
After Reincarnation I moved on the path of Revenge

Newworld · Seni bela diri
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7 Chs

Chapter 6 Coming back to hometown


His wounds were healed from the magic which he absorbed from they, this was one of the things he learned in two years.

For the next 10 days Ajay practices in the forest, killing the monsters at day and doing meditation at night, he also became good friends with the five brothers.

On the 21st days he told the five brothers that " I need to go, there is a place I must reach in ten days, so I must get going now or I will be late "

When he was going he stop and turned around to them and said " Oh, sorry I forgot to thank you for taking care of me " he join his hand and said " dhanyavaad { its meaning is thank you in english } and also please expect my gift "

Suddenly the power of the five brothers had improved and ajay then said " okk, I will get going now "

After walking for nine days ajay reached his home town Gohana on the tenth day, he went to the guild and registered his name and saw that his home town has many 3-STAR fighters and 4-STAR fighters but no 5-STAR fighter.

He then goes to a restaurant named A3HM whose owner is Chaubay family { which is aditya's family } , ajay looked at the name and smiled by saying " looks like he still remember me, so lets test him "

He covered his face goes in and sat down quietly, a waiter came and said " sir, what would you like to have ? "Ajay gave his order, and a moment later the waiter came with his order,

after eating ajay stand up and started going without giving money waiter stops his and said in a polite manner " sir, you have not given your money, so will you please give it"

Ajay said in a loud voice " Do the guests of the Chaubay family also need to give money for eating here ? "

The waiter said " sir, I am deeply sorry, I did not know that you were Chaubay's family guest, so will you please show me your identity token then I may confirm your identity "

" What identity token I do not have any " ajay said.

As ajay was speaking loudly aditya from the upstairs said " What is going on, why is their so much noice ? "

The waiter looked up and said " Young master, this man standing here said the he is our Chaubay family guest but when I asked him abouthis identity token he said he did not have any "

Aditya said " wait, let me come down ", aditya came down and upon looking at ajay he was unable to see the face, so he said " May I see the face of the guest "

Ajay said " looks like you have not recognized me Adi ", people sitting their thought ajay was going to die to say young master nickname, after listening to ajay he suddenly summon a giant wolf, a horn in middle of his head but it suddenly disappeared in air and everyone was shocked to see that happening.

Aditya started laughing and said " so, you have mastered your magic power my dear friend Ajay Malik ", ajay removed the mask and said " so you have identified me Adi ",

aditya then said " why would I not even recognize my dear friend ", they hugged each other and then ajay spoke in a funny voice and told " but now a minute before you were unable to recognize me "

Aditya laughed and said " HaHa, I was just testing your strength " and whispered " now will you please come with me or will you make more fun of me "

They both then goes up and started chatting aditya told him about himself and other friends,

his own the most of the restaurant of the town,

Dragon family { arjun's family } is responsible for the protection of the town, Aryan family { hemant's family } is responsible for the trade in town,

Malik family { mayank's family }

[ ajay family is different from mayank, do not be confused because they have same surnames it is common in India for two family having same surname ]

is now the head of all the family supported by all the four major family ,and the last family is of Sam family it is a small family compared to other family, it suddenly started to grew up 2 years ago after you left.

Upon hearing that Sam's family started to grow after ajay left, his magical power started overflowing from his body and aditya felt a strong anger or you can say killing aura, that he was even afraid to look at ajay's face or to tell him to calm down.

After some time ajay angry calm down and he said " sorry, about that my anger took over me, why do not you tell me more about what happened when I was gone lets talk more haha "

" You are right let me tell you " said aditya

They talk all afternoon at evening aditya told ajay " that their is the celebration at night at the Malik's family house for the tomorrow exam, would you like to go all the major family are coming ? "

Ajay told " Well, I would like to go but I need to take rest, so that I can peform well in the tomorrow exam "

" Hmm okk then I will go you rest at the restaurant today " aditya said and started going, ajay stopped him and said " also do not tell anyone about me I will give them surprise tomorrow "

" Okk, then you rest "

After aditya left ajay puts on his mask and left the room for the window, and goes to the Sam family to see.

He reached the door of the Sam family and saw that the guard of the main gate were only as power as the 3-STAR FIGHTER, he easily passed through them by making them unconscious using his power to exhaust thier magical power,

he saw that there were only guards as the others had gone to the celebration, He went to a room where there were many books and started to search for something that could lead him to know that if they were related to his parents death.