
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

SUS · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs


(A month ago)

Inside the traditional karate dojo, the air crackled with anticipation as a middle age man prepared the training area for a friendly spar between two martial arts practitioners. The tatami mats beneath their feet served as a sacred space for honing their techniques and demonstrating their dedication to the art of karate.

The middle age man, a wise and experienced instructor, watched attentively, ready to guide and offer wisdom to his students as they engaged in their practice.

The two contestants, Aikara and Hiroshi, stood face to face in the center of the dojo. They bowed to each other, a gesture of mutual respect, before assuming their stances. Their muscles tensed with anticipation, their eyes focused on one another, and their minds sharpened in the present moment.

"Begin!" called out the instructor, his voice resonating with authority yet warmth. With a burst of energy, Aikara and Hiroshi launched into action, their bodies moving with fluidity and precision.

Aikara lunged forward, his leg shooting up in a powerful kick, aiming for Hiroshi's side. Hiroshi swiftly twisted his body, evading the incoming strike as Aikara's foot sliced through the air.

Undeterred, Aikara followed up with a rapid succession of kicks, his legs moving like lightning. He unleashed a flurry of sidekicks, roundhouse kicks, and front kicks, each kick executed with precision and speed.

Hiroshi's defense was impeccable as he skillfully maneuvered out of the way, his body twisting, bending, and shifting with remarkable agility. He expertly avoided Aikara's kicks, seamlessly evading each attack with graceful movements.

The spar continued with a mesmerizing display of kicking techniques. Aikara unleashed a high spinning kick, his leg soaring through the air with impressive height. Hiroshi quickly dropped low, ducking beneath the kick, his body remaining balanced and ready for the counter.

Aikara, determined to break through Hiroshi's defenses, executed a jumping front kick, propelling himself off the ground. Hiroshi anticipated the move and agilely sidestepped, narrowly escaping the incoming kick as Aikara's foot passed through the empty space.

Their bodies moved with grace and fluidity, showcasing the artistry of karate. Aikara's kicks were a testament to his flexibility and power, while Hiroshi's evasive maneuvers demonstrated his agility and quick reflexes.

The intensity of their spar reached its peak as Aikara seized an opening, launching a swift spinning back kick towards Hiroshi's midsection. Hiroshi reacted in a split second, shifting his body sideways, narrowly avoiding the impact of Aikara's kick.

With one final burst of energy, Aikara unleashed a lightning-fast roundhouse kick, his foot whirling through the air with precision and power. Hiroshi, caught off guard, tried to evade the incoming strike but couldn't react in time.

Aikara's kick connected solidly, landing on Hiroshi's side with a resounding impact. Hiroshi stumbled backward, his balance disrupted by the force of the blow. Aikara's victorious kick had found its mark.

The dojo grew quiet, filled with an air of anticipation as Hiroshi struggled to regain his balance. Frustrated, he eventually gave up and settled onto the tatami mat, his chest heaving from the exertion, with beads of sweat trickling down his forehead.

"You win," Hiroshi managed to say between ragged breaths. The instructor acknowledged his surrender, signaling the end of the spar, which was followed by applause from the surrounding students.

Aikara, standing just a few meters away, took a deep breath before making his way toward Hiroshi with a spring in his steps, despite his own exhaustion.

"That was amazing, Hiroshi!" Aikara exclaimed, wearing a smile as he extended his hand, hoping to assist him in getting up. However, Hiroshi didn't reach out, leaving Aikara's hand hanging in the air.

"You know this is the part where you're supposed to take my hand and let me help you up, right?" Aikara said, and he seemed to realize something as he narrowed his gaze and looked at him with a mischievous grin. "Don't tell me you're embarrassed about accepting my help after losing to me~" Hiroshi remained silent, averting his gaze and a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

"Looks like I hit the mark," Aikara remarked with a smile, reaching down to grab Hiroshi's seated body and lift him up. "There's no need to feel embarrassed. You did well, and I'm merely showing my respect by offering a hand."

"Thank you," Hiroshi mumbled, awkwardly scratching the side of his cheek.

"No problem, no problem!" Aikara cheerfully exclaimed, patting Hiroshi's back while letting out a chuckle.


(Third POV)

"I'll be like Mama!" Ruby suddenly shouted in the apartment while it was already dark outside causing Aikara who was looking at his phone just in front of her to look up.

He tilted his head in confusion as he placed a finger on his cheek "Good for you, but why are you suddenly saying that?"

Ruby appeared a bit embarrassed as she sheepishly rubbed her head. "Well, I accidentally blurted out my thoughts aloud," she admitted.

Before Aikara could respond, Aqua playfully tapped Ruby's head with a notebook, eliciting a small groan from her.

"It's fine to have dreams, but we're approaching high school entrance exams," he chimed in, causing Ruby to bat his notebook away with a smug expression.

"You just don't understand, Aqua-nii," she wagged her finger while explaining. "I want to become an idol. Schools with entertainment departments prioritize interviews, and academic skills are merely for reference. If I become an idol, I won't need to study. It's like killing two birds with one stone!" She emphasized her point by raising her hands in the air.

"Don't gamble away your future based on some hearsay," Aqua retorted, prompting Ruby to frown and seek help from Aikara.

Sensing Ruby's gaze, Aikara shook his head with a gentle smile and gestured an "X" with his arms, as if warding off attention. "Don't look at me," he said. "I wholeheartedly support your dream of becoming an idol, but let's not forget the importance of education!" His voice brimmed with enthusiasm as he pointed upwards with a grin.

Aqua nodded in agreement with Aikara's words. "You can dream of being an idol, but don't romanticize it too much," he cautioned.

Ruby seemed to be dissatisfied but Aqua ignored her as he continued "Low pay is standard, and you'll have to retire before you're 30. Look at Ellie-san, she was forced to retire due to her being old and was forced to continue working at the acting industry. And-" Aqua continued to explain the downsides of idol industry as Ruby's expression became more and more dissatisfied.

Aikara seemed to try to diffuse the situation as he brought both of his hands up "Now now, why don't we stop talking about idols for now and talk about something else. Like the meme with the dancing dog. Don't you guys think it's funny? Hahaha" Aikara started to laugh.

However, Ruby couldn't be swayed, and she directed her frustration towards Aqua. "What's your point? Life is about pursuing what you truly want! If all we talk about is costs and risks, we won't achieve anything. Life can end before we even get a chance to accomplish something meaningful. I refuse to let that be my fate," Ruby declared, her determined gaze fixed on Aqua.

Aqua turned away and began walking towards the door. "Suit yourself. I'm going to the director's place," he stated, leaving Aikara and Ruby alone, both lost in their own thoughts.

"Hey Ruby," Aikara spoke softly, his voice filled with compassion and understanding. He gently reached out to touch Ruby's arm, a comforting gesture to convey his support.

Ruby turned her gaze towards Aikara, her eyes filled with a mix of disappointment and frustration. "I know what you're going to say, Aikara. That Aqua is just looking out for me and doesn't want me to face the same hardships our mom did."

Aikara nodded, his eyes reflecting empathy. "You're right, Ruby. Aqua does have his concerns, and he's trying to protect you from the harsh realities of the idol industry. But I also know how passionate you are about pursuing your dreams."

A heavy silence enveloped them, as Ruby wrestled with her emotions. Aikara continued, his words filled with wisdom and perspective. "Life is filled with risks, Ruby. Every path we choose carries its own set of challenges and rewards. It's natural for others to share their concerns and opinions, but ultimately, it's up to us to make the decisions that align with our hearts."

Ruby's shoulders slumped, her eyes welling up with tears. "I just... I don't want to disappoint anyone, Aikara. But at the same time, I don't want to let go of my dreams."

Aikara's grip on Ruby's arm tightened gently, a gesture of reassurance. He looked into her eyes, his voice filled with conviction. "Ruby, remember that our dreams are not bound by the fears or limitations of others. It's important to listen to their perspectives, but ultimately, you must listen to your own voice, your own desires, and make choices that resonate with your true self."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "Life is a journey, and it's in embracing challenges and pursuing our dreams that we truly discover our strength and purpose. Don't be afraid to take risks, Ruby, even if it means facing hardships along the way. Because it's through those hardships that we grow, learn, and become stronger."

Ruby wiped away her tears, a newfound determination shining through her eyes. "Thank you, Aikara. I needed to hear that. I won't let fear or doubts hold me back. I'll pursue my dreams with everything I have, knowing that I have your support."

A warm smile spread across Aikara's face, his heart filled with pride for Ruby. "That's the spirit, Ruby," he said softly, his eyes filled with admiration. "Remember, the path you choose may not always be easy, but it will be worth it. And no matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you, cheering you on."

His warm smile suddenly transformed into a gentle grin as he playfully ruffled her hair, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "As your fan and your cute, handsome, and adorable brother." he added, his voice filled with affection.

Ruby chuckled at his words as she leaned back in her chair, the dimly lit room casting a beautiful orange glow on her, adding to her radiant aura. With a truly beautiful smile, she looked at Aikara, her eyes shimmering with a mix of gratitude. "Thanks Aka nii, looks like I'll have to fulfill your expectations then huh?"

Aikara chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Absolutely, Ruby. I have no doubt that you'll exceed all expectations and shine bright like the star you are."



End of chapter.

For some reason, I've been trying to give Ruby and Aikara some romantic chemistry during scenes. Specifically him fixing her bow tie and her sitting down and the dimly lit room casting a beautiful orange glow on her. I'm wondering if any of you noticed?

Don't worry, Ruby will not be and never be his romantic interest, it's just something I did to have some fun. I'm personally a slight fan of incest(controversial opinion) but I know it doesn't fit her so don't worry. Though I might release a what-if if I feel like doing it.

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You'll be able to read four advanced chapters.