
After Reincarnation I moved on the path of Revenge

Newworld · Seni bela diri
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Knowing that not strong enough


[ Then ajay says " because I can control my thoughts as you can read their mind if they say anything wrong " ]

After listening to him third said, " so were you able to see my shield "

Ajay told him that he was not able to see the shield, but was confident that if he attacked it would have greatly damaged it.

Ting { first person, Ming is second, Sing is third, bing is fourth, Ring is fifth }

said " looks like we need to train more to protect this town any way, lets go to town today's treat is on us "

At evening when everyone was eating at the store, we are shown at the gate of the town a mysterious guy appears in black clothes face covered by mask and moves towards the store, ajay senses that mysterious guy and in middle of eating stands up and said " sorry, friends I need to go their is something I need to go for some time ,so you please continue "

Ajay moved in a rush out of the store and spreads his magic power, so that the mysterious could detect his location and come after him ajay then move towards the forest to fight him at a place were their are no people around.

Back in the shop Bing said " ajay was telling lie about he has to do something but in mind he said when you hear noises in forest we all must reach their in ten minutes "

Fifth said " looks like something is going on, so we need to be ready "

At the forest ajay stopped at the same place and said " so are you ready for the fight mister "

That mysterious guy was standing in front of ajay at the next end of the pond

" HaHa, I expect nothing less from you for being the grandchild of the Great Guild Master Rajkumar "

Important notice


" Oh you know about my Grandpa, so now will you tell me about my grandpa in a peaceful manner or not " ajay said in a angry voice.

" Then if you ask me so emotionally I would like to see if you have the power to know about your Grandpa " said the mysterious guy.

As the guy said that ajay launched a fire arrow from his left hand and water arrow from his right hand but the mysterious guy makes a wall of earth in front of him strong enough to defend him from the attack without even having the single crack on it.

The mysterious guy said " looks like you still aren't strong enough to know about your grandpa " and catches ajay's leg from his right hand without looking in the back and sent him flying in the other end of the pond where ajay was first standing and launched a giant arrow of fire towards him.

Ajay shot small arrow of the water toward the fire arrow and form three wall of earth.

The size of the arrow decreased but due to the speed and force of the arrow, it break through the walls and passes through ajay hit a tree and burnt it out in seconds.

At the town ting hears the sound and told " everyone that lets go we need to hurry "

Ajay said " looks like I underestimated you but don't worry, now I will not underestimate you "

After saying that ajay shot fire arrows and then water arrow, but water arrow hit the fire and smoke was created, ajay moved two steps backwards and disappeared.

Then suddenly arrows of fire and water came form two different directions and mud under his legs captured him.

Mysterious guy said " A very tricky move but the only mistake is that you are fighting a experienced master otherwise you would have injured me ", as he was saying it, he dodged the water attack by bending back wards and used air to change the direction of fire arrow upwards on the trees where ajay was setting and waiting for him to jump to avoid the arrrow but was now hit by his own attack,

he fell down from the trees injured badly.

" Very good, you were able to force me to use my three magic power when I first meet your grandpa I was only able to make him use two of his magic powers, as a reward I will tell you one word of the secret mantra, now look into my eyes " said mysterious guy.

In him eyes their was the OM symbol { which looks like this 🕉 } , as he started going ajay asked " why did not my POWER work on you and when will I be able to know about my grandpa "

Mysterious guy said in a happy voice " because my level of power is higher than yours and about your grandpa you need to first defeat me to know about him ok then see you next time, also pay more attention to your surroundings "

He said that because their were four more people there.

Ajay laughed and said " So you mean I am not strong enough, ok then when we meet next time lets see who wins " ajay eyes closed at that time.

The five brother came and saw ajay was badly injured and was unconscious, they took him to the town and treated him with the bandages because their was no healer in the town as healer are rare.

As ajay was unconscious in his mind he sits

in the mediation position and started saying " OM OM OM OM OM . . . " , he wakes up after 9 days, and saw all five brother were sitting their.

He asked the " how long was I unconscious for ? "

They were surprised and said " you were unconscious for 9 days "

Ajay gets up and said " thank you for taking care of me when I was unconscious but sorry I need to trouble you to some more "

Sing said " what are you saying that was nothing ",

and suddenly half of magical energies of their were absorbed by ajay, he started removing his bandages but ring said " don't remove them you injures are still not fully healed,"

but when ajay removed them only thier marks were left and he thought " looks like healing power is still not very strong. "

His wounds were healed from the magic which he absorbed from they, this was one of the things he learned in two years.