
Heart Beat.... lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB

"Little sister, we had known that the house who resides on our land are witches a long time ago! From your first generation up to the present" explain Satin

"Ah! The child exclaim and retract her chilly aura… and look at us innocently and smile brightly at me,

"lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB"… what was that?" I look around checking the faces of my house help & sister but there nothing on their faces, again I look & check our surrounding, may be a rodents or birds are making the sound but I couldn't find any, I look at Margaret again,"lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB".. I close my eyes no sound can be hear…"What was that? It sound to familiar"… I look again…"lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB"… I close my eyes again…. Open" lub-DUB, lub-DUB, lub-DUB" am I hallucinating?.. There's that quickness of breath, I felt a trivial pain in my chest… AH!!! 😲 am I having a heart attack?!! Heart attack… heart??!!!Then it sink in… My heart is beating!!! I unconsciously place my both hands in my chest…I can feel that oh so familiar beat… the last time I felt the beating of my heart was two thousand years ago…. Why now? Am I under a spell?

"Lady Margaret did you cast a spell again? Or cast a spell on me? I tested the her who is smiling sweetly at me, I am having goosebumps just having that thought that she might be the one….

"Spell at you??? Today??. I nod my head… "no.. only yesterday a tracking spell" why? She ask with an earnest face…

"No-nothing", I reply with whiten face, I bark an order at our gardener" Cyrus please fix the door today" I look at my sister who is grinning from ear to ear, I sharply look at her "You see to this issue, send her back!" and before she can utter a word I transformed myself into a black crow. I fly hurriedly before they notice something, I need to think, is she really the one? I need to consult the grand eremite or the medicine man of the vampire's mob.

(⁰_⁰) the reaction of the creatures who were left in the room… they got the same stunned expression

Santina sigh and look at the cook who's drooling while looking at me Margaret "Peter knock out of it!, "go prepare some refreshment for our guess, Miley please do help him" Parker go to the market and gather some supplies, we'll be having a guess from now on" She start barking orders to the house help who were stunned silly by my fleeing future husband, "Bruce and Wayne please fix the salon for our guess and me" she look at the three butlers" Michael (Michelangelo) please prepare the report about the mining, Ello(Donatello) Please cancel my meeting with the supplier, and Raphael(Raphaello) follow us in the salon."

Chorus …. Yes me lady…

"Lady Malvar I am sorry for the lack of hospitality, you're our first human visitor after two thousand years" she explains, my future sister-in-law is a stunningly gorgeous lady, a silky black hair flowing till the floor, milky white skin with bloody red lips & ruby eyes she's the female version of my future husband both have the face that launched a thousand ships… she guided me to the salon, I was amazed on how fast the house help they have, even the tea and sweets are served. We are seated on a very spacious & elegant receiving area, astonishment was writer in my face, I wonder how they built this underground basilica, all ancient items are in good sound no single crack was seen, the ancient murals are painted from ceiling to floor is a wonder, a fest for the eyes. I cannot hold back my curiosity so I ask her" how in the world did this amazing basilica was build, the engineering is astonishing," Santina was amuse on my chosen words and laugh while covering her mouth.

"This Basilica was built by our parents, all there life was dedicated on building this Basilica, my mother has a bad premonition that I & my brother will need a place to hide from the word, a safe haven for us, their children, that's how this basilica was built and name it as Sanguis Basilicae. My mother is special she is a Psychic, she warmed us of the danger we will face... but because they died early, me & my brother forgotten about it" Santina has a forlorn expression… like an abandon animal…" do you know the meaning of Sanguis Basilicae? She unconsciously ask in a small voice

"It's a Latin word for Blood Cathedral" I nonchalantly answer" how all of you turn undead?" I am sorry if it's too painful please ignore the question' my curiosity got the better of me, I feel uncomfortable.

Satin smile at me…"not that it's painful, I just don't feel anything since we become undead, our heart don't beat anymore, what did you read in books? She ask me smiling… I think that Satin is a warm lady when she's alive, down to earth, just too bad that incident happen… (Hold on a minutes! if that incident did not happen, then there's no chance of meeting Romanov)… so I erase that feeling of sadness.

Oh! Let see…" I was reaching at my memories about House of von Holstein, it just a short information, "the house of Von Holstein are long line of knights and merchant… The ladies of this house are voluntary help the education of their territory. In XXXX year Sir Romanov von Holstein face a new born vampire, the new born escape at the same night & the house of von Holstein was burn down to ashes "Ah!" I realize why the Von Holstein house cease to exist…"If you're going to analyst the story you will deduct that the new born was the reason behind the incident" I said confidently.

Satin glance at me and nod and shake her head… uhh!!! That was confusing … "yes we're invaded by the new born… on that night if I recall correctly… this what happen…

On the year XXXX rainy night Sir Romanov von Holstein went to patrol the town and the nearby town. He had witness a vampire nearly killed a boy, in short almost bitten, he fought with this new born and was badly injure, he never gave up the fight, but eventually the vampire has escaped. Sir Romanov chases, because of his injuries he fail to apprehend the vampire. He return back to the town and asked the townsfolk to lock their doors and don't go out. After making sure that anyone is safe he went home.

But without him knowing the new born followed him. The von Holstein people are still awake waiting for their lord, upon seeing his injured body they busily tend to him. Lady Santina the youngest of von Holstein went to the kitchen to fetch food for his brother along with her maid Miley, they heard a "Tuhd" sound outside the back door and open it.

what's greets them was the body of Bruce & Cyrus laying in a pool of blood they were gasping for breath and the neck has a gaping whole and while Wayne was being held captive by a man, by reflex Santina took the nearby shovel and hit the man holding Wayne but the shovel was broken into two, then the body of Wayne was toss in the ground. The shock and fright of the two ladies render them emotionless, they heard Wayne voice," Me lady run save yourself" please me lady." Wayne begged & Miley scream and blocked me from the vampire sight" My lady please get inside, she urge hastily. Santina was stunned when she seen the face of the new born, the handsome face of her Prince Siegfried her beloved fiancee… tears rain down on her beautiful face… "Third Prince Siegfried don't you remember me? Us? She ask the vampire, the eyes of the vampire is unfocused and then he laugh, "oh Yes I remember" he look at Satina as if she was looking at a delicacy"…come here my darling" he smile with bloody lips… "My lady this creature is no longer your fiancee" Miley reminded" please go inside my lady & be safe" then suddenly Miley was disappear in front of Santina. In just a second the fangs of the vampire sink in on Miley's neck. "Miley!!" Santina scream at the top of her lungs. It was heard by the kitchen help, the butlers & Sir Romanov who was on the second floor.

The kitchen help rashly come to aid, Peter is handling a butcher knife while Parker was holding a rolling pin, they we're dumbfound on what they witness, Parker went back inside and call on the three butlers to carry weapon. When he return to the scene Miley & Peter were lying on the ground bloodily nearly on death door, Santina was on the ground holding a broken shovel anguish on her eyes & keep on calling the Prince name. The vampire slowly approaching her, Parker abstract the vampire and he swing is sword, the three butler follow suit but the vampire block all of their attacked, Santina tend to the bitten house helper she tried to pull them inside while she scream for her brother. Michelangelo used his whip to hold the vampire while Donatello & Raphaello attacked both side at same time, vampire dodge, in the place where the vampire was standing had a small pit, Michelangelo was caught off guard & the vampire bite him before he had a change to scream. Parker, Donatello & Raphaello tried to save Michelangelo but they failed the vampire dodge while he hold his victim fang sank in… the three helper were helpless, they attack and attack but they never got the chance to land a blow, Michelangelo was toss in the ground lifeless. Same thing happened to the three attacker we're toss lifeless, the fight didn't even last for five minutes. The vampire laugh out loud and vanish, he appear at the back of Santina who was trying to carry Miley inside.

Santina felt the painful grab from behind her & her dress rip on the neck side, "No Siegfried, you have to remember that your human and who am I to you" she pleaded, bitter tears keeps on falling on her eyes, the pain in her heart on seeing her beloved like this, murdering the people she care about. Begged again, Siegfried touch the beating pulse on her neck and whisper from her back "beg me more! it's make me excited, my blood is boiling, I want to bite & drink and drink blood, the smell of fright, and the sweet taste drive me crazy. That's all I know! that I am thirsty and I need to quench this thirst, so if you know me then quench this thirst" my sob become loud and his fang sink in my neck I felt my blood is draining slowly, like he was savoring it. All this did not last even five minutes. She was praying that her brother will not go out, pray that her brother will live longer…" I am sorry brother" her vision is getting hazy, she saw her brother running holding a sword "Brother stay back! Don't come here please save yourself, she scream in a husky voice begged his brother…

Romanov was driven crazy by the scene that greeted him, his whole family were in the ground lifeless, his sister was toss like a rug doll in ground gasping for air. He shout while swinging his sword attacking the vampire, but he disappear he slash the air only. His mind is in chaos he slash and slash, suddenly he felt his right hand broken, he cannot move, his head was bend on the left side of his shoulder... and fang sank in, before he lost consciousness the vampire explode, him was toss in the ground near his sister, he crawl use his all strength to hold his sister hand " Satin Everything will turn out alright. we will see mom and dad... then darkness..

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