name. What the hell! Oh! I notice that Tim is here, looks like Sebastian wants to know the fuss we have now.

"Oho! My friend, have you been waiting here for too long?" this jerk Alfhere keep teasing me.

"Shut the fuck up Ben!" I said to Alfhere and look at her, the named Calypso. "Please refrain from getting accustomed with this man. Ouch!" Alfhere smacked my head real hard. The fuck?!

"Please do not shutter my reputation will you my dear friend?" Alfhere said while looking at me. "Let's get going I'm hungry, Let's have a drink and good meal." He added.

"Uncle Ed, who's the guy beside you?" Fria ask him. "Is he your son? Wow! You look handsome." She said while eyeing the guy.

"Stop teasing him, look His face are now all red." Kezef said and it made Uncle Ed laugh a little.

"Alright kids, let's go. Let's have a dinner now." The old man said to them.

"Wait!" Alfhere and I said in unison while Tim is only observing us. "Let's have a dinner together." We spoke.

"Come with us, but we will be eating in a shabby pub, not in a fancy restaurant." The old man said.

"That's fine with us. Come on, let's go now..." Then we walk to a diner. A simple Diner called Deco Pub.

As we enter the place, there's a lot of people eating and drinking while having a good conversation with their companions. One of the pub staff greet and assist us to get a table.

"Welcome to Deco Pub. Are you all in a group? If so, please follow me so I can get you a better table for your group." She said to the old man named Ed and lead us to a table near a window. "Here's the menu and call for me once you have decided for your order. Thank you!" We are looking at the menu the girl gave us. But we are shock when she already ordered. He just glance at the menu once before passing it to her companion.

"One Ginger Ale, Beef Broccoli with rice and egg tart and strawberry parfait for dessert." She said while looking at the waitress. She looks at us and ask. "What? You're not going to eat?" She asks like a confused facial expression.

"One Ginger Ale, Garlic Steak with Rice and apple pie for dessert." Fria said. Kezef whisper to her. "Ahhh make it two each dish. Same with the Ginger Ale." She added.

"One whole Roast Chicken, A ChiPo Set and a bottle of 100-year-old Ale." Alfhere ordered. "Please add pork skewers, Pork Stew and a vegetable salad. We can share food since we can't eat a whole roasted chicken." I added on the order Alfhere said to the waitress.

"Then we will be having a Ginger Ale, One pan bread and a meat skewer as well." The old man, Uncle Ed said to the waitress.

The waitress repeats our orders before living and now we are now in an awkward silent. Waiting for someone to break the ice.

They were happy talking to each other while she just looks and not saying anything. She did not even remove her mask and hood.

"HAHAHAHA! This is my son, the one I mentioned before, He is handsome right? It may now look how he is but he is quite capable and strong on his own ways." Uncle Ed proudly said and laugh.

"Father, stop it, don't tease me anymore." He spoke. Wow what a soft voice for a man.

"What's your name?" She finally talked!

"My name is Rogziel Douma, I am a registered adventurer but in a low rank. I don't have a party so it is hard for me to level up my rank as an adventurer." He said and I felt a gazed intent to me. I look who is it and it was her.

"So, one cannot accept a quest if they are not in a group of adventurers?" She asks while giving me a sharp look. Woah! What a fierce woman.

"We have a requirement of at least three people to accept the quest. That's a basic requirement to prevent casualty or disaster happens." I spoke. It was true. We do not want to have so much casualty to happen. It will affect our guild as well as the reputation of the Royal Highness on the neighboring kingdom.

"Don't worry! We will bring you with us whenever we go!" Fria said in front of Uncle Ed's son, Rogziel. Geez. I'm relief, saved by this girl.

"We will bring you with us tomorrow. I'll pick a quest that you will be due on your own and I'll check if you're worthy to be with us on the long run." She said and look to Kezef. "Tell him what should be and should not done once he joins us." She added.

"Uncle Ed, once he joins us, your son will be travelling with us. Is that alright with you? Don't worry I'll take care of him. Let us marry!" Fria said with a sparkling eye while looking to Uncle Ed. Geez!

"HAHAHAHA! You want my consent? Are you perhaps asking for a permission to marry my son? Yes, yes! I'll gladly give you my consent to marry him. HAHAHAHA" Uncle Ed said and pat Fria's head.

"See? Father Ed gave his consent to marry you!" Fria said and cling his to him.

"Wow! I envy youth these days, being bold to propose in front of the parents." I look at Alfhere and we said it in a teasingly manner.

"So how about this lady over here? You will not remove your mask?" Alfhere ask them. "Ha! I think someone is more suitable for her, you know whom I'm talking about, right? HAHAHA" I jokingly said.

"Ah right! I'm thinking if they will be in good terms the moment, they will meet their eye. HAHAHAHA!" Alfhere added while laughing his ass out. "I wonder if they will draw their sword in an instant, with that kind of attitude he has, I bet It has a high possibility it will happen. HAHAHA." I added on what Alfhere said. Tim looks at us while controlling his laugher.

She just continues to eat and we're having a conversation with them, I felt a presence hiding somewhere. I look at Alfhere and Tim to be vigilant on our surrounding since it might be bad if someone might get hurt.

"By chance, do you guys have someone offended before? Looks like we have an uninvited guest. Hiding somewhere." She said and effortlessly catch the arrow that was aimed to the three of us, Tim, Alfhere and me. "Look, they also sent a gift." She said and place the arrow on the table and drink the Ginger Ale. "What a warm greeting, do you want me to hunt one head right now?" She asked us.

"Oh-Oh~ Only one head should be enough, okay? You still have food to finish." Kezef said. As if a disaster will befall us if she's not calm down.

"Yes, I will not move from this seat. I will just give back the gift they sent." She said and throw the arrow towards the tree. We heard a voice and a sound just like falling from a high place.

"Ahh, okay let's continue eating now. Oh, you should eat more. You look so thin." Fria said and give more food as if nothing happens. What an odd team of adventurer. We look at each other and understand the meaning of each gazed.

"That's alright, you need to gain more so that no other flies will come close to you." Fria said and glare to the next table of women who keeps staring at our table. "Ahhh Of course, we have lots of handsome guys on our table. No doubt." She also added and we laugh on what she just said. HAHA! Of course, this is a sight to behold. A group of handsome and gorgeous people in a table eating together. There's no doubt about how other girls will handle this scene.

"Who's the guy you brought with us Viscount Tarravia?" She asks Alfhere who sits beside Tim who's drinking quietly.

"He is one of our friends, Crown Prince aide. He gives a letter of request and I invited him to have a drink." He spoke. Nice lie my friend.

"I see." She said and look at Kezef and Fria. "Let's get going if your finish eating and drinking. We need to look for an inn to stay." They both nodded.

"You don't have a place to stay in? You can stay with me." Alfhere and I said in unison again. We look at each other, what the fuck dude? I got to know here first. I should investigate her more.

"Who are you guys talking too?" She asks. "I am not the only one who needs a place to stay in, I have my siblings here." And gestured the two in front of us. "So, if you'll excuse us. You can come with us now if you want then let get your things to your house tomorrow after the quest." She said while looking to Rogziel the old man's son. "Uncle Ed, where do you live? We will accompany you just to make sure you're safe." She said to Uncle Ed.

"Thank you! But I can handle myself. Please take care of my son. He may be the same age as you but he's still my little kid." Uncle Ed said and walk on his own.

"We will be going now. Let's go my little sister and brothers." She said and left a gold coin on the table and walks towards the door.


After they totally left the place, Tim suddenly talks.

"Looks like we need to be acquainted with them since they look like a formidable people who happens to be in this kingdom. The girl who wears mask a while ago does not possessed such great aura at first glance. But her skills are exceptional that's for sure. We should not tell this to the crown prince for the meantime, let us just observe them first." Tim said.

"I agree, at first when I saw her at my building, she looks ordinary. But has an aura that you can fear. The two companion she has a great physique and skills. The two of them who fear her is quite a mystery." Alfhere said.

"Then, that will be the case that's fine." I said and look at Tim.

"I think they will give me more money once they are done with their task. I and going to be rich my friends!" Alfhere suddenly said. And it popped on my mind.

"You're right, they get the best materials. The request will be piled up and we will get a commissioned money more!" I agreed to him. HAHAHA. Now that I think about it.

"What a bunch of money-minded person. Both of you did not change at all. Do you have any information about them? Name, age, origin?" Tim asked.

"The guy named Kezef and has a name of Jingo as adventurer is younger than us, at least 20-22 years old. A dual-class user. The girl named Fria with a name of Scythe as an adventurer Is the same age as Kezef, she is a dual-class user as well. The one who wears the hoodie and mask called Calypso. She does not emit so much mana but her aura is on a different level. Her age was around 23-25 years old. Almost the same aged as ours." I explained to them.

"Kezef and Fria call her sis, right? Are they biologically related? They seem to respect and fear hear whenever she gets irritated or got annoyed." Tim asks.

"We are not sure if they are biologically related or not. But they respect and trust each other." Alfhere said.

"Alright, I should head back to the palace now, Sebastian is waiting for my return about this meeting." Tim said and left.

"Let's talk whenever we have new information or if problem arise. Until then my friend." We bid our goodbye and gone home.