
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

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46 Chs

Be Kind

(Third POV)

To sum up this film, it revolves around a woman who lacks confidence in her looks and decides to undergo plastic surgery at a shady hospital hidden in the mountains. Aqua and Kana are the eerie children she encounters at the village entrance.

"Welcome, honored guest," Kana began, her voice a haunting whisper as she looked down, her eyes concealed by her ominous summer hat. "We're here to greet you," she continued, her words dripping with an unsettling sweetness. "Please... enjoy your time here," she concluded, her voice sending shivers down the spine.

"There exists only a solitary guest house nestled within the confines of this quaint village," Aqua began, his voice exuding an unsettling calmness, while a casual smile played upon his lips. "Therefore, it would be prudent for you to secure your accommodation before embarking into the enigmatic darkness. Allow me to serve as your guide."

The protagonist instinctively recoiled, unsettled by Aqua's eerie demeanor.

"Cut!" The director's voice reverberated through the set, signaling the conclusion of the scene. "Excellent!" Aqua breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the director's commendation.

Ruby, who was sitting beside Aikara on Miyako's lap, couldn't help but express her curiosity. "Wasn't that just our regular brother?" she inquired.

"Yeah, he was just acting as usual," Aikara exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he tilted his head to the side.

The protagonist, who is now crouching down to Aqua's eye level, began showering him with praise. "My goodness, you were absolutely astounding!" she exclaimed. "You sent chills down my spine!"

Aqua's faint smile widened at the compliment. "Truly? I'm glad to hear that," he replied.

Kana, positioned by Aqua's side, abruptly began walking towards the director, her discontent subtly permeating her voice. "That is not good at all," she muttered under her breath, exuding palpable frustration.

"Put the camera away. Let's take the next one." instructed Gotanda, addressing the staff, who promptly responded, "Yes, sir!"

Advancing toward Gotanda, Kana commenced her address with a composed tone, a departure from her customary air of arrogance. "Director, retake that scene." She demanded.

Gotanda turned his gaze back to the source of the voice, a quizzical expression on his face. "Hm?" he said, acknowledging Kana's presence. "Well, there were no problems"

"There's a big problem!" Kana shouted, making everyone's attention turn to her. With tears running down her eyes, she ran and grabbed the directors sleeve "My acting.." She began, her voice choking from the sobs "..was nowhere near as good as Aqua's." She sniffed from the snot running down her nose "No! One more time!" She demanded "Please! I'll do it much better this time! One more time! Please!"

She wasn't able to continue as the assistant director suddenly grabbed her and tried to pry her away from the director "Kana." The assistant director said, but she didn't listen to her at all as Kana continued to struggle.


(Aikara POV)

Observing Kana receiving consolation from the adults nearby, I decided it was time to offer her some comfort. I slid off Miyako's lap and glanced at her puzzled expression. With a cheerful smile, I raised my hand and waved enthusiastically, expressing my intention to uplift Kana's spirits. "I'm going to cheer up Kana-chan!" I exclaimed with great enthusiasm, my voice filled with excitement.

Noticing Ruby's odd look, I simply ignored it and focused on my mission to bring joy to Kana.

Approaching them, the adults who were previously comforting Kana looked at me curiously, and even Kana herself paused her tears, gazing up and fixing her eyes on me.

"Why are you here, Aikara?" asked the assistant director, his tone tinged with curiosity.

With a bright smile like the sun, I hopped over to him and replied, "Hey there! I've come to uplift Kana-chan's spirits. Would you mind giving us some alone time? We need to talk!" I swayed gently from side to side, my excitement resonating in every word.

The adults exchanged glances for a moment before nodding, getting up, and walking away.

Now that I was alone with Kana, I walked up to her and settled down beside her.

"Don't worry, Kana-chan. I can see that you're feeling a little sad because you think Aqua did better than you. But hey, guess what? This is just one performance out of many more to come in your life. So, don't fret too much. Just keep practicing and giving it your all. You're actually much stronger than you realize." I said with a gentle smile, placing my hand on Kana-chan's shoulder in a reassuring manner.

It seems like it didn't work as Kana glared at me "You! What's with the pathetic attempt to cheer me up? As if you could ever understand how I feel." Kana crossed her arms tightly, a pout forming on her face. She tried to hide the tears welling up in her eyes, but a few managed to escape, silently tracing down her cheeks.

She sniffled softly, refusing to make eye contact with me. Her brows furrowed, displaying her frustration and disappointment. With a slight tremble in her voice, she continued, "You think you can solve everything with your silly words and gestures? Well, newsflash, it won't work on me!"

Her hands clenched into fists, her tiny fingers trembling with unresolved emotions. She avoided my gaze, intentionally turning away from my well-meaning gestures. Despite her attempts to come across as tough, her vulnerability peeked through in the form of glistening tears and a quivering lower lip.

Kana let out a sigh, struggling to maintain her composure. "Just leave me alone. I don't need your sympathy. I'll deal with this on my own." Her words dripped with a mixture of sadness and defiance, revealing a hint of her sharp tongue beneath the façade of her wounded pride.

Instead of retreating, I decided to continue sitting beside her, maintaining a respectful distance. I wanted to convey that I respected her boundaries while also letting her know that I wasn't giving up on her. Silently, I waited, giving her the time and space she needed to collect herself.

Minutes passed, but I remained patient, resisting the urge to break the silence. I could see Kana stealing glances at me, her curiosity mixing with a tinge of uncertainty. She seemed torn between her desire to be left alone and her underlying need for support.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kana's tense shoulders began to relax ever so slightly. Her gaze shifted from the ground to meet my eyes, a flicker of vulnerability shining through. In that moment, it became clear to me that she didn't want to face her challenges alone but was struggling to let her guard down.

"I know my words might not mean much to you right now, Kana," I began softly, my voice conveying sincerity. "But I want you to know that I'm not here to pity you or pretend like I understand everything you're going through. I'm here because I care about you, and I want to support you in any way I can."

I paused, giving her a chance to respond, but she remained silent, her expression caught between skepticism and a glimmer of hope.

"Whether you're ready to talk or not, I'll be right here beside you," I continued, my tone unwavering. "I'll wait for you, Kana-chan. Whenever you're ready, I'm here to listen without judgment and offer a shoulder to lean on."

As my words echoed in the air, I could see the battle within Kana's eyes slowly subsiding. The tension in her body eased, and her defensive walls began to crumble, making way for a sliver of trust. It was a small victory, but an important one.

"I act 'cause I want grown-ups to stare at me. They said good things about it. And that made me feel like they need me." She started, her voice trembling. "I wanna be needed!" She yelled, tears welling up in her eyes. "That's why, if I don't do it well, they might stop looking and not need me no more. It's not just about your brother being better at acting, there's more on the line here!" She stomped her foot in frustration, her small fists clenched tightly.

Listening to her words, I can't help but notice how similar she is to me.

She craves validation, so she acts in a way to gain it. The difference between her and me is that I act in real life and put on a mask to hide my true self because I believed no one would accept the real me. On the other hand, she acts professionally, seeking attention even with her true personality. She's much braver than I was when I was younger.

But just because I sympathize with her doesn't mean everyone else will. If she continues this behavior, she will lose popularity and receive fewer job offers. Knowing her mother's tendencies, she might resort to drastic measures to regain that popularity.

That's not a good path to take. If it happens, Kana will feel compelled to pretend and hide her true self just to get more job opportunities. Don't get me wrong, I understand that people change inevitably based on their experiences, and I genuinely hope Kana changes for the better. However, no matter how much I sympathize with her, it doesn't excuse her personality.

So, I want her to change. But wearing a facade isn't true change; it's merely an escape. Genuine change takes time.

Putting on a mask doesn't transform you; it only alters how people perceive you.

I know this well because I've been doing it for a long time.

The existential crisis, the loneliness, the constant questioning of whether your loved ones will accept you for who you truly are—these burdens weigh heavily on one's soul.

It's okay if I alone endure the hardship of wearing a mask since I willingly chose to do so and it's too late for me to turn back. However, it's not too late for Kana. She can still avoid traversing this difficult path.

That's why, cheer up, Kana-chan.

"Look, Kana-chan, you're overcomplicating things. Even if you aren't the best actor, there's a simple way to make the adults like you," I said, noticing her attention fixated on me. "What is it!?" she asked eagerly.

I stood up and gently patted her on the head, offering a warm smile. "Be kind," I replied. Her eyes widened with curiosity and confusion, urging me to explain further.

"Well, Kana-chan, being kind means showing genuine care and compassion for others. It's about being there for someone when they need support, offering a helping hand, or simply being a good friend," I explained. "When you're kind, people notice. They appreciate your sincerity, and it creates a positive impression."

I paused, assuring her that change doesn't happen overnight. "Now, I'm not saying you need to change everything about yourself instantly. That wouldn't be fair or genuine. What I'm suggesting is starting small with kind gestures. Maybe you could help someone with their bags, offer a listening ear, or even share a smile. These acts of kindness, even though they may seem insignificant, can make a big difference."

I knelt down to her level, looking into her teary eyes. "Remember, Kana-chan, it's not about pleasing others for the sake of their attention. It's about genuinely caring for people and making a positive impact on their lives. And in doing so, you'll find that you'll change too, but in the most authentic and meaningful way."

I offered her a reassuring smile, giving her the time she needed to process my words.

Kana stared at me, her teary gaze filled with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "But... what if they still don't like me?" she asked, her voice quivering.

I placed a hand on her shoulder, conveying a sense of understanding. "Change takes time, Kana-chan," I reassured her. "Not everyone will immediately notice or appreciate your kindness, but that doesn't mean your efforts are in vain. True acceptance comes from those who see the real you, the kind-hearted person you are becoming."

I paused, choosing my words carefully. "There will always be people who might not appreciate you, no matter what you do. But remember, their opinions don't define your worth. Surround yourself with those who see your genuine goodness, and cherish the relationships built on mutual respect and care."

Kana nodded slowly, a glimmer of determination replacing the fear in her eyes. "Okay, I'll try. Thank you, Aka." she whispered softly.

"Did you call me Aka just now?" I asked, wearing a wide grin that made her glance away briefly. Did she not plan to say it? "Oh, I know you did!" I said, playfully tilting my head and wiggling my eyebrows, trying to catch her attention.

"Ah!" she blurted out, her cheeks flushing red. "Just stop talking! It's not a big deal if I called you Aka, okay? What're you gonna do anyway?" She nervously fidgeted with her fingers, trying to hide her embarrassment, while her eyes darted around, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Hmmm," I chimed in, my tiny fingers swirling around my chin in a playful manner. A mischievous twinkle sparkled in my eyes as I pondered aloud, "What should I do about it, huh? Maybe I should come up with a fun nickname for you too, since you're calling me by mine!" With a grin as radiant as a thousand sunflowers, I playfully teased.

Kana glanced my way, her eyes lingering as if she was pondering something. After a moment, she let out a small sigh and muttered, "Okay, I guess you can call me a nickname or something."

"Great!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening with excitement. I bounced on my toes, unable to contain my giddy anticipation. With a bright, beaming smile that stretched from ear to ear, I locked gazes with Kana "How about Ka-chan?"

"I'm okay with it, I guess. Just call me Ka-chan!" Kana huffed, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes playfully.

It's nice to witness her transformation, though it may not be immediately apparent, I believe that in a few years, everyone will notice the change.

Regarding the advice I gave her some time ago, they weren't just words I came up with on the spot to comfort Kana. They held deep meaning to me, something I genuinely believe in wholeheartedly. Just because you aren't the most popular person doesn't mean you have to pretend to be someone you're not. Simple acts of kindness can make a difference, and over time, people will acknowledge and appreciate you for it, even if your core personality remains unchanged. This truth resonates even with the past version of myself, the gloomy kid from the orphanage.

Regrettably, I learned this lesson too late in life. By the time I grasped its significance, my mask had become so ingrained in my existence that I no longer knew who the real me was. Consequently, I can never reveal my true self and seek out people who accept and embrace me for my genuine acts of kindness because there is no longer an authentic "me" to be found.

That being said, I don't regret the path I've chosen in life. Both of my personas have ultimately led me to experience love and affection.

Nevertheless, I can't help but wonder how different my own life would have been if a young Noah Anderson had encountered me and I had imparted similar guidance to him.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by someone's exclamation. "Hey, Kana! Your mother has come to pick you up." I turned my gaze towards the origin of the voice and saw the assistant director standing there.

Kana glanced at me, her eyes brimming with curiosity. "Hey Aka, will I get to see you again?" she inquired, her tiny index finger twirling a strand of her hair.

"Of course you will! We'll meet again in another movie." I reassured her, my eyes sparkling with excitement and a wide grin spreading across my face. As I spoke, my little hands couldn't help but make playful gestures, as if I were already envisioning our reunion on the big screen.

She bobbed her head up and down when I gave my answer, then flashed a mischievous grin. "Hmm, got it," she chirped. "Well, I'm off!" With a burst of energy, she ran away "See you next time!" and dashed away from me.

"Bye Ka-chan!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with excitement as I raised my hand and waved vigorously. Ka-chan turned around, and she responded with a beaming smile, waving goodbye back at me.



Chapter's DONE!

It turned out different than I thought it would, I was just planning him to be quiet until Kana answered but I'm pretty happy with the result.

Kindness, it's a good lesson to follow.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little kindness to be recognized for who you are.