
Against The Devil

"If you were the devil... What would you do?" "If... If I were the prince of darkness, I would..." ---- This is the story of two boys from two different families- A Wayne and A Morningstar. Born in two different worlds that are at war with each other, the two boys, Andrew Wayne and Silver Morningstar, are born in rich and powerful families. Born in a rich and powerful family should only be filled with a life full of comfort and riches. But what if the devil sets his eyes on these two families? What if the prince of darkness decides to use these two families as chess pieces? What would become of the Waynes and the Morningstars? And what of the fates of Andrew and Silver? Can they overcome the devil? Or would both or one of them become the devil? ----- P.S: I got the cover art from Pinterest, and read my review in case you want to know more about the book.

Anon22 · Fantasi
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126 Chs

29: Capital of Sparta

As mothers and fathers met their sons and brothers, sisters met their brothers, younger brothers met their older brothers, and so on, various emotions could be felt from every civilian and warrior alike.

Silver stood a fair distance away and watched the events with slightly wide and curious eyes. This would be his second time seeing people showcase various and distinct emotions, and it intrigued him slightly.

The last time he saw something like this, was when he was two years old. His mother told him that his eyes had never left his father when he left for war.

'That was ten years ago.' Silver thought with a distant expression, but before he could delve deeper into his memories, he felt a hand on his shoulder along with a voice, "You won't greet your father?"

He looked up, and when he saw the source of the hand, joy flashed in his eyes.

"Father!" Silver jumped into his father's outstretched arms, and Silas laughed. He carried Silver and ruffled his hair with a light smile. "And here I thought you didn't miss me." 

"I definitely missed you dad." Silver said with a bright smile, and then his smile turned mischievous. "I made sure to cause a little bit of trouble this time around. I scared three guards and they didn't catch me."

Silver's voice overflowed with pride, and Silas laughed loudly. He ruffled Silver's hair once again, and with a bright smile, he said: "Good. That's very good. I'm proud of you."

Silver's eyes lighted up with joy as he heard his father's praise. One of the main reasons he was a prankster and loved causing chaos was because his father never discouraged him or reprimanded him as long as he didn't get caught.

If he was caught, then he would be punished by whipping. The number of whips he received was dependent on how much damage was caused by his actions.

And yes, he hated getting whipped. It was not as fun as causing chaos.

Though, surviving the whip and not crying while getting whipped was also a source of pride amongst Spartan youths.

Silas put Silver on the ground, and then he started walking. Silver followed, and then he remembered something and said:

"Brother Gabriel, Brother Sebastian, and Brother Nathaniel are back. They came back three months ago."

Silver glanced at his youngest son and smiled: "I know. They told me when they arrived."

"Then why did I bother telling you? You could have said so." Silver pouted, and Silas chuckled. He ruffled his son's chestnut hair, and he kept on walking with Silver walking beside him.

"Let's go home." Silas said, and Silver nodded his head softly

As Silver and Silas walked side by side on the cobbled streets of Sparta, they received various glances and nods of respect and admiration. But, both Silver and Silas ignored these glances and nods since it would not be the first time that this would happen nor would it be the last.

If a stranger, wanderer, or traveler were to come to the capital of Sparta, they would be awed by the city. Not by its beauty or architectural design.


But by its simplicity.

Nobody knew the reason nor did they bother to figure out the reason afterward, but every new individual who entered the capital of Sparta always felt awed by the city.

Maybe it was the lack of negativity in the city.

The city was a maze of narrow streets, lined with white-washed houses and buildings that stood tall and proud against the clear blue sky. The air was filled with the scent of olive groves and the distant clang of metal from the forges where weapons of war were born. The air was also crisp and cool, with a gentle breeze that carried the scent of the nearby sea.

The streets were lined with statues of past heroes, their marble forms glistening with dew. As the father and son walked, Silver and Silas passed by bustling markets, where merchants shouted their wares from far-off lands and shoppers haggled over prices. The sounds and smells were overwhelming but in a good way.

They passed by street performers, who played music and danced, adding to the festive atmosphere of the city. Children played in the courtyard, and the steady hum of activity permeated every corner of the city.

As they approached the royal palace, the true heart of Sparta, the structure rose before them like a testament to the glory of the city. Towering columns stood guard at the entrance, each one telling the tale of a battle won or a king's decree. 

Soon, they arrived at the royal palace of Sparta, a place where only royalty and those of high status could enter. The royal palace of Sparta loomed large on the horizon, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens like fingers of stone.

The palace was a magnificent white marble structure with towering columns and intricate carvings on the walls. It was surrounded by lush gardens filled with colorful flowers and exotic plants. The air was heavy with the scent of the gardens, a mix of sweet and earthy fragrances.

Guards stood sentinel at the gates, their armor and helmets gleaming in the sunlight as they watched over the royal family.

As Silas and Silver approached the royal palace, the guards bowed, and Silas gave a nod of acknowledgement towards them. On the other hand, Silver walked up to one of the other guards and patted him with a smile while saying, "You're doing a good job."

The guard's lips twitched, and despite the urge to discipline the notorious and troublesome Morningstar that emerged in his heart, he dared not give a response in the presence of the crown prince or he might not know how he'd lose his life.

Silas shook his head at his son's antics. He didn't say anything and walked into the palace with Silver following him.

Inside the palace, Silver and Silas were greeted by a grand foyer, with a soaring ceiling and marble floors that shone under the light of crystal chandeliers. The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings and tapestries, depicting scenes from Sparta's rich history. The palace was a true masterpiece of architecture and design, a testament to the wealth and power of Sparta.

As they walked through the palace, Ethan and Silas passed by grand halls and chambers, each more beautiful than the last. They passed by the bedrooms which were adorned with luxurious furnishings, with plush carpets, fine linens, and ornate furniture. 

After walking for more than two minutes, they approached the dining hall. Silas opened the door to the dining hall and its beauty was revealed. The dining hall was a grand room, with a long table that could seat dozens of guests, and a ceiling that was painted with scenes of feasting and celebration.

Sitting in the dining hall were eight individuals, four men and four women.