
Adventures of Ajax across multiverse

Suhas was an average college student with occasional fun with friends and drinks. That is until he got diagnosed with AIDS. Deciding to keep it secret, he dropped college to join a gang. He rose up the ranks and cut a deal with the Intelligence Bureau. He provided them with information while secretly amassing wealth for his family. He decided to go with a bang planning a badass shootout taking out the Kingpin of Bombay with him. He died and then started his adventures with the blessing of a bored devil. ..... He is reborn as Ajax Sand during the waning reign of the Old King. Watch as he conquers and builds a massive empire with geopolitics, Naval expertise, a bit of magic and a big surprise( What? Find out). No system or summoning MC is pretty intelligent and has lots of knowledge about ships. He has water magic.( Not rohynar) How? Find out. Will properly update later

VamsiKrishnaVK · Komik
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4 Chs

Before a Beginning - I

83 AC, Dorne


The sun-kissed lands of the drone with its golden sands lay in stark contrast to the lush greenery upon the shores of green blood. The air carries with it the smell of spices with a hint of citrus. Within its scorching sky, a raven flaps its wings to deliver an important message to its master. How the raven knows where to go is a mystery known only to a chosen few. One of which is waiting for it in the spear tower, the tallest structure in the city of Sunspear. The master or as they prefer to call themselves maester, a stout old man with a receding hairline, hastily took the letter tired to the raven's feet. As he saw the new seal of the house Toland, a dragon biting its tail, he rushed through his chambers to meet the princess ignoring the raven's cry for some treats.

Princess Mara Martell is a mature lady with dark brown hair and dusky skin who had her forty-name-day celebration a few moons prior. The cousin of the current ruler, Morion Martell, was charged to hold the sunspear for his infant son. She was retiring to her chambers with her husband Ser Gerold Dayne when the Maester met with her.

" Lady Mara, I bring dark tidings." the maester presented the letter seal unbroken. He knows that the lady before him has always been the true ruler of Sunspear, so he dared not to read the letter before her.

" Maester Noland, I thank you for the message, you may retire to your chambers, We shall meet again tomorrow. I have something to discuss with my husband. "

The maester wisely retreated even though he knows that the council must be called. The lady closed the doors and windows and proceeded to read the letter by candlelight.

" What is it dear? It sounded so important. " Her husband, the current sword of the morning asked.

" Nothing we didn't know beforehand. That moron is dead, burned to cinders along with his ships before he even arrived at Cape Wrath. "

" Foolish and brash, I always knew he'd dig his own grave. Now I guess you have a lot of thinking to do. Whatever you decide, the Dawn is always with you. "

Her husband's reassurance brought a smile to her face.

" I know my love, We shall scheme tomorrow but let's take the whole night to celebrate." she put away the letter and made her way to her husband as she slowly slid her gown.

The smile on Dayne's face showed he very much liked the idea.

The next day:

The Tower of the Sun, with its circular shape and intricately carved windows, serves as the heart of Sunspear. Within its walls lies the opulent court of House Martell, where rulers and dignitaries gather to discuss matters of governance, justice, and diplomacy. The Great Hall, resplendent in its grandeur, plays host to sumptuous feasts and grand celebrations, where the Dornish nobility now gathered with solemn expressions and sombre faces.

Atop an intricately carved throne mimicking the Martell Sun and Spear, sat Mara Martell, now ruling princess of Dorne. She gathered all the nobles to consolidate her power.

" My lords and ladies, I am ashamed to say that we lost to that wretched dragon spawn. Our prince Morion Martell died of dragon fire. " She paused to look at her audience. Most of the nobles were expressionless, except for the Houses Wyl, Jordayne and Yornwood. They lost the most this time, as they supported the Idea of the Invasion with Morion even marrying a girl from House Jordayne. They are currently burning in silent anger.

" My blood boils for the heroic sacrifice of my brother, I want to march through the Red Mountains and burn the storm lands. But, now is not the time for it. Now, we must prepare ourselves, the Marcher lords may descend upon us when we are weak. So I order the Houses Wyl, Blackmont and Dayne to be prepared and pledge my support to House Wyl to recover from their losses. "

My speech brought respite to Wyland Wyl.

According to the unspoken rules, House Martell should make some concessions to the houses who supported them, but with the reason of invasion, I made sure only House Wyl get concessions and compensation. This will weaken the alliance under Yornwoods.

"Your grace, your brother left no trueborn children and as next in line, you must be coronated quickly to prepare for any invasion. " that was Ulrick Dayne.

All the nobles from my faction gave support to the proposition.

But Archibald Yornwood and Trebor Jordayne exchanged glances and Trebor came out

" Your grace, it is known that your brother married my niece Myria before the invasion. My niece is now with a child. By law, the child should be next in line. "

Murmurs broke out amongst the nobles. This was not expected, even Wyland showed shock. That means they already know that Wyland will betray them. There is a traitor in my household.

And this child, there is a high chance that he or she is a bastard.

" Lord Trebor, you shouldn't say such things, Prince Morion married her but did not consummate the marriage. He boarded the ship not long after the marriage. There is no chance that the child is Morions. " Teora Toland objected. The murmurs increased in intensity. A lot of them are in her favour.

Archibald stepped in support of Trebor. " Your grace, it is true that there is no official bedding but the marriage was consummated, I am a friend of your brother and a lot of the servants saw them abed after the marriage. Prince Morion did not board the ship immediately. He boarded the second fleet after two days. "

The statement is also a show of support from House Yornwood. This was supported by House Vaith, Manywood and Dalt.

Seeing that the chaos in the court is not coming down, I motioned for my husband Gerold. He slammed his Spear and the Men at arms also followed his lead.

The court became silent after the noise.

My lords and ladies, I must discuss this matter with Lord Trebor, if the child is of Morion, then I will step down. The court is dismissed. " I said getting up from my throne.

I have to adjust my plans. The Yornwoods have blindsided me, whether or not the child is a bastard if the nobles present during the wedding vouch for it, I cannot ascend the throne without being named usurper.

Gerold Dayne:

The court was a mess. We never expected the Yornwoods to come up with such a plot. Mara has been restless. He has been going back and forth in her chambers mumbling curses and even the servants are cautious to approach her.

" Fuck the Vaiths, Fuck the Yornwoods, Bloody Andals and their plots. " I was greeted with profanities as soon as I entered the chamber.

" Ahh my dear, anger doesn't help us, patience and wisdom do. " I said to calm her down.

" Besides you look more beautiful when you are in control," I said placing a kiss on her cheek.

She calmed down a little and poured herself some Red wine while sitting on the bed.

" Can we claim the child is not Morion's? Many of the nobles across the western coast and Sunspear support you. "

She sighed, " We can't, even if we claim so, some nobles would doubt me. The Iron Throne knew about our invasion beforehand, so they may point fingers at me."

" They'll call me usurper behind my back and the Yornwoods will support the child's claim, We could have a civil war that we cannot afford. The Old King is waiting for dissent."

" Can we kill the child, moon tea may be effective, it has hardly been a moon since the invasion. "

" No my dear, If a mouse died, everyone will question the cat first. House Jordayne will protect the mother every time."

" Let's negotiate with Yornwoods then, the child is still not born yet, you can still be Princess of the Dorne until it becomes of age. " I suggested

"We'll have all the time to prove the child is a bastard. Yornwoods or Jordaynes cannot protest that. " She understood my underlying message.

" Yes, the child must be brought up in Sunspear. We may not openly kill it but we can control it," she said while sipping on the wine.

" Then let's get ready for your coronation in the future. "

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Sorry about the long story, I want to make an engaging plot

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