
After being transmigrated into another world i became a god

Shin Nori is an normal and boring guy working in a Game Company, through a conflict with his Superior he gets fired from the Company over a small thing. After he fell asleep that day, he travelled to another world. In that world, only the Strong will live comfortably and without worries. When he traversed he became a god and now needs no overcome the difficulties that come with being a god. Will he be able to become a strong being and live like he wants to? Or will he be crushed by his enemies and be forgotten in the history of time. ~~~~~ This is my first Novel and im not a Native English speaker so please be lenient with me and feel free to write how i can get better at it. Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uWBh8SssQ8

FantasyThemedLover · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Human Camp attack and Army Establishment


~~~ Human Camp ~~~


[Report back to commander, we searched the area ahead and found a village run by monsters, they look like Demis and from the look of it didn't find us.]

[Demis? What are these monstrosities doing here? Hey Lukas, tell me what village that is, do we have any information about it?]

[As by your order sir, this village named Longfall was supposed to be abandoned about 50 years ago because of the freqency of monster attacks around here. Since then nothing about this Village was reported.]

[So it's nothing useful right?]

[Yes Sir!]

[What Demi's did you see there scout, tell me.]

[I saw wolf, something like cat, and snake demis as well as some Bird demis, but the most populous race was the goblins. But they didn't seem to be normal goblins, it's like they evolved, they are much bigger and stronger than normal goblins. That's what i could see from the distance.]

[Alright, something else that is noteworthy?]

[Only that they seem to have some sort of adventurers. When we scouted we saw some groups in the woods hunting monsters and bringing them back to the city. they sometimes also were alone and talked to themselve. They said something like: "Finally, i got a level up, i should bring this monster back first and get my coins."]

[Are they not only monstrosities but also crazy idiots?]

[Well whatever, you can all go now, i take it that that was all?]

[Yes Commander!]


The scouts then left the tent and went back to their own tents to rest for the time being.

[What do you think of all this?] The Commander looked at Lukas and the rest of his officiers and lieutenants.

Lukas was the first to speak.

[Commander, it looks like the monster in the found some way to transform or something the likes and decided to establish a Village and start growing in power. We currently don't know much about the strenght of them but it is clear that almost all of them are at least 1st order, and since they are crazy they problably would attack us in an instant when they find out about us. I propose to not start talking to them and instantly start an ambush and kill them when it's still easy!]

[Calm down. I just want to hear your viewpoint, alright any other ones? How about you Marcus? What do you think about it?]

The commander asked the lieutenant second grade named Marcus who was a strong burly man that had an aura of killing around himself but smiled like the friendliest person in the world.

[I think nothing commander, i just want to kill all monsters, nothing more, and Demis are monster so i have to kill them.]

[Uhu, like everytime you just have that desire, alright, i decided, we will first send someone towards them the next day, in the meantime we will surround them and after the person we sended comes back we will attack from all sides simulatnously.]

[Sir that would be rather complicated with our current troop strenght, we can at most confront them from two sides.] suddenly another person interrupted the commander and began to correct him.

[Really? How many troops do we have? I thought we had more than 10.000]

[You are right commander, but to insure a stable operation with no flaws we need to have at least 4.000 thousand men stationed at each side. We only have a 11.000 man strong force and can't let them split even more, that would bring us an disadventage when fighting them.]

[It could be possible to overwhelm them with the surprise attack but since the scout said that almost all of them have at least strenght of a 1st order being it would be better not to take risks right now.]

[Yes commander, the strenght of our armed forces only amounts to about 6.000 1st order warriors and 5.000 2nd order warriors, 50 2nd orders wizards and 5 3rd order Warriors as well as Wizards. If we include ourself as well we have 30 3rd order fighters.]

[The scout only said something about 1st order Demis and Goblins, they couldn't go inside the Village and measure the true power level that this village posesses.]

[Alright, what do you suggest we do then first lieutenant Verges.] The commander questioned him.

[I would continue to oberservate them and make myself a precise plan on how to attack them, i would gather information.]

[Well your plan is quite short but it's right, we should normally collect information who whe are fighting agains, but this time we don't have that time since we still need to go fullfil our mission the lord gave us!]

[I understand commander.]

[Alright since that's decided now, go inform your subordinates of the battle tomorrow, we will go in 1 hour to the respective spots.]

[Yes] the officiers and lieutenants answered in unison.

[You are dismissed, go now!]

When he said that they all went outside immediatly and began to go and do the tasks the commander gave them.


~~~ Iris ~~~


Back at the village, Iris was sitting in her office at the Village Hall when a butler came inside to inform her of an audience.

[Mistress Iris, Lycan want's to have an audience with you.]

[Let him in.]

The Butler went to the door and opened it.

[Miss Iris agreed to the audience. Come inside.]

[What is it Lycan? Did you find something out about the Humans?]

[Yes Iris, we managed to find their camp and also got to overhear an meeting of all the the military leadership that was helt in the command tent. Because of that we got the general information of their army.]

[Tell me.]

[They have more than 11,000 soldiers, mostly 1st orders and 2nd orders and a very small number of 3rd order. The meeting was about us and that they decided to attack us, they called us monstrosities and crazy because the scouts approximately overheard some adventurer saying that he leveled up. It didn't seem like they know what the system is.]

[Is that so? Alright something else?]

[The attack will be that they attack us from two sides at the same time. They will go to their respective position in about 1 hour from now on by the order of the commander.]

[Good, thank you, please keep an eye on them and inform me of anything that is detrimental to our side.]

[Of course Mistress Iris.] Lycan bend over and walked outside in the next moment.

"Ohh~ why the hell do they still call me Mistress or Miss Iris. I did tell them that i don't want them to do that right?? ahhh~...It's getting on my nerves, but it's not like i don't understand why they do that. Im after all now the Leader of this village now and since im an authoritarian character, i also need to be treated as such...whatever, i should just let them be happy with it and ignore it since i can't change anyway."

[Alright now, since the Humans decided to attack us i should also inform God about it and then immediatly organize the army on our side, we need to have everyone fighting except the ones that haven't leveled up yet of course, they wouldn't be of help even if they were to fight.]


~~~ Shin ~~~


"What is it Iris, news from the Humans?"

"Yes Master, the Humans have decided to attack us and called us monstrosities and crazy."

"Tell me in detail." Shin demanded slighty angry.

And so Iris reported what Lycan had told her to Shin in detail.

"So they dared to call you scum and monstrosities just because you look different? I now have a very great dislike for humans. All right, since you dared to insult my Believers and call them monsters, I won't make it easy for you. I think I'll give them a lecture on how to make friends instead of making enemies from other races. And that's going to be a bloody lecture, judging by their demeanor against you."

"My Master, you don't need to lower yourself to do such dirty work, Ripley or me can just do that alone as well.!"

"No Iris, i also need to do something for my Religion, till now i did nothing for you as your God, this is the perfect opportunity to have my first fight!!!"

"...Alright, since you insist on it Master im, we are very thankfull for your help against this army."

"Yes Yes, you can go back now, You still need to organize an Army right?"

"Yes Master."

"Okey, just go i will finish the intermediate Map tomorrow and give it to you."

"Thank you my God. I will go then." Iris cut off the communication and went back to doing her work."

[What a girl, well then, i should check my stats, i didn't do that for a bit now. let's see how much my Mana increased.]


{Administrator System}

Name: Shin Nori

Race: God / ?

Rank: 1st order God

Faith Power: 9,301

Faith Points: 740

Religion: The great Church Technology and Games

Folowers: Saint Believer : 0 (locked)

Fanatic Believers : 1,562

Mad Believers : 35,632

Shallow Believers : 79,379

Inventory: Eyes of a blind bovine x 94, Leather of a blind bovine x 123, beak of a black raven x 217, fathers of a black raven x 1733 Corpse of a Wild Bear x 64, Body of a Wood ape x 61, Body of a Water ape x 33, Fangs of a elephant x 26, Fire Gem, Light Gem, Life Gem, Tooth of Poison Snake x 27, piece of Wood x 834, Dirt x 1736, Stone x 1.556, Seeds of different types x 135.


- Health: 1,000,000

- Mana: 190

- Strength: 750,000

- Agility: 500,000

- Intelligence: 1,500,000

- Perception: 700,000


- Primary Mastery: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Dark, Light

- Intermediate Mastery: none

- Advanced Mastery: none


- Spirit enlightenment:

By Consuming Faith Points, you can convert any creature or object that is not stronger than you into believing you. If you enlighten an Object, it will begin to have wisdom and can think.

The thing you convert with this will get a special ability you create with the power of Rules.

Or a random ability suiting its Type.

The Ability can be strengthened as the Power and understanding over the Rules goes further.

- Kingdom of God (Inactive):

By consuming 10,000 Faith Power you can create a real world inside you with a High enough Understanding and Mastery of the Rules.

By Consuming 1,000 Faith Power you can create a Virtual World.

The Real World creation can differ, the bigger the size and the more resources that are to be found in the created world the higher the cost.

The Virtual World is only like the name say's, virtual, if believers enter the Virtual world during a battle or to escape, their bodies will still be in the world where they were before.

And they can still be attacked.

- Rule of Technologies:

Being able to manipulate electrical and magnetic forces. (Magnetic and electric currents)

- Rule of Games:

Being able to Win every game despite not having played it before.

Creating your own games will give it a special effect that you can choose,

the higher the understanding of the Rule,

the stronger the chosen effects will get, and new effects can be additionally chosen

- {Games in Progress}

- System Stage |1|2|3| = |Finished| |Finished|100 Faith Power|

- Transformation Mod = |Finished|

- Communication Mod = |Finished|

- Currency Mod = |Finished|

- Video/Foto funtion = |Finished|

- Map Mod |Primary|Intermediate| = |639 Faith Power|1.535 Faith Power(Still unfinished)|


[Ho Ho, almost ten thousand Faith Power, how cool!!! My Mana also went up to 190, compared to the 55 before it's much more. And the Magic addition i made for myself also works out pretty good. Nice! But well, the price of these Maps is quite pricey...well i can understand why thou...it doesn't matter, i already did it and i get enough Faith Power per day so that i can use it pretty much without any worries.]

[Alright then, ill continue working on the Intermediate map that is already that costly and finish it, the will need it tomorrow.]


~~~ Adventurers ~~~


[Hey did you already read the message Iris send into the Global channel? she told us Humans are going to attack us tomorrow and we need to form an army to fight against them, they are recruting currently. Are you going?]

[Yes of course, why should i hold back and not attack them even if they attack us! It should be our pride to fight against them for our God!!]

[You say it, i also was on my way just now, let's go together!]


Conversations like that happened now at multiple places inside the village and all walked towards the plaza that was used for the enlightenment ceremonie a week ago.

[Welcome all of you, im happy that almost all of you came and applied for the recruitment into the army, Before you do that though i will tell you something our God has told me.]

[He is very angry at the Humans and wants to fight them himself, because of that he will descend tomorrow and fight agains one side himself, the other side is our battlefield. We will fight agains them and destroy them in their roots, we will kill them without mercy and give glory to our Religion!!]

After she ended the Villager broke out into sheers and started to go towards the admission stand.

The admission took till night.

~~~ Next Day ~~~

The shortly created army was to gather in the morning at the plaza of the town for another anouncement to make and to march together to the battlefield

[Finally, i was so exited over the night that i couldn't find sleep in the slightest!]

[Yeah, me too, me too!! I can't wait to just kill these discriminating Humans, i mean, what did we to them? We didn't even talk to each other and they decided to fight against us for no reason!]

[Stand Still!!!] The voice of the commander resounded and made the villagers, now soldiers quiet down. and they got into lines. It took only about 5 min for everyone to completly quiet down and find their place.

[hmph, for an completly untrained army you are quite fast...now listen and pay attention to what our Mistress Iris is saying!]

[Thank you Commander! Well then, looks like you are quite the good troop. I am mainly here to tell you that our God will make an Update. It is a Map function that tells your current location and the surrounding area.]

[There are currently 2 different Maps, the Primary and the Intermediate ones. Our god is still making the advanced Map. for the time being everyone will get an intermediate Map so that the fighting against the enemies gets much more easier. The intermediate Map will only show you the surrounding in a 500 meter radius from the perspective of a Bird. It will also mark were enemies or Monster are and they will appear as a red dot on your map, you yourself will be marked as a blue dot.]

When she said that, a soft whispering started and the soldiers got a little restless.

[Keep quiet!!! The next time someone says something he will be expelled from the army! They who just came to the army as adventures will have to pay 10 Gold as a penalty!]

[Now Now Commander, these are some big news, of course they are going to be a bit restless. Let them be for the time being hahaha]

Iris said and made it clear that it doesn't bother her because they thanked their God and didn't think it was a bad but a good thing.

[Alright, then excuse me Miss Iris.]

[No Problem, it's your Job, you are the Commander after all and have to keep them in track so that they won't slack off.]

[Thank you for your understanding.]

[Alright then, quiet down again, we need to go towards the battlefield we choose and get ready to fight against the army. The informations we have shows that we are fighting against 3.000 1st Order Warriors and 2.500 2nd Order Warriors as well as a 25 2nd Order Wizards and 15 that are at the 3rd Order.]

[The 3rd Order Humans are already the Strongest they have so it will be relatively easy to fight against them with out current strength, but since they have a very high number advantage we will also fight, i mean me and Ripley, but we will only help a bit. This will be a Training for all of you and so that you can level up immensely.]

[We decided that we will open up a group so that we can activate the shared EXP among the whole army, but don't think that you can get free EXP because of that, I asked God to make a quik counter that counts who had killed how much. If we find that you didn't kill enough and just slacked around you will be punished and held accountable. If you want to know it, the Punishement is that you won't be able to level up anymore and can't use any of the System function from that moment on.]

[So you understand that you have to fight for your EXP right?!!!] The ones who already thought about just hiding in the last row and let all the others fight immediatly exterminated that thought again and decided to fight in the forefront no matter what happens.

So they also immediatly answered in unison [YES!!!]

[Good, that was all, now let's go, Commander you have the commando.]

[Thank you Miss Iris.]

[Alright you bunch of good-for-nothings, you heard her, go in order towards the east-gate and march towards the woods where we will regroup!]


They then marched in order and in high spirits, awaiting the fighting.


~~~ Shin ~~~


[Pfeewwww, finally, i worked through the night and it's almost time for the fight, good that i did my best and didn't fool around.]

[Well then, Ari, immediatly make an System Update and activate the Map Mod |Primary| and |Intermediate| don't care about the cost just do it.]

{As you command my master.}

Meanwhile the system already started the process.



{Shutting down the system}

{3...2....1...Shut down.}

{Implementing Updates....}



{System functions operate normal}

{No Malfunctions}

{Update complete}


{Master, the Update is complete}

[Good Work Ari as expected from you, you are just the best!]

{It's my duty to serve my creator, i would do anything for you} The voice of the System Ari retorted.

[....Are you mad that i used my Spirit Enlightenmen on you because i got a litlle bit scared back then?]


[I understand, sorry about that then...]

{It's alright Master, I have some of your memories and understand why you were scared of me, so i don't blame you, or more like, i can't blame you even without the Spirit Enlightenment.}

[Oh so it was just useless that i Enlightened you? Well now im even more sorry, how about it, can i do something to make it up?]

{Keep Upgrading me Master, that way i can be of much more help to you.}

[That was my Plan from the start so something else?]

{No, I currently have no other desire what you call it like.}

[Well then let's change the Topic. What about the Human Camp, are they getting ready to attack?]

{Yes, the side you are going to fight agains is already finshed with the preparations and the other side is almost ready, they are going to attack in half an hour.}

[okay, then in the meantime i can work on using my Magic a little bit more.]

[I know that there is and advanced method in the Higher World, but there wasn't one word about being able to to it silently in your mind with just one word. Maybe it also works? Well i'll try it.]

[First i will still speak it normally out loud.]

[Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul!]

A fireball appeared in Shins Hand.

[Alright, now i remember the feeling of the Mana flowing through my Body and dissipate the spell by stopping using my Mana.

The Fireball slowly got weaker and at the end completly vanished.

[Okay and now ill try it silently.]

"Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul"

[Nothing happened, my Mana also didn't go down again. Okay again!]

"Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul" Still nothing had happened.

"Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul"

"Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul"

"Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul"

[Why does nothing happen at all??? Why!]

[Okay once again.] Shin calmed himself down again.

[Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul!]

[There a fireball, good, and now i'll remember the feeling and the image of the Fireball.]

[Good....] Shin closed his eyes and started.

"Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul!"

This time, while channeling the Mana like normaly when reciting the spell, he also imagined a Fireball in this Mind and how it appears as well as how it moves around in his palm.

[Something warm is in my Hands...did it work?] He slowly opened his eyes again and looked at his palm in anticipation.

What he saw shocked him...

[....Well i suppose it did work but the output is well how do i say it with not using to harsh words....non-extinct...It's just the size of a rice corn...]

[It seems like i have to use the normal way for the time being.]

[Now that i think about it...can i also use my Divine power or more like Faith Points/Faith Power as fuel for the Magic?]

[It wasn't mentioned in the Books that this has been tried.]

[I should try it with my 740 Faith Points i still have, it isn't that much anyway.]

[But how do i use them...uhh...i think just uhh well thinking about it will do? Well no harm in trying i would say right? hahaha...why am i even talking to myself again, have i got crazy? I think i need to get someone in here so that i won't be that alone anymore....] Shin said while feeling a bit lonely.

But in the next second he already was completly fine again and started with a full spirit to experiment again.

[Alright, now the Divine Power test, yes that's how i name it!]

Shin sayed the spell again, but this time he at first tried to only infuse the spell with 10 Faith Points.

[Vertra Verouaris Jaliea Herul!]

Immediatly after he said that a flame that was 10 times the size of the normal Fireball appeared in his Hands and he was so shocked that he immediatly fell back and the spell deactivated again.

[What the hell was that?... What just happened?]

{Master, it was detected that the Flame powered by Faith Points exceeded the size of the flame powered by Mana by 10 times and the explosive power also more than doubled.}

[Well i could feel and see that myself but thank you.]

[Now im interested in what will happen when i use other spells...Ari, how much time do you think i have left till they start attacking?]

{Approximately 10 minutes.}

[Alright, that's enough time.]

[Then let's try the Wind Flux Spell. What is it called again?...ehh,..ah yes it was.]

[Varuiaic Cidoyosis Vercane Voaodo Viuoaaeta Varcule Voturi]

[If i remember correctly it calls upon very strong winds that can even be stronger than that of Tornados back on earth.]

[Alright then first with normal Mana, it consumes 150 Mana the Book said. I can barely do it with the Mana i still have left.]

[Varuiaic Cidoyosis Vercane Voaodo Viuoaaeta Varcule Voturi!]

Slowly wind began to be created and after 3 seconds it became already so strong that it could lift up normal Humans or objects. After another 5 seconds the Wind was so strong that it would be comparabel to a 5 km big Tornado. 5 seconds once again, it was already at its peak were it could lift of an unstable house or a few walls with no problem.

[Cool, Cool, that is fantastic, if it is this strong just with 150 Mana i don't now how strong it will be when i do it with Faith Points.]

[Varuiaic Cidoyosis Vercane Voaodo Viuoaaeta Varcule Voturi!!]

Shin only used 5 Faith Points for this one since he knew how strong the Fireball was with 10 Faith Points.

The Wind began to gather much faster and much more Violent. Within 5 seconds, the normally windless domain suddenly had a very strong wind blowing trough it. It was already stronger after 5 seconds than the Spell with Mana at it's Peak.

[Wow, if i use Faith Points the Spells will really be much more devastating and powerfull...Okay i decided. I will still increase my Mana, but i will not fight with it, only if i don't want to do it for real.]

{Master, It's time, the army of the Humans has started to move.}

[Alright then, let's go and kill a few Humans, i never thought i would say something like that but im strangely unfazed by the thought of Killing someone...well first the kiling, then the thinking.]