
Advent of Chaos

A psycho gets reincarnated but there's more to his existence than one would think on a typical glance. - A technically troll fic that I got shoved onto me over halfway through. Practically a dumpster fire the first 6 chapters and somewhat readable the first 30 chapters. Those chapters also have highly unrealistic romance You have been warned.

Pure_R18_Terror · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs

A Date in Campione

"Ohhh the one where you got your new power?" Asahi asked as he brought out a camera but then remembered that he had already killed Alec, so with a sigh he placed it back in the dimensional pocket again.

In response Carrera nodded her head, "Yes that one!" Asahi smiled at her actions as he said, "Let's go we'll be back by night." Carrera gave him a thumbs up, but he grabbed her and threw her through a portal. "Hey what the hell was that for?!" He just laughed walking through the portal, "I wanted to see what you'd do."

"I'll let you go this time!" Carrera said as she took her place beside him, and they started walking down the road, "So where are we?" she said looking around, the place was somewhat familiar.

"Italy." Asahi said as he fumbled around with his dimensional pocket he turned towards her and said, "We..... have a problem. I... ran out of money." Carrera looked at him for a bit before she burst out laughing, "hahahaha damn, that's what ya get for buyin' everything you see!"

Asahi scratched his head but then he noticed a certain blonde and grinned, "I found a solution."


The last few days had been hectic for Erica, a heretic God had been running around destroying as he pleased, at first they thought one of the Campione could take him down but that hope was ended the moment he attacked both China and Los Angeles, each of these places had their own Campione, meaning they were most likely beaten, this put worldwide supernatural authorities in to constant unrest. As if that wasn't enough, almost as if sensing the distress many other heretic gods had started manifesting as well, making all the Campione busy.

(A/N:In case you didn't notice there's a time difference between the various worlds)

She was currently walking down the road to Lord Salvatore's Residence to convince him to join an alliance with the American Campione John Pluto Smith and the Chinese Campione Luo Hao as well as Count Voban so that they could take down the Heretic God responsible for all their trouble. Unknown to her, her day was about to get a whole lot worse. She was walking with her maid until she heard a voice, "Yoooo! Blondie-chan!" she got angry hearing this, after all who would tolerate such disrespect, but that emotion was gone as soon as she turned around.


Asahi called out Erica to convince her to give him some *ehm* funds for his date, "W-What might you be doing here, my Lord?" She asked in a somewhat fearful voice, gods were extremely fickle she thought if he got offended he'd kill every civilian here, also she was a bit embarrassed because they were getting a lot of stares from the surrounding people.

In response he just waved his hand and said, "Nah you don't need to do that. I'm not some young master like the other old idiots, me getting offended by someone is highly unlikely. I'm just here on a date." She was a bit surprised this God acted too easy going, unlike the other ones she had encountered. "S-so then why are you here?" she asked still a bit fearful.

"Well like I said I'm on a date, problem is I ran out of money so..... credit card" he asked as he shamelessly held his hand out, Erica was shocked but reluctantly reached for her maid who gave it to her and she then handed it over to Asahi while gritting her teeth, she was being mugged!

Taking it from her he placed it in his pocket and walked off not giving her a second glance. Erica stomped her foot and walked off angrily while thinking, 'I got mugged! by a God! oh I hope they make him suffer while fighting!' and marched off to the Italian Campione Lord Salvatore's Estate.

Carrera who looked at this whole scene laughed as she walked beside him, "You mugged her! I wonder how the girl feels right now?!" Asahi just shrugged, "She gave it over herself if she rejected I would've left her alone."

"But wasn't that you coercing her into it" she asked him while smirking, "It's just your imagination" in response she just facepalmed as she said, "How did I not see this coming?" he just smiled smugly in response and walked off, after that they had some food, went to the arcade and played some fighting games.(A/N:. for your information there are arcades in Italy I'll even name one I know if you want)

"How are you this good when I've played more than you?!" Asahi asked in frustration as he lost for the 15th time, she just smiled smugly as she said, "You just suck too much!" Asahi gripped his heart and grabbed at the air dramatically as he said, " My already fleeting self-esteem!" while the few people around chuckled at their antics.

Deciding that they had enough both of them walked out to see a silver haired girl coldly looking at several men trying to harass her.

Asahi looked at her as he thought, 'Isn't that Liliana Kranjcar, what's she doing here? I remember she was assigned to Voban in the original in hopes of an alliance of sorts, her being here is completely unnatural, how? keeping an eye on me? it is possible, I met Erica, her base of operations is in Milan, Italy and it's quite near here, hmmmmm let's go with that. Though I can't help but feel something's wrong here? Well what can I do about it' he thought shrugging.

(A/N: boy you're messing with forces beyond your comprehension)

Carrera noticing that he had stopped also stopped and looked at where he was looking, she noticed a girl, "Oh it's her she's been following us around for some time now" Asahi looked at her, "And how did I not notice her?"

"Oh you did several times ya just didn't pay attention to her" she said still looking at the guys.

Asahi grinned, "You know I just got a great idea!" Carrera looking at his grin shook her head,"I'm probably gonna regret this but do what you will" hearing her he nodded before running towards Liliana.

He DROPKICKED one of the guys there in the face while shouting, "MEET YOUR KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR!" then he proceeded to get up and dropkick all the other guys there as they tried to run while spewing random bullshit about knights and ladies. Liliana looked at him in shock before she chuckled a little, immediately hiding it afterwards.

She had been assigned to following a Heretic God that had destroyed a lot of places but following him around she just noted him acting like any other eccentric person out there, well at least until he DROPKICKED the people harassing her.


Nah she ain't a love interest, also you people really don't like other reincarnators huh? well good news is I'm shelving them for now

drop a review or I'll eat your cookies

Pure_R18_Terrorcreators' thoughts