
Chapter 5 I Quit

"Is he your new sugar daddy?"

There was a strong sense of mockery and contempt in his cold voice.

Ruby's body stiffened after hearing this.

Was that how he treated her?


In his mind, she had always been a cunning, sinister, and vicious woman who could do anything for money!

Ruby disdained to explain.

She smiled and picked up the remote control on the tea table to turn on the TV.

On the TV screen, the news was broadcasting the achievements of the Ryan group, and the attractive voice of the host came slowly.

"It was reported that the Ryan group had donated three hundred million dollars to the municipal charity project, which would be specially used for the reconstruction of a large men's prison project in the suburb garbage park."

Did they donate three hundred million?

For the men's prison?

His eyes widened in disbelief. It was three hundred million dollars!

The next second, he turned his head and glared at Ruby, "Are you crazy?"

They looked into each other's eyes. One was full of anger, and the other was as calm as water.

At last, Ruby couldn't help but chuckle.

She slowly stood up and walked up to him step by step. She said softly, "Isn't your money more suitable for the reconstruction of the garbage bin?"


Upon hearing this, he was about to explode with anger.

Without any hesitation, he rushed to Ruby. His sharp eyes were like a knife that wanted to cut her into pieces. He gritted his teeth and said, "You want to disgust me on purpose, don't you?"

When the tension between the swords was drawing out, Ryan suddenly stepped forward two steps to block in front of Ruby.

"Mr. Brandon, you'd better go back to prepare for the bidding this afternoon as soon as possible. In case of any mistake, all your efforts will be in vain." He chuckled.

Everyone in the circle knew that the Evans group attached great importance to this bidding, and they had prepared for it for half a year.

Something occurred to him all of a sudden, and he couldn't help reminding him, "I heard that the Evans group is short of working capital, and the trading land is not cheap. Mr. Brandon, please be careful, don't lose the whole company's life for a project!"


With a snort, he glanced coldly at Ruby and Ryan. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "you don't need to worry about the Brandon group. See you at the bidding."

After Brandon left, Ruby and Ryan were the only two people left in the large office.

For a long time, neither of them spoke first.

Finally, Ruby broke the silence in the room. "Have you made up with Mr. Rex?"


"Then where did you get the money to win those big projects in succession?"


He knew that he couldn't hide it!

Heaving a deep sigh, he chuckled and said, "It's Mr. Rex. He invested two billion dollars in the Ryan group a few days ago and asked me to expand the company."

Expanding the company?

Needless to say, her father must be angry with her for suffering wrong in the Evans family, and he cooperated with Ryan to avenge her.

For a moment, Ruby had mixed feelings.

Seeing the sadness in her heart, Ryan bit the bullet and said honestly, "In fact, the Ryan group is a branch of the Rex group. Mr. Rex knows that you don't want to go back, so he asked me to set up this company and want to hand it over to you one day."

Hearing this, Ruby didn't say anything more. Her eyes flashed with longing.

Five years had passed.

Maybe it was time for her to go back.

The bidding for the business land was held at 3 P.M. at the Royal Hotel on time.

The Ryan group gained great fame and exposure because it donated three hundred million dollars to the municipal project. In addition, the bidding document was well prepared, so it almost won the Evans group by one vote.

After the bidding, there was a "Brandon, you've just divorced. Isn't it appropriate for us to show up in public like this?"

"Being able to attend the banquet with him as a female companion undoubtedly proved that I am a step closer to the position of Mrs. Evans!"

Although she was overjoyed, she still looked worried.

At the victory banquet, the representatives of famous enterprises from all walks of life in the capital city attended the party one after another. The media reporters followed and reported the whole process of the party.

Ten minutes after the party began, Brandon came late.

Beside him, there was also a well-dressed lady called Alice. As a famous beauty in entertainment circles, she immediately became the focus of everyone's attention as soon as she appeared.

"Brandon, you've just divorced. Isn't it appropriate for us to show up in public like this?"

"Being able to attend the banquet with him as a female companion undoubtedly proved that I am a step closer to the position of Mrs. Evans!"

Although she was overjoyed, she still looked worried.


Ruby could hook up with another man in public. Why couldn't he?

"Nothing is inappropriate!" Replied Brandon indifferently.

At the same time, the reporters raised their cameras one by one and rushed in front of them, asking questions one after another:

"Mr. Brandon, did your company fail to prepare well for this bidding?"

"You just lost, but you still attend the Ryan group's victory banquet. It is enough to prove your generosity."

"Miss Alice, are you here with Mr. Brandon as the spokesperson of the Evans jewelry?"

Facing the questions raised by the reporters one after another, Alice just stood obediently beside him and smiled politely.

"Alice is my female companion today."

Suddenly, a touch of unusual anger flashed through his eyes when he saw Ruby and Ryan walking side by side in the distance.

He narrowed his eyes and suddenly raised his voice, "I'm here to congratulate Mr. Ryan and the general manager, my ex-wife Ruby."

"Congratulations on her win-win cooperation with Mr. Ryan."

All of a sudden, the audience burst into an uproar.

"Does his ex-wife work in the Ryan group?"

All the people present were senior news media, and they knew more or less what had happened to Ruby in the Evans family. It was not too much to be a widow.

They didn't expect that she would join the Ryan group after divorce!


How could a housewife with nothing be the general manager of the Ryan group?

The reporters understood at once.

Everyone knew what a woman could rely on to reach a higher position.

The next second, the reporters hurried to the front of Ruby and Ryan. Tough questions came one after another.

"Miss Ruby, how long have you been with Mr. Ryan?"

"Did you get married before you and Mr. Brandon divorced? Did Mr. Brandon insist on divorce because he found out that you cheated on him?"

"You don't want to be abandoned by Mr. Brandon like this, so you turn to Mr. Ryan and deliberately oppose the Evans group, right?"

With an expressionless face, Ruby glanced at the reporters in front of her. Finally, she fixed her eyes on the man not far away, Brandon.

"Since everyone is so curious about my private affairs, I have nothing to hide."

She smiled meaningfully and continued, "I think everyone knows my ex-husband's previous relationship, right? Now that he loves to take his child back if I don't quit, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?"