
The Wedding

Emma Ross appeared between the arms of two bridesmaids. She wore a fine white vile on top of her head. A fine curtain hung down from the vile to completely cover her entire face while also hiding her current expression. Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders. Her straight white wedding dress was decorated in the cloud pattern and the belt displayed her slender narrow waist nicely. On her belt hung a charm made of exquisite jade while pearls dangled at its tassels, matching her glass shoes. These significant details made her magnificent outfit even more dazzling than ever.

Emma slowly came to Danny's side in the arms of the bridesmaids and every step she made was light and elegant, as if she were walking across the clouds. An ordinary person would look like they were walking but if they were in her body, they would look like a fairy riding on top of a cloud. Her usual posture was already that beautiful and Danny saw such a feast for the eyes.

Emma finally came to the front of the carriage and the two bridesmaid walked away bowing backwards. In accordance to the Black Water Empire's wedding tradition, the groom would bring the bride onto the bridal chair. Danny stepped forward and stretched out a helping hand to Emma. Emma Ross elegantly lifted her hand… However, as Danny took Emma's hands in his palm hot sensation arousing his yang Ki.

Danny put his arm down with a silent indifferent expression. If one opened Emma's curtain , one would see her beautiful eyes flash in surprise to Danny's indifferent expression and soon return to calm. Danny sat on the horse and the wedding procession went on with great strength and vigor. The Ross Family's wedding team followed in the direction of the Radd Family shortly after. With Danny on the horse leading the way, behind him was Emma's Bridle carriage, following them were the Radd and Ross Family.

After half an hour in the middle of the journey a group of seven men dressed in black and covered with black mask blocked Danny's path.

" who dare to block this young master's path?" Shouted Danny as waved his arms indicating to make way.

" we are goddess Emma's fan club we won't allow our goddess to marry a trash like you " shouted back a bulky man seemed to be the leader of the group with the highest cultivation of 7 th profound Ki Disciple Realm and rest seemed to be between 3-6 th level of profound Ki Disciple Realm.

By that time Henry had arrived besides Danny and said " young master let me handle this"

" no I can handle this you go back" said Danny turned towards masked groupies and said " you people are not enough go back and bring more people I promise to stay on they same route to Radd Family Residence"

" don't mock us, we brothers are enough to take care of you the trash of the Floating Stone city " said the leader of the Emma groupies

Danny sneered and said " yeah right, you and what group of brothers."

" can't you see me and….. " in the middle the leader turn to see his brothers only to witness them running towards the bushes holding their asses and shouted " where the f.uk are you guys going "

Groupie 1 :" boss I think the cheap pork chilli we had last night is messing with our stomach."

Groupie 2 : " damned fatty I told you that, that place is disgusting , but still you insisted."

Fat Groupie: "but it was damned tasty right, right?"

Boss Groupie : " damned you morons looks like I will have to take care of this by my self , Emma Love Palm " he sneaked a attack towards Danny gathering a pink Profound Ki in his palm.

When Danny was waving his hand towards the groupies to clear the path he was actually releasing mild Diarrhea powder in the wind currents towards the groupies and already knew it wouldn't effect some one above 6 th Profound ki Disciple so he was already on guard for boss groupies attack.

As the boss groupie neared Danny to launch his attack , Danny instructed the Profound ranked horses to attack the Boss Groupie. When the boss neared the horses attack range it stomped both of its forelegs with full force in to the Boss groupies rib cage breaking all his ribs and puncturing his lungs and heart giving the Boss groupie a instant death. This wouldn't have happened in normal case but the Boss groupie calculated his sneak attack assuming that horse was a normal getting caught off guard by the horse's attack and froze for a breath which costed him his life.

After another hour the procession returned to the Radd family's main entrance. This long journey was smooth and calm, to the disappointment of those who looked forward to the development of any major drama.

John Radd was already at the doorway and stood to welcome their guests. Sadly, the number of people who came for Danny can be counted with one hand. Most of the guests came for John and the Ross Family. With John's fame and Ross Family's connection, many guests were seen. Outside the entrance of Radd family house, people who came to see the event was next to infinite, the streets were so filled up that not even a water droplet could get through. All these people came for the marriage of the number one beauty in Floating Stone City.

Emma's bridal carriage slowly stopped in the middle of the noise. A corner of the curtain was opened as her maid Rupa Ross who gently spoke: "Miss, we have arrived."

Afterwards, a hand reached out and Emma gently lowered her arms. As soon as she got out of the carriage, the deafening atmosphere suddenly quieted to replaced by deep breathes that followed one after another.

It was almost noon. The soft sunshine reflected against her white vile while her robe charmingly glittered against the breeze making one's eyes blur if they look too long. Her hair was wrapped up high into a bun on top of her head. The top layer was adorned with fine golden hairpins while the bottom had several golden phoenix engravings. Although her face was not laid bare, with her eyes and lips partly hidden yet partly exposed, her beauty was exquisitely flawless.

The sound of irrepressible breathing overlapped against one another as many people stared straight ahead, unable to snap back into reality. That is the power of Emma's charisma, for this all happened without the reveal-meant of her face! Based on her aura and posture alone, she still seemed like a fairy that had walked out straight from a painting. Her beauty was so immense that none could take their eyes off her.

Rupa wrapped a white silk sash around Emma's hand. Naturally, the other end of the sash was tied to Danny's hand. As he got off the saddle, Danny smiled as he walked over to lead Emma across the brazier. They cruised over the doorstep of the Radd family and stepped directly into the hall.

As they entered through the main entrance of the main family, the noise did not abate. Danny Radd's expression did not change as he kept pace but he naturally wanted the wedding to end as soon as possible.

This was Radd Family's center hall for important meetings. The only people who were allowed to use this place for a wedding are the leader of the Radd family and it's Elders. For this wedding the room underwent a large scale transformation. It was truly a vision that should be seen. As far as one could see, the pillars were all embedded with yellow topaz and the walls had been painted with dragons that were inlaid with rare precious pearls. A red carpet spread across the center of the hall in a straight line and stopped at a short golden staircase. A subtle golden light filled the atmosphere, making the already beautifully decorated hall more dazzlingly eye-catching. The Radd family was not willing to invest such a large amount of money for Danny and it mostly came from the Ross family. Grey was willing to spend as much as needed for his darling daughter's wedding.

John Radd and Gery Ross sat on the highest seat of the hall, smiles plastered all over their face as they watched Danny and Emma enter. On both sides of the red carpet were three rows of rose sandalwood chairs, all already filled with people. along with the other four Elders of the Radd Family. As Danny walked in with a happy smile, their expressions stilled on the surface but in the depths of their heart, they sneered in disdain.

The Danny was a clan that practiced in the ways of the Profound Ki for many generations. To have Danny with a crippled Profound Ki Vein born in the clan was a shame for the Radd Family. If he were not the grandson of the leader John Radd, he would have already been expelled instead of remaining inside like he was now…. And if it weren't for the fact that he was about to wed the high-profile daughter of the Ross family, they would not even have bothered to show up in person let alone be present at the scene.

Regarding Danny, if they hear his name, they could only think of the word "trash" and not pay attention for they do not even remember how he looked like. In the Profound Stillwater Continent, one did not deserve dignity if one does not have the skill to back it up. It was a harsh reality and a universal truth followed by many, even towards members of the same clan.

The expressions on the faces of the younger Radd generation were unsurprisingly consistent as well. They all had their sights on Emma and their eyes belied their in suppressible infatuation. As their eyes transferred towards Danny, their eyes almost erupted with naked envy. The Radd family's outer disciples had always looked down on this permanently disabled person and never in their dreams thought that he would actually marry Floating Stone City's unattainable number one treasure. The uncomfortable feeling that those two people in the marriage hall evoked was similar to eating dead flies raw.

The person in charge of the wedding was logistics manager Dean Radd. The wedding ceremony began at the cry of his voice.

The master of ceremonies first introduced the bride and groom and then read names from a list of distinguished guests that have came to visit. As he went on, Danny's expression remained neutral but in his heart were clashing waves of water. Whatever else the master of ceremonies said after that was something Danny could not bother to listen to for he was repeatedly ruminating over a problem that he actually care about, the mysterious profound Ki he felt when he touched Emma's hand.

What was that sudden weird feeling he felt at Ross Family when his hands met with Emma's? Was it some kind of Profound power? But he had never heard of such a mysterious power in Floating Stone City. For Emma to reach the 9th level of the Profound ki Disciple Realm at the age of sixteen was truly an amazing feat…. but she was still at the lowest point of the 9th Profound ki Disciple Realm; how was it possible that she could soundlessly release such an aura to simulate his yang Ki? What was that astonishing mystifying power which was displayed at such a level?

Or…. was this the hidden strength of the Emma who had reached the pinnacle 9th level of the Profound Ki Disciple Realm?

The voice of the master of ceremonies stopped. After a brief pause, his voice became eight octaves higher:

"Do you Danny Radd Take Emma Ross as your lawfully wedded wife!"

Danny's mind rapidly rotated as he glanced at Emma and said "yes I Danny Radd Take Emma Ross as your lawfully wedded wife"

John Radd firmly nodded and smiled lovingly at Danny and his new granddaughter-in-law.

"Do you Emma Ross Take Danny Radd as your lawfully wedded Husband!".

Emma softly replied" yes I Emma Ross Take Danny Radd as your lawfully wedded Husband"

Grey Ross also smiled and beamed in content.

"Exchange your rings"

Danny's body turned towards Emma and at the same time Emma also turned to face him and exchanged their rings. This swift action that did not withhold any hesitation nor delay made all members of the younger generation of the Radd family clench their teeth. In their thoughts, they believed that Emma unwillingly enter this marriage with that crippled bastard but was instead forced to come by the Ross clan. To their disappointment, even up to this moment, there was no resistance at all from Emma. There weren't even rope lines of her supposedly failed escape that they imagined to have happened.

" now you may kiss the bride"

The two people looked at each other and as they both moved towards one another, Danny saw cold eyes peeking through the gaps of the curtain…. cool icy eyes that revealed no traces of emotion as they gently kissed for half a second.

Usually at moments like this, the crowd would burst into enthusiastic applause, loud laughter and cheers. But only a few people authentically clapped for the married couple, it was quite awkward.

"Indeed the Head of the family should be congratulated." The First Elder Ron Radd who was sitting next to Yates said with a cynical strangeness in his words."I congratulate you in representation of all the elders, leader well wishes."

Even the second Elder Tom who was sitting next to Yates heard the strange cynical scorn in his words. Second Elder Tom laughed with the same strangeness that came from the leader of the Radd Family earlier and slowly continued: "Head, getting such a talented granddaughter-in-law has added glory to the Radd Family. As for the Ross Family getting such a son-in-law, haha, is also quite acceptable. Congratulations."

The atmosphere in the hall immediately cooled. If one were not an idiot, they would clearly hear the apparent irony in the words "congratulations" that came out of their mouths.

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