
Against The Devil

"If you were the devil... What would you do?" "If... If I were the prince of darkness, I would..." ---- This is the story of two boys from two different families- A Wayne and A Morningstar. Born in two different worlds that are at war with each other, the two boys, Andrew Wayne and Silver Morningstar, are born in rich and powerful families. Born in a rich and powerful family should only be filled with a life full of comfort and riches. But what if the devil sets his eyes on these two families? What if the prince of darkness decides to use these two families as chess pieces? What would become of the Waynes and the Morningstars? And what of the fates of Andrew and Silver? Can they overcome the devil? Or would both or one of them become the devil? ----- P.S: I got the cover art from Pinterest, and read my review in case you want to know more about the book.

Anon22 · Fantasi
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126 Chs

10: Nanosuit

(Ten seconds after Andrew left)

"You know… It's not nice calling somebody garbage."

Thomas the beggar nonchalantly rubbed his neck with a grin as he stared at Edgar.

"Are you not one? You infiltrated our house as a beggar."

Edgar emotionlessly replied, and Thomas chuckled.

"Technically, I didn't infiltrate-"


Just as Thomas was about to speak, he heard the loud sound of a gun being fired. His eyes widened, and he moved his body to his left. But-

'Again!' Thomas furrowed his brows as he stared at the bullet hole at the side of his stomach. Despite trying to dodge, Edgar's bullets always followed him like a homing missile.

"Garbage shouldn't talk so much."

Edgar's emotionless voice flowed into Thomas' ears, and Thomas looked at him. His eyes went to Edgar's guns, and his frown deepened.

"Your guns and bullets are quite special."

"Same as your body."

Edgar said as he gazed at the bullet holes in Edgar's shoulder and stomach with a slight furrow of his brows. He could see the bullet holes heal at a visible pace.

"Just as I expected. You're not the typical average assassin."

Edgar looked at Thomas with narrowed eyes, and Thomas grinned.

"If I'm to guess. You're a… No… You were once a soldier… You were once part of the military."

Thomas' grin widened, and then his body trembled intensely before he finally erupted with a burst of extremely loud laughter.


"You're right! YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!" Thomas' eyes glowed with an ominous black glow as he smiled widely.

"I was once part of the military. But guess what!"

Edgar frowned.

"They sicken me. Those cowards and fucking hypocritical bastards!"

Thomas clenched his fists with his teeth ground against each other.

"Can you believe that they-"



"I thought I said garbage shouldn't talk so much."



As Edgar fired his guns at Thomas, Thomas struggled to dodge the bullets. But he found himself only being able to dodge a few of the bullets. The bullets had a strange homing effect, which made it so that the bullets would always find his body no matter how much he dodged.

"Yo! Yo! Yo! It's not polite to interrupt somebody when they're speaking."

Despite the life-threatening situation Thomas was in, he still maintained his wide grin, and he could speak with a nonchalant and carefree tone. The injuries he accumulated also healed at a faster rate than before, making Thomas only protect his vital areas.

Edgar noticed this, and he frowned. His left and right thumbs moved, and he pressed a button on the grip panel of the guns.

The instant he pressed the button, the guns released a low hum, and red intricate lines started appearing all over the guns.

He aimed the guns at Thomas, and when Thomas saw this, his eyes widened.


Two red laser beams flew out from the muzzles of the guns, and they approached Thomas with a frightening accuracy and an unbelievable speed.


The laser beams pierced through Thomas' body, and it blasted apart the wall beside the gate of the garage.

Thomas' body slowly fell, but as it fell, Edgar's eyes widened when he saw the body dissipate like an afterimage. He spun around and swung his right hand.


"Oh. I guess I expected this much from the butler of the Wayne family."

Thomas' mocking voice flowed into Edgar's ears, and Edgar furrowed his brows.

"You underwent body modification."

Edgar said emotionlessly as he observed the change in Thomas' hands. Thomas' hands were no longer human; they now resembled the claws of a reptilian beast.

Not only did Thomas' hands change into claws, but his claws glowed with an ominous black light as they clashed with Edgar's right arm, which had also experienced a change. However, Edgar's change was not as absurd as Thomas'.

Or was it?

Edgar's right arm was much bigger than normal and also strange. His arm was now covered with a strange black metal and also synthetic materials that made his arm look both tough and flexible.

"A Nanosuit."

Thomas chuckled as he watched Edgar's clothes morph into something completely different. Thomas jumped away and he licked his claws with a grin of excitement and amusement on his lips.

Approximately three seconds later,


"Is it overconfidence or foolishness that made you wait for my transformation?" Edgar's voice reverberated in the garden as he took a step forward, but his voice sounded more robotic.

"Eheh. What a beauty. Truly worthy of the Waynes." Thomas chuckled with a glint in his eye as he gazed at Edgar's new form in his nanosuit.

Edgar's nanosuit looked like a mix of advanced tech and sleek, organic design. Its surface was a smooth combination of metal and synthetic materials, making it look both tough and flexible. The suit's shape was also extremely muscular, making Edgar three times as big as he normally is.

Glowing red lines ran beneath the dark, almost black exterior, following the suit's shape, which eventually met at the chest where a central light pulsed like a heartbeat.

The helmet was also intimidating. The helmet had a pair of bright red lenses that seemed to stare right through Thomas, seeing things that the normal eyes would not have seen, giving it a lifelike presence.

As Thomas observed the physical appearance of the nanosuit, he furrowed his brows.

'I've never seen or heard of this type of nanosuit before.'

'All the nanosuits I've seen and known are tight fitting, and they also don't make the user three times as big.'

Thomas placed his claws on his chin.

'Must be a prototype that the Waynes just recently developed or a prototype they've been developing for some time now.'

Thomas narrowed his eyes and released a soft sigh.

'This is going to be difficult. Will I have to go all out?'

As Thomas thought about this, he remembered the abilities of one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, and the most sought after tech in their world.

A Nanosuit.

A nanosuit was more than just an armor. It enhanced the wearer's abilities to superhuman levels. In fact, superhuman level was just a mild way of putting it. With a strong mind, strong body, and high level expertise, the wearer of a nanosuit could destroy a city with ease.

Not only did the nanosuit grant the wearer immense power, the nanosuit could also blend into any environment with adaptive camouflage. It also had an AI system that provided real-time tactical information.

The nanosuit was truly one of the greatest technologies of the Technotopians, designed for power and precision, and perfectly combining human and machine elements.