
Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as he keeps up the act, maybe they'll continue to love him. It's worth it, even if it means sacrificing his true self. Love is worth any lie, any act, any cost. ________________________________________________________________ Oshi no ko Fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except my OC.

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46 Chs

Arima Kana

Kana raised an eyebrow and let out an exaggerated sigh, crossing her arms defiantly. "Hmm," she scoffed, her voice dripping with condescension. "You better give me powers stones okay! I'm a genius actor after all!" She punctuated her words with a dismissive wave of her hand. (Not me begging for power stones😏)


In the current moment, Aikara, Aqua, and Gotanda found themselves positioned by the railing in a picturesque rural town, precisely the location designated for their upcoming movie shoot.

Gotanda peered down at Aikara and Aqua, wearing a grin on his face as he commenced his speech, "Listen up, mature and actor baby. The decision-making process for casting is predominantly orchestrated by the higher-ups." He gestured upward with a pointed finger, emphasizing the need for undivided attention. "The greater the financial investment in the film, the less room for error they can afford. Their primary objective revolves around securing actors who possess the power to attract a substantial audience. To achieve that, they engage in their own battles up there."

A sense of satisfaction played on Gotanda's lips as he carefully positioned the movie script upon his shoulders. "Only a select few highly influential directors hold the authority and privilege to handpick their cast. Alternatively, we have directors who operate within the confines of a minuscule budget, working on small-scale productions. Now, which category do you think I fall under?"

Aqua appeared deep in thought, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he shared his contemplation. "A super big shot."

Meanwhile, Aikara, exuding a vibrant smile capable of illuminating the entire area, thrust his hand high into the sky, brimming with enthusiasm. Confidence sparkled in his eyes as he boisterously declared, "A director of a small-scale film!"

Gotanda nodded approvingly, his affirmation evident. "Actor baby is correct, Mature baby. You could learn a thing or two from him. Indeed, we find ourselves on the set of a low-budget film." The pride in his voice was palpable, leaving Aqua unable to suppress a trail of sweat on his face.

"This guy said it with such a proud tone." Aqua said, his voice amazed at how shameless he is.

With an infectious grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, Aikara playfully began, "You know, I think it's totally okay to be proud. Like, seriously proud! It's almost like he's intentionally dropping hints that he's some kind of mini-film director. Just look at those messy clothes, that slouched posture, that untamed beard, and that wild, untamed hair dancing around without a care in the world!" Aikara punctuated his words with animated gestures, mimicking a messy appearance by tousling his own hair and giving a mischievous wink.

Aqua couldn't help but burst into a hearty laugh, thoroughly amused by the situation. However, the director didn't share the same lightheartedness and jokingly tapped Aikara's head with the rolled-up script he held in his hand.

"Ouchie!" Aikara playfully exclaimed, pretending to wince in pain as he crouched down, dramatically placing his hand on his head where the harmless paper had made contact.

Gotanda, shaking his head, remarked, "That's what you get for insulting my fashion sense. You're much more of a tease than I thought."

"Tee-hee!" Aikara giggled mischievously, his eyes shining with excitement. He playfully placed a tiny fist on top of his head and tilted his head to the side, squinting one eye in a playful display.

Meanwhile, Miyako, who had been observing their interaction from a short distance, approached the director with Ruby cradled in her arms. "Director," she began, capturing the attention of the trio. "Thank you for looking after Aqua and Aikara today."

"Oh yeah, no problem. Has that one issue been resolved?" the director inquired, to which Miyako nodded. "I believe so. Aqua and Aikara will be working under Ichigo Production starting this month."

Relieved, the director let out a sigh. "That's great. People get upset if I use a child who isn't affiliated with an agency."

Aqua felt the urge to interject in their conversation, wanting to say that Ruby outshines him in acting skills. He worried that he might ruin the film where Ai and Aikara which might be their big chance in the entertainment industry. However, he remembered his phone conversation with the director, where he willingly accepted the role in the movie out of pure passion. With that in mind, Aqua decided to remain silent.

Aikara seemed to notice Aqua's hesitation and reached out to hold his hand, catching him off guard. Aqua looked at Aikara with curiosity. "Why are you holding my hand?" he asked.

"Don't worry about your acting, Aqua-nii! I know you'll be amazing because you're my awesome brother!" Aikara exclaimed, his face beaming with excitement. As he spoke, he tightened his grip on Aqua's hand, offering his unwavering support and reassurance.

Aqua's heart warmed at his brother's words. He considered himself incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive sibling. "Thanks, Aka," he replied, a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks as he scratched his face, feeling a tad embarrassed.

"I'm going to take a quick stroll around the set. I'll leave you two to it," Gotanda announced, preparing to depart. "Good luck to both of you later." And with that, the director bid his farewell and walked away, leaving Aqua and Aikara to prepare for their upcoming challenge.


"Mama! Mama!" Ruby's cries echoed through the bustling preparation room, her tear-streaked face contorted in anguish. She wriggled and tumbled across the space, desperately seeking solace. "I want to go back to Mama's place! Why isn't Mama here?" Her pleas reverberated, pleading for the comforting presence of her mother.

"It's Mom's filming day on another occasion, Ruby. Today, only Aqua and I have scenes," Aikara calmly explained, attempting to quell the little girl's distress.

Unperturbed by Aikara's words, Ruby persisted in her tantrum, flailing her arms and expressing her desire to return home and seek refuge in her mother's embrace. Her behavior was so remarkably childlike that Aqua couldn't help but regard her with a mixture of amusement and bewilderment. "Aren't you embarrassed to behave like this at your age?" he questioned, his eyebrows furrowing in disbelief.

Before Ruby could respond to Aqua's query, the room was suddenly interrupted by the sound of paper hitting the table. All three turned their attention to the source, discovering a girl with fiery red hair standing before them. She donned an exquisite dress and a summer hat, exuding an air of elegance and confidence. The girl held a rolled-up script in her hand, her annoyance palpable as she addressed them sharply.

"This is a place for professionals! If you're here to play, go home!" she barked, her voice laced with irritation as she gestured emphatically with the script.

"Hey Kana-chan!" Aikara exclaimed, bouncing toward her with uncontainable enthusiasm. His wide grin radiated infectious joy, lighting up the room. Every step he took exuded an electrifying energy as he closed the distance between them. "It's so wonderful to see you again!"


(Aikara POV)

"Oh, great. It's you... Aikara," Kana scoffed, her words oozing with exasperation, while she dramatically folded her arms and rolled her eyes, as if the mere presence of me was a major inconvenience.

With a wide grin stretching across my face and a sparkle in my eyes, I eagerly bounced on my toes and exclaimed, "Hey, you can totally call me Aka if you want! Remember? Like I mentioned during our super fun rehearsals!"

"I shall not address you as 'Aka'! We are here to conduct ourselves in a professional manner, so kindly refrain from engaging in such frivolous antics!" Kana huffed, casting a disdainful glance toward me, her words dripping with haughty superiority. With a swift flick of her wrist, she adjusted the summer hat on her head, a subtle display of self-assured elegance.

Looking at her display, I can tell she hasn't warmed up to me much despite all the rehearsals we did together. But honestly, I don't mind. In fact, the only feeling I have towards her is pity.

I remember our first rehearsal together. Ai and I had been rehearsing since we were part of the cast, unlike Aqua, who was added at the last minute by Gotanda. She was just as haughty then as she is now, and I initially had a negative impression of her. However, after spending a month practicing together, I learned some things about her that changed my opinion.

Her sense of superiority might come from her mother. I had interacted with her once, and the first thing she did was talk about how great Kana is as an actor. She kept trying to provoke me, seeking validation for her daughter's talent and success. It was clear that Kana's mother took great pride in her daughter's achievements and was determined to assert her superiority over others.

Throughout our conversation, she constantly emphasized Kana's acting prowess, highlighting her awards, accolades, and critical acclaim. It felt like she was trying to belittle anyone else's achievements or talents by constantly comparing them to Kana's. It seemed her intention was to make others feel inferior and inadequate in comparison to her daughter.

As I engaged in the conversation, I realized that her provocations were a deliberate attempt to validate her own self-worth through her daughter's success. It was as if she needed confirmation that her daughter's accomplishments reflected positively on her as a mother. Perhaps she sought external validation to reinforce her sense of superiority and maintain her position in social circles.

It became clear that this behavior was not an isolated incident but rather a recurring pattern. Her need to assert her daughter's greatness and provoke others seemed deeply ingrained within her. This behavior not only showcased her inflated ego but also revealed a certain insecurity within her.

With a mother like that, it's understandable that the child genius, Arima Kana, ends up the way she is today.

But what truly evoked my sympathy for her wasn't just her troubled mother, but also her acting style, which resonated with my own. It seemed like a desperate plea for attention, constantly yearning for validation from others.

Witnessing such a young child relying on this facade fills me with profound sadness. I remember adopting a similar acting approach when I was just eight years old in my previous life. But how tender is Kana's age now?

She's only four, an age where innocent laughter should reign supreme, unburdened by the weight of the world. I, too, experienced moments of pure joy with my loving parents at that age until they died after getting hit by a truck. The thought of Kana, so young and already burdened with this performance, fills my heart with sympathy.

Yet, it seems like Kana herself isn't consciously aware of her desire for attention. Maybe she instinctively realizes that if she doesn't perform well, she might lose the affection she craves. Given her mother's personality, it would make sense. But these are just speculations, and I can't assume too much since I don't know much about her life.

But even without knowing her full story, the undeniable truth of her acting style remains the same. So, despite her attitude, I welcome it with a smile because I understand her circumstances.

My train of thought is abruptly interrupted by Kana's voice, bringing me back to the present moment.

"Hey, are you deliberately ignoring me or is it just your way of pretending you're too busy for someone as important as me? Well, lucky for you, I'll graciously overlook your insolence this time. But don't even dream about receiving the same mercy next time. Now, answer me! What's the deal between you and those two? Spill the beans!" Kana huffed, crossing her arms with an air of exaggerated impatience.

Her foot tapped impatiently on the ground, and her eyes narrowed in an attempt to assert dominance, as if daring me to defy her.

With a wide grin on my face, I cheerfully exclaimed, "They're my awesome siblings! The boy's name is Aqua, and the girl is named Ruby." As I spoke, I playfully gestured towards Aqua and Ruby, pointing at them with a playful bounce in my step. "Aqua would be your partner for the scene of the village kids at the entrance!" I added, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

Aqua stepped forward and greeted her "I'm Aqua, nice to meet you." he brought his hand out for a handshake but she ignored it.

If it was done to me, I would have just ignored it and carried on since I understood her circumstances. But, since she did it to Aqua, that's another story.

With a mischievous grin on my face, I approached her and playfully reached out to grab her cheeks from behind. "Hey, everyone! Meet my fellow actor, Aria Kana, she's an awesome actress" I exclaimed, causing Kana to squirm and try to break free from my playful grip. "Oh, and by the way, don't be too mean to my brother now," I added, giving a sly wink and a nod to emphasize the friendly warning.

Ruby seemed lost in thought for a moment before a look of recognition crossed her face. "I know, you're the child genius who will lick a lying snitch!"

I burst into laughter upon hearing Ruby's words and released my grip on Kana, who finally stopped squirming and stared at Ruby with an angry glare as she shouted, "It's 'flick a crying switch!'"

She had a smug expression on her face as she proudly declared, "Everyone says I'm really good at crying scenes! Cus duh, they're amazing."

"I don't really like this girl," Ruby whispered, seeking refuge behind Aqua. "She's so fake, it's disgusting."

Aqua sweatdropped at Ruby's comment. "Right, once in a while, there are people like you who are overly critical of child actors." I wanted to tease Ruby about it, but before I could, Kana spoke up.

"I know all too well!" she exclaimed, waving the movie script in front of both of them. "You only got here because of your connection to Aikara, right?" She pointed at the script. "According to the original script, you didn't even have any actual lines. My mom told me it was because the director insisted. That's really not allowed, you know!" she shouted.

"Um," Aqua began, "That's not really how it happened." He tried to speak, but it seemed like she ignored him.

With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, she suddenly shifted her attention to me, making dramatic gestures with her small hands. "Oh, Aikara, I expected better professionalism from you," she declared, dripping with condescension.

She swiftly crossed her arms, clearly displaying her disapproval. "How could you use your connection with the director to get a role for your brother?" she scoffed. "If he gets a part, it should be based on his own skills and talent!"

With a sparkle in my eyes and a gentle smile on my face, I pointed toward Aqua and spoke up, "You know what? My brother is even more talented than you give him credit for!"

"Hmph," she scoffed. "We'll see about that!" she exclaimed before she left, managing to spot the assistant director by the door. "Assistant Director," she began, holding up her bag to the assistant director, who was carrying boxes with her hands. "Hold my bag!" The Assistant Director seemed uncomfortable and replied with a forced smile, "Um, wait just one second."

If she continues acting like this, she'll develop a bad reputation among the cast. That could lead to a decline in job opportunities. I don't want that to happen. Despite her haughty attitude during our one month of rehearsals, I know how much she loves acting. I don't want a young girl like her to experience rejection, especially considering the circumstances that made her this way. And knowing her mom, I fear what will happen when the actor Arima Kana starts losing popularity.

With a kind grin on my face, I hurried toward Kana and playfully snatched her bag away before the assistant director could take it. "Allow me, Kana-chan! You're heading to the filming location, right? Aqua is going there too, and I'd love to watch him perform. So our destination is the same. Don't worry, I'll gladly carry your bag all the way there." As I spoke, my eyes sparkled with excitement, and my grin widened, radiating warmth and goodwill.

Kana seemed satisfied as she nodded and began walking toward the location, with me following behind her.

Before leaving, I looked at Aqua and Ruby one last time, waving my hands high into the sky. "Good luck, Aqua! I'm looking forward to your scene! And Ruby, stop acting so childish." I stuck out my tongue at her before closing my eyes and grinning. And with that, I left with Kana for the filming location.


Aqua and Ruby found themselves standing in the room, enveloped in an air of solitude as Aikara bid them farewell and left. There was an unsettling feeling lingering in the atmosphere, prompting Ruby to voice her thoughts.

"Hey Aqua nii, didn't Aka nii seem a bit strange?" Ruby inquired, her chubby finger coming to rest upon her cheek as she pondered the peculiar behavior she had observed.

"He definitely was," Aqua replied, a flicker of recollection crossing his mind. "I remember how you and Aka used to mercilessly criticize child celebrities with personalities like Kana on the internet. So him being kind to her is probably what you thought of as strange."

Aqua mulled over the mystery, trying to make sense of Aikara's uncharacteristic actions. Ruby, caught in the depths of her ruminations, contemplated the reasons behind Aikara's unexpected kindness towards her. Despite Arima Kana's haughty demeanor, he had accepted it all with a warm smile, even going as far as offering to carry her bag on their way to the filming set.

"Ah!" Ruby suddenly exclaimed, a realization dawning upon her, causing Aqua to regard her with a quizzical expression.

"Have you discovered something?" Aqua inquired, curiosity lacing his voice, hoping that his little sister's peculiar behavior held the key to understanding Aikara's recent conduct. Yet, Ruby evaded his gaze, her eyes darting to the side as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "No, it's nothing!"

Although Aqua could sense the insincerity in Ruby's response, he decided against pressing the matter further. He trusted that she would confide in him if it were something truly significant. Resolving to let the issue rest for now, Aqua redirected his attention to Ruby and spoke, his voice carrying a gentle tone. "Let's go, Ruby. We need to make our way to the filming location."

"Okay!" Ruby exclaimed with a burst of energy, trailing behind Aqua as they embarked on their journey.


(Ruby POV)

As Aqua-nii and I strolled towards the filming location, I couldn't help but feel surprised at why Aka-nii was being so kind to a child actress like her.

His sweet and considerate gestures, his patient demeanor that accepted whatever she said, and his eagerness to spend more time with her – there could only be one reason for all this!

He's trying to make Kana Arima his girlfriend when they both grow up!

I've come across this kind of scenario before in reincarnation novels I read during my time in the hospital. The protagonist, after being reborn, befriends beautiful girls, treats them kindly, and establishes themselves as the girl's childhood friend.

Then, in the future, the girl falls in love with the protagonist, and they start dating.

Ah, so that's it! My brother is going for the childhood friend trope!

But honestly, Aka-nii, I expected more from you! To aim for a little girl?

I guess you're just a male at the end of the day.

But I can see where you're coming from, Aka-nii. I mean, with a girl as cute as her, when she grows up, she'll become someone who can drive hardcore otakus crazy with her popularity!

With that thought firmly planted in my mind, I followed Aqua-nii, unaware that reality would turn out to be completely different.


Author note

Phew, done with the chapter at 3100 words, double than my usual length of 1500. Take this as a token of apology for not uploading the past few days.

And oh boy, looks like Ruby got a strange misunderstanding.

I feel sorry for Aikara.

Anyway, that's all for this chapter, bye!