
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

SUS · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs


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(Third POV)

After Aikara introduced himself to a few more staff members, the rehearsals commenced, and as Aqua had anticipated, everyone became enthralled by Aikara's acting prowess. Even Melt, who was supposed to deliver his lines, remained speechless, completely captivated by Aikara's talent.

Aqua's eyes shifted to Kana, and despite her professional demeanor because she was currently acting, he could sense the undeniable happiness radiating from her eyes. It was evident that Aikara's performance had met her expectations, leaving her thoroughly satisfied.

As for Aqua himself, he recognized that his own acting was merely average—not exceptional, but also not subpar. His acting was just good enough to not impede other actors, so all he could do is to blend seamlessly with the other actors. He knew he would likely disappoint Kana, but that realization didn't weigh heavily on him.

After all, he had willingly chosen to participate in this drama fully aware that he would not live up to her lofty expectations. The praise she had bestowed upon him in the past was merely because of the gap between his physical and mental age, rather than a testament to his true acting abilities. Now that he had caught up, he's just a run-of-the-mill actor, pale in comparison to his brother.

His attention returned to Aikara, who effortlessly commanded the stage with the same charisma that Ai had possessed. Aikara drew everyone's attention, even making Melt, who had momentarily lost his focus, go back into character. And this time, instead of the robotic tone Melt always had, Aqua could hear distinct emotions in them.

Aqua couldn't help but notice the peculiar quality of Aikara's acting—a knack for bringing out the best in others. It was as if he transformed the fictional scenes into reality, inviting the other actors into his realm. It was different from Ai who made others actors intimidated by her charisma and made their acting skills worse as she forced everyone to pay attention to her.

In the past, Aqua would have harbored bitterness and envy upon witnessing Aikara's exceptional acting skills. He would have been consumed by a desire to surpass him, driven by both his passion for the craft and Ai's words of encouragement. Yet, having accepted his own limitations and shortcomings, he now felt an indifference wash over him. He continued to observe Aikara's performance, appreciating it without any trace of resentment.

And so, the rehearsals came to an end, with Aikara once again leaving everyone in awe with his exceptional acting skills. The room buzzed with a mix of admiration and anticipation for the upcoming production, while Aqua quietly acknowledged his own place in the ensemble, ready to fulfill his role to the best of his abilities, even if it will undoubtedly fall short of the brilliance displayed by his brother. After all, he needs to rise in the entertainment industry, find his father's real identity, and kill him with his own hands.


(Third POV)

"So you can act after all," Kana said to Aqua the moment rehearsals ended, her voice carrying a hint of surprise and admiration. "What's with you saying that you can only work backstage?"

Aqua, however, responded with a self-deprecating statement "You don't need to flatter me," he replied. "I know I'm not on the same level as Aikara when it comes to acting. I can hold my own, but I wouldn't consider myself great."

Before Kana could comment further, their conversation was interrupted by Aikara's enthusiastic arrival, his steps quick and eager. He greeted them with a wave, unable to contain his excitement. "Hey, guys!" he called out, his voice carrying a genuine warmth. "That was some incredible acting!"

Kana brushed off the compliment, deflecting the praise. "Oh, come on, don't exaggerate. I was nothing compared to you." she responded with a hint of self-deprecation. Aikara stopped in his tracks after hearing her comment, making her tilt her head in confusion.

Aikara leaned in closer, a playful glimmer in his eyes as he tilted his head and flashed a captivating smile. "Oh, come on, don't be lying to me now~" he whispered mischievously, his voice filled with charm.

His expression suddenly shifted, a touch of seriousness in his gaze as he locked eyes with her. "You know, I can see it. You're still holding back your acting skills even now." he said, pointing a finger at her with a confident yet encouraging tone. "Never, ever say I'm better until you unleash your full potential on that stage."

With a smooth motion, Aikara brushed a strand of hair away from his face, his gentle touch filled with a subtle magnetism. "I believe in you, you know," he added, his voice laced with sincerity. "So, let's see that fire within you burn bright. Show me what you're truly capable of. You're an actor, after all. Embrace it with pride! If not, I'll make you!"

"Sure, sure," Kana responded with a nonchalant attitude, her voice tinged with boredom. She waved her hand dismissively, as if shooing away his words.

Taken aback by her lack of reaction, Aikara looked momentarily confused. A mischievous smirk appeared on Kana's face as she noticed his perplexed expression. "What, did you really think I'd get all emotional every time you give me a pep talk?" she retorted sharply.

She let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head slightly. "Please, I'm not that fragile. I've been enduring everything on my own for the past few years," she added with determination. A mischievous smile crept onto her face as she continued, "And with all the motivational talks you've been giving me lately, I'm starting to wonder if you should be a life coach instead of an actor."

Kana playfully raised an eyebrow, her tone laced with a teasing edge.

Aikara looked stunned at her words, while Aqua, witnessing the exchange, couldn't hold back his laughter. He chuckled, inadvertently causing some spit to fly out.

Aikara's attention immediately shifted to Aqua when he heard the laughter, causing a pout to form on his lips. "You think this is funny, don't you?" he questioned, his tone laced with playful accusation.

Aqua shook his head, his face attempting to mask any trace of emotion, but a faint smile betrayed his attempt. "Not at all," he replied, though the glimmer in his eyes hinted otherwise.

The pout on Aikara's face faded as he let out a sigh, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he turned his gaze back to Kana. "That sure was mean of you, Kachan. I thought you loved my pep talks~" he chimed in, his lighthearted tone indicating that he wasn't truly offended.

A gentle, yet captivating smile graced Aikara's lips as he gazed at Aqua, his eyes shimmering with warmth. "Still, I'm glad I at least got you to smile, Aqua nii. You seemed gloomier than usual during rehearsals, so I hope this cheered you up," he expressed, the genuine concern evident in his words.

Aqua awkwardly averted his gaze from Aikara as he scratched his cheek.

Unsure of how to respond, he decided to shift the topic, diverting the conversation. "Don't you have something to do?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

Aikara couldn't help but notice Aqua's attempt to steer the conversation away, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. With a twinkle in his eye, he let out a soft chuckle at Aqua's adorable demeanor, as if the awkward brother he once knew before tragedy struck was still peeking through. "Oh Aqua, always worrying about the trivial things in life," he remarked, his voice filled with playful charm as he patted Aqua's back affectionately.

Taking a step back, Aikara began to move away, his walk infused with a casual sway. "Though you're right, I do have something to take care of now." He waved at them one last time, a teasing wink accompanying his gesture. "See you guys later!"


(Aikara POV)

I walked purposefully around the bustling set, determined to locate director Kaburagi as Aqua had requested. After inquiring with the staff, I was directed to the smoking area, which presented an opportunity for me to obtain the DNA sample Aqua desperately needed.

Contemplating my next move, I hesitated before entering the smoking room. It felt unnatural for me to step into that environment when I had no inclination for smoking. I didn't want to raise suspicions or be seen as acting out of the ordinary. Perhaps I could approach the director under the pretense of forging connections, a means to get closer to him.

Pausing momentarily, I found myself standing in front of the smoking room where Director Kaburagi and the scene supervisor were engrossed in their smoke-filled conversation. I prepared myself to enter assertively, but the director's words abruptly halted me in my tracks.

"Oh, Kana-chan. I like her," the director began, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "She's compliant and easy to work with. She'll do anything for approval; we can assign her any role." He proceeded to explain how Kana was ideal for casting due to the cost-effectiveness of hiring her, her decent acting skills, and the value associated with her name.

However, he went on to criticize Kana for her passion for acting, asserting that in this particular drama, the focus was on promoting new actors rather than their acting abilities. His dismissive attitude towards her dedication left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"What about Aikara?" the man smoking alongside the director inquired. "It's well-known that he's deeply passionate about acting, always persevering despite years of rejection. I've seen his rehearsals, and his acting is absolutely magnificent. If the aim is to promote young actors, why include him when he will clearly overshadow the others?"

Kaburagi's response piqued my curiosity, prompting me to listen intently. "It's quite simple," he revealed, causing my interest to intensify. "I have no desire to highlight the deficiencies of other actors, as their superiors are the ones financin our project. However, I am willing to make an exception for the future prospect named Aikara Hoshino. After working in this industry for many years, you could say I have developed an eye for spotting rising stars. Aikara will undoubtedly become a future sensation, and I am willing to face the displeasure of certain superiors in order to establish a sense of indebtedness from that future star."

So, that's the rationale. He cast me because he envisions a promising future for me, despite knowing that I will give my utmost in my performance.

But what about Kana? Was she cast with the expectation of mediocrity? Does this mean they perceive no potential in her future whatsoever?

Anger surged within me, though I couldn't discern if these were my genuine emotions or merely the facade I had cultivated. They didn't value Kana as an actor; they viewed her solely as a convenient tool to boost their popularity, reduce costs, and avoid overshadowing other actors.

I recalled Kana's joyful expressions as she spoke about acting, and I knew that it meant the world to her. I could sense that she was genuinely delighted to be cast in this production, despite its flaws, as it signified recognition of her skills. How would she react if she discovered that they never truly valued her abilities?

Would her heart break? Would she abandon acting altogether? Or would she relinquish her passion and just become another run of the mill actor as she tries her best to cater to other's wants? Will she end up like me, a person who desires attention from others?

I clenched my fist, determination coursing through me.

I won't allow it. Kana is a dear friend, even after all these years of separation, which is kind off weird since it's been a very long time.

Though I guess it's because I still empathize with her, much as I did when we were children. The thought of seeing her in such a wretched state fills me with an unbearable ache.

Just you wait Arima Kana, even though I said I'll respect your decision to lower your acting skills, I must retract that statement now. I won't permit you to compromise your abilities for the sake of others, even if it means you may come to dislike me for it.

I will make you a star! I will free you from the constraints of your surroundings. Your entire being will be dedicated to acting to the fullest extent.

With that resolve firmly rooted in my heart, I opened the door to the smoking room, surprising the two individuals inside. As they inquired about my presence and I offered my fabricated excuse, the conversation between the three of us continued, the impending shoot drawing closer.



I created this chapter because I think I've been making Kana too weak recently.

Like she always felt sad and the MC made her feel better by pep talks.

I don't want to give off the impression she needs the MC's pep talks to feel better about herself, because I know just how mentally strong Kana is as a character.

While it would certainly help to have someone support her, she's not so weak as to need someone. Don't underestimate an actor who underwent harsh criticisms online as a child!

Kana Arima isn't a damsel in distress, she's a person who underwent hardship in her career, and become tougher through all that hardship, so don't rule her off as being weak!

So too bad for you Aikara who thought that Kana needed your pep talks to feel better about herself, looks like even your EQ isn't absolutely and always accurate.

And I want to celebrate reaching 40 chapters! I never expected to be writing for this long, I just started this because I wanted to create a character that is similar to Ai yet different. I expected this to only last a few chapters tbh, I never expected to reach this far. I want to thank you guys who supported me, if it wasn't for your support, I think I would have given up honestly.

So thank you dear readers.