
After 1000 Years

Warning! Mature content! While on vacation in Seoul, Yena accidentally buys an antique which gets her involved with an Imoogi named Lucifer. Being held hostage by Imoogi, instead of getting bad treatment, Yena got the sweetest treatment in her life. "Give me my Yeouiju and I'll set you free." 'B-but it is already destroyed. Am I going to be stuck here with him forever?'

Apples_Cha · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Good Man

"What? He is gone?" Hearing the crow Yena wakes up and says while looking at Lucifer.

"Are you sure he's gone?" asked Lucifer without taking his focus away from his injured hand.

"I don't know. But he's not seen anymore," said the crow uncertainly.

Lucifer shook his head.

"Impossible. He's not the type to give up easily. It's only been a few days, there's no way he's gone. Invisible doesn't mean he doesn't exist. You go and just keep an eye around." Lucifer said.

"Okay!" The crow left without another word.

"You think the creature hasn't left yet?" Yena asked unsurely. She hoped that Arion was gone.

"I told you he won't give up so easily. We have to be careful. Arion might be up to something...."


Meanwhile somewhere across Seoul.

Rumi just came from the embassy to check on the progress of Yena's missing case. She and Ansel temporarily stay in Seoul to fight for Yena.

"I'm sure I saw Yena at that time on Insadong Street. I don't know where that girl went. I hope she's okay." Rumi massaged her forehead with a headache.

A few days ago she finally found Yena. Rumi thought this search was finally over but who would have thought when the train passed by Yena suddenly disappeared? She and Ansel had explored every corner of Insadong Street but could not find Yena.

"At least she's okay. I hope she's okay now too. Yena was most likely kidnapped." Ansel said.

"I am very worried. Yena disappeared twice right before my eyes. Could this have something to do with the cursed pottery...." Rumi assumed. Ansel immediately shook his head slowly.

"Be aware. We're already quite dizzy because Yena hasn't been found yet, don't associate it with things that don't make sense. It makes me even dizzier," said Ansel.

"I'm serious. This must have something to do with the cursed pottery. Otherwise, how could Yena not be found until now? That creature must have taken her, and I'm sure he'll be dragging me in a minute." Rumi bit her fingernails anxiously.

Ansel just shook his head at her.

"Narcissist. What creature would want an ugly chatty girl like you?" Ansel teased.

"Ansel I'm serious. Lately, I feel like someone is following me. Even my body is often hot and sweaty for no reason. Now it's starting again." Rumi said while fanning herself with her hand.

"You paranoid. Of course, you're hot because we've been around for quite a while. Wait here, I'll go get a drink." Ansel said as he turned his steps and jogged to a mini market.

"Do not be long!"

"Yeah, take care of yourself. I'm afraid that creature came and kidnapped you." Ansel said with a scornful laugh.

Rumi just chuckled. She was still fanning herself which somehow felt even hotter.

"Ahh, why don't we just rest for a while at the cafe?" Rumi stepped aside towards a cafe that was still open. Maybe because she couldn't wait to sit down and enjoy the air conditioner she accidentally collided with a man and caused the bag she was carrying to fall

"Oh sorry!" said Rumi while bowing. She crouched down to take her bag but the man grabbed it first and handed it to Rumi.

"Yes. Next time be more careful," said the man.

Rumi was attracted by his voice, she looked up and saw a pair of bright green eyes shining.

The man smiled faintly.

Rumi almost chokes on air seeing it. Is he an idol? So handsome!

"Rumi." The girl suddenly reflexively stretched out her hand for acquaintance and smiled warmly.


Ansel just came out of the convenience store with two bottles of drinks. The man was surprised when he didn't find Rumi where he was.

"Where is he going?" Ansel was confused. He looked around including checking the nearest cafe but Rumi's nose bridge was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh my God, does this girl want to simulate being kidnapped by a dragon?" Ansel grumbled while trying to call Rumi.

However, all he heard was the operator's annoying voice. Not pick up.


Sunlight entered through the gap in the window and woke Yena.

The girl squirmed a little then opened her eyes, and a moment later gasped in surprise.

"You... what are you doing?" Yena asked with a surprised face when she saw Lucifer sitting solemnly on the chair and staring at her, without blinking.

"I'm taking care of you," said Lucifer. Instantly made Yena realize that this man had been watching her sleep all night.

Yena's face turned red. She pointed at Lucifer's face in disgust.

"You... what did you see last night?"

"Watching you sleep, like a top, spinning. You also said you wanted to eat rendang, tempeh, soto, durian--"

"Enough!" Yena shouted while covering her ears.

Oh, shame!

The girl hurriedly got up and ran to the bathroom.

"You also said you wanted to marry a blue-eyed man--"

"Stop it!" Yena shouted. Maybe by now, she had buried her face in the shower. How could she ramble on that much?

"But what's so good about blue eyes?" Lucifer muttered and snorted softly. "Isn't red so much more charming?"

Yena finished her bathing ritual for quite a while. When sshe finished and left Lucifer was gone. She breathed a sigh of relief.

A man witnessed her poor sleep culture, it was truly a shame. After all, does he lack work to watch people sleep all night?

Yena made the bed and swept the room as usual. Now the room looked much more well-groomed than before. Only the nightstand is scattered with books that look messy.

Yena didn't tidy it up because Lucifer didn't seem to like her going near his books. However, this time Yena felt very curious. She opened one of the books and immediately chuckled.

"Tips to Be a Civilized Man." That's the title of the book. Strange, is there a book like this in the world? And most surprising why did Lucifer read it? Does he want to be a human?

Yena picked up another book, a red cover book that Lucifer had been reading a lot lately. but unfortunately, Yena did not understand because the book was released with hangul.

The only thing that is interesting and can be understood by Yena is the ugly image of a woman being wrapped in a snake. Yena's expression was a bit ugly when she saw that the girl was called 'Yena'. Did Lucifer plan to twist and swallow him like this someday?

"Too bad, now I know your evil intentions." Yena chuckles. After satisfying her curiosity she went down. Looks like Lucifer is downstairs.

As usual, the man must have been in the back pool. Yena goes there and is shocked when she sees a sight she shouldn't have seen.

"Ah!!" Yena screamed in surprise.

Lucifer was taken aback. Seeing Yena, he immediately threw a dried fowl from his hand.

"What are you doing here?"