
Chapter 14: Raising a Cat

It has been 2 weeks since Coconut, now nicknamed Coco, joined the family. One thing Izumi noticed was that her rate of growth was far faster than a normal human. After discussing it with Uriel, he had learned her species rapidly age until they reach physical maturity. Stating that she would age 18~19 times faster than a normal human until she reaches physical maturity and her aging will then stop. To Izumi's dismay he also learned a sad truth, the average life expectancy of a Marine Coon both in his old world and Nekopara world was short. At a maximum, she could live up to 20 years, which broke Izumi's heart thinking about having to say goodbye to his adorable slightly suicidal catgirl. Just the thought of it made him rush to Coconut and hug her tightly, greatly confusing her but reciprocating the warm hug none the less, luckily for him, it seemed god heard his prayers as a notification rung in his ears.


[World Mission: [Pet Owner I] has been unlocked.

Info: A pet owner never gives up on their pet and cares for them eternally. The bond formed is eternal, so take care of her.


Headpats (0/100)

Behind-Ear Scratches(0/100)

Chin-Scratches (0/100)

Walk (0/3 km)

Play (10m : 00s)

Cuddle (5m : 00s)

Time limit: 24 hours

Repeat above Tasks (0/365 times)

Time limit: 1 year



[Eternal Pet (A)] (Title)

[Marine Coon Transformations ([House Cat] | [Big Cat] | [Catgirl]) (D-)] (Ability)

[Cat Colar (E-)]

[Dress up (F+)] (Skill)


[Pet Owner II]

[Subspace (Type: Garden)]

[Golden Cat Post (C)]

[Golden Catnip (C)] (10kg)

[Kitty Vision (E)] (Skill)

[Pet Lifespan Increase Pill (E-)]


Looking at the [World Mission] and it's rewards, Izumi adopted a warm smile as he started to spoil Coconut and quickly starting making progress on his new [World Mission]. Izumi with a diligent heart and mind, decided that he would do everything in his power to compete this mission, and if he was somehow not able to, would even use other means like the [World Tree Fruits.]

Coconut, melting into his touch let out a content purr as she was being spoiled. Inwardly she felt a soft warmness in her heart when seeing her master's smile. Even though a few weeks ago she looked 6, with her rapid development she now looked 7. Pretty soon she would be, physically, even older than Izumi, but he was fine with it, as long as Coconut was happy. Though the only draw back to her increased growth was a stupidly fast metabolism and near endless hunger, which Izumi had a little trouble keeping up with.

After playing with Coconut enough, Izumi decided to bring her back inside and make Coconut's 3rd breakfast today. Watching as she gulped down tones of food, resembling a certain British king, Izumi marveled at the site.

'How does she eat so much…' Izumi bewilderedly lamented.

[It is due to her being in her development period, as she grows older, especially between the start of her puberty stage and complete maturity stage, her appetite will only grow. Though it is important to note her growth will be completely dependent on how much she eats. Normally in her previous world she wouldn't have had access to this amount of food.] Uriel explained.

'So what would have happened to her in her previous world?' Izumi asked.

[She would have starved quit a lot and her growth would be stunted, meaning she wouldn't fully develop and -] Uriel began.

'Wouldn't that cause some health problems?' Izumi cut off with a worried expression.

[Normally yes, but in the case of catgirls her physical abilities would be weakened to some extent and her body wouldn't fully develop other than that she would most likely develop a more negative mindset.] Uriel finished.

'More negative than it already is?' Izumi questioned, shuddering at the thought of the mentally fragile catgirl, with low self esteem, being even more negative than she already is.

[Yes.] Uriel stated the cold hard truth.

Over the next few weeks, Izumi spent much of his time with Coconut, now she had fully become his house cat and would spend nearly all her time near him. Seeing the catgirl curled up beside Izumi or with her head on his lap, while getting ear scratches, was now a common sight in this house. This also had the added affect of making Coconut more open and confident in herself, now even sometimes taking the initiative to ask Izumi to give headpats or spoil her. Her tail which used to be droopy and erratic now stood up, indicating the improvement in her mood.

Although Coconut's self deprecation and nervousness went down, her reaction to her own failure or clumsiness where still quite intense. Though luckily because of the little self esteem building up she had become a lot less clumsy and her depressing musing also went down.

Izumi also decided to use another 5 [Gacha Tickets] as he had gotten a lot more free time.

'Alright, Uriel use 5 [Gacha Tickets] please!' Izumi inwardly said, as a catgirl rested on his lap, curled up in a ball.


[Rolling [Gacha] (x5)…]

[Iron Knife (F-)]

[Rock (I-)]

[Fake ID (C+)]

[Yarn Ball (F-)]

[Emiya Shirou's Cookbook (B-)]

'I got two use full things at least.' Izumi said looking through the items he received, not even willing to pay the [Iron Knife (F-)] any mind anymore.

'Uriel, could you please give me a description of the items.' Izumi asked.

[Understood…] Uriel replied as 4 different screens appeared each holding different information.

[Rock (I-)]

Just a random rock lying on the ground…

[Fake ID (C)]

A fake ID that will change depending on the world.

Note* the ID can't replicate magic identification or digital identification, only the visuals on the card.

[Yarn Ball (F-)]

A normal yarn ball made with quality yarn. An enjoyable toy for cats and all feline related races. Self repairing.

[Emiya Shirou's Cookbook (B-)]

A collection of all [Emiya Shirou]'s dos and don'ts of cooking, written by a certain counter guardian on his off time. Increases any [Cooking] related skills growth while using it until C grade. Many recorded recipes are good comfort foods that are helpful for fighting depression.

'Huh, the [Rock] is well… a rock, but the [Fake ID (C)] is kinda useful. The [Yarn Ball (F-)] I can give to Coco and the [...Cookbook (B-)] is for me. I could probably try making some of that comfort food for Coco too, maybe it'll be good for her.' Izumi thought, as he threw away the rock and began reading the [Emiya Shirou's Cookbook (B-)] as his eyes widened at the insight he was receiving from the book. Unbeknownst to him Izumi, his comfort food would be the thing Coco turned to on rough days and when dealing with her clumsiness.

And so Izumi read a Cookbook as he continued his everyday life.

Today, Izumi's everyday life was met with a twist, early in the morning Tione and Tiona had just come back from their expedition and where in desperate need of some Izumi-num.

They excitedly rushed to Izumi's house and knocked on the door, however instead of the gentle, white haired, boy with deep purple eyes, they where met with a tanned, white haired, Neko with different colored eyes. Tione and Tiona seeing the Neko, who looked to be slightly older then themselves, were greatly surprised. Tiana's eyes where sparkling with curiosity as she tried to tease the Neko.

''Uh~ while we where gone, Izumi made his harem even bigger, hmm~'' Tiona said, tring to get a reaction out of the catgirl, but to be disappointed as the catgirl just tilted her head, confused. Slightly awkward after the teasing didn't work, she looked away from the catgirl's confused gaze, but was met with a blow to her pride, seeing something shooking. The Neko's breasts where even bigger then Tione's! With that thought echoing in her head, Tiona hugged her non-existent breasts and repeatedly mumbled 'They'll grow eventually' in a downcast and defeated tone.

Tione seeing the neko's larger breast and alluring heterochromic eyes, became slightly defensive as she felt somehow threatened. She glared into the Neko's eyes trying to assert dominance.

Coconut not used to new people and feeling very confused and slightly scared, chose to just smile, not wanting to bother her masters guest (and possibly hopping to make her first friend).

Against this overwhelming purity and naiveness the twins felt defeated, blinded by her cuteness, as they both now took on an awkward expression, feeling bad for the way they were treating this cute Neko.

Clearing her throat Tione began to speak.

''Um…Could you tell us where Izumi is, we came to visit.'' She said, and hearing her reason Coconut slightly brightened up and tried to welcome them in.

''C-Come in…If your l-looking for… master he went out… B-but, will be back soon.'' She nervously spoke. Hearing her response, Tione and Tiona came up with similar yet totally different scenarios in their heads based on the a certain word Coconut used.

'She called Izumi 'master', was she some sort of run away slave from a corrupt country and after Izumi saved her, she vowed to serve him as thanks?' Tione thought, vividly painting a heroic picture of Izumi fighting his way through a group of knights with a Neko in his arms.

'She called Izumi 'master', did Izumi save her from an evil aristocrat, causing her to fall in love with him, and now she calls him 'master' because she discovered his secret S&M fetish?' Tiona thought, with a similar yet somehow different story to her sister. Which caused her to inwardly crackle as she had 'discovered' one of Izumi's kinks. 'Hehehe~ who would of thought he would have that kind of fetish!' She thought as she fantasized several scenarios involving her, Izumi, a whip, and sometimes her sister, Tione, beside her in some of the scenarios.

Each with a different type of 'understanding' look on their face, introduced themselves to Coconut.

''Nice to meet ya~ I'm Tiona!'' Said the smaller energetic Amazoness.

''Umm, I'm Tione her older sister.'' Introduced the 'bigger' Amazoness, with a nod.

''Oh, I-I f-forgot to introduce myself… I-I c-can't believe I-I forgot… I-I'm totally useless… I-I c-can't do anything r-right… Maybe the world would be better off, if I just died…'' The Neko mumbled, tearing up, as her words became more intense and darker, which caused the two Amazonians to slightly panic.

''I-It's no big deal, you don't have to worry! Right Tiona!'' Tione quickly said, not wanting to instigate a suicide.

''Y-yah, n-no big deal! I've got an idea, why don't we be friend! That way we don't have to be so uptight and serious about it!'' Tiona added on as she tried giving the suicidal Neko a reason to live.

''...you want to be my friends!?'' Said the Neko in an exited tone, sparkling eyes. Her droopy ears and tail, perked up and stood up straight indicating the Neko's excitement.

'Nice, Tiona!' Tione said in her head appreciating the assist.

''Yup. Since we'll be friends, there's no need to worry about introductions or anything.'' Tione said with a warm smile.

''R-really?'' The Neko asked in an exited tone, as her ears twitched.

''Yup, really! So no suicide ok?'' Tiona said.

''OK! My name is Coconut, you can call me Coco, I'm masters 'pet'!'' Coconut exclaimed as she excitedly hugged the two Amazonians and rubbed her face into them, trying to commit their scents to memory. However she only ended up rubbing into Tione and smothered Tiona in her chest.

Hearing her though, Tione's eyes to widen, at her choice of words. Where as Tiona was ecstatic seemingly assured of her previous guess. But as they looked at the over exited Neko they both shared the same thought.

'I guess she'll be our new sister.' And both hugged her back. As they waited for Izumi to return, they began sharing stories; Tione and Tiona, mostly about their adventures and time with Izumi, where as Coconut talked only about her time with Izumi and daily life.

Hearing Coconut's stories, they both realized something; 'He really treats her like a cat!' they thought with a mix of shock and a small, weird sense of envy. A perverted smile slowly adorned their faces, as their minds wandered, imagining themselves in a collar like a pet and being spoiled by Izumi.

Slowly, as they talked with Coconut longer and longer, they developed a sense of family with her and decided to thoroughly protect her. Warmly excepting her as one of Izumi's future wives, (of course all this happened without Izumi's knowledge).

Returning home, Izumi looked at his front door and became confused, not seeing the usually Neko at the door, who'd always welcomed him home. As he unlocked the door and walked inside, following the sound of talking, he came across two Amazonians and Coconut engaged in happy banter as they laughed and smiled together. However, soon noticing her master's smell, Coconut looked over and brightly smiled.

''Master~!'' She yelled, pouncing atop of him and hugging him, tightly. Subconsciously, Izumi pet her head, prompting her to purr contently.

''H-Hey, Tione and Tiona. How was your little adventure?'' He asked with a slight awkward tone, as the Amazoness pair stared at him. Tione, taking the lead, was the first to break the silence.

''Izumi-san please explain what you where doing while we where away~.'' She said gesturing with her eyes at the Neko and smiling, while not really smiling.

''Cough*Cough* S-She's my maid, I had found her injured and took her in like you two. She… well… is like that, so I decided to let her stay.'' Izumi said, lying though his teeth trying to use her self-conscious attitude as a valid excuse.

Hearing this Tiona's mind went to a completely different place.

'So it's a maid fetish, not S&M... or maybe he likes both?' she thought as she mentally noted to buy a maid outfit. Unbeknownst to anyone, Tione too secretly decided to buy a maid outfit.

''Huh…of course you would'' Tione sighed, believing he would definitely do something like that. This, in turn, prompted Izumi to sigh in relief under his breath, however it seemed Tiona wouldn't allow Izumi to have a calm heart.

''So, is she our new sister? I knew you'd make a harem, but I wasn't expecting it be this quick... and while we where gone!'' Tiona said in an amussed and exited tone. This however caused Izumi to choke on his own spit. Slightly confused at their conversation Coconut was the first to respond.

''What's a harem?'' She asked with an innocent look on her face.

''Uhh…it's like, when multiple women love the same man and marry him'' Tiona awkwardly replied feeling wrong for possibly tainting Coconut's pure mind.

''Oh, we had that back home too, but we call them 'catpanion's... I-I don't mind being master's... A-actually, I'd really like to be one of masters 'catpanion's!... B-but, I only cause trouble…'' Coconut says as her emotions change like the weather. Her tail showing her emotions going from understanding, exited, shy, resolute, and finally to depressed.

''U-umm, you where saying you had harem-I mean 'catpanion's where you came from too, Coco?'' Tione said, trying to change the topic before Coconut could go off on a tangent again.

''Ah-Yes, it wasn't that rare for someone to have a 'catpanion' or two, outside of their normal lovers. Since, Nekos, back home, couldn't give birth outside our specie, so some humans sometimes had a few as their chances of Nekos giving birth outside our species was practically zero…'' She said, innocently explaining a very dark topic, which made Tiona and Tione tear up while listening to her explanation.

All the hostility or caution they possibly could of had towards Coconut before, was instantly gone replaced with concern and pity, as they hugged her tightly. Which caused the Neko to be confused, but nonetheless, return the hug. Tione and Tiona at that moment vowed to make her feel loved and welcomed, both in Izumi's harem as a fellow wife and as a sister.

Izumi also not expecting such a dark undertone in her backstory, felt the urge to comfort her and used his trusty [Headpat (G)], which had gone up from G- over the past month, to gently pat her head, causing her to purr contently.

As the group shared this warm atmosphere, Izumi sighed quietly looking over at all of them. He then looked over to an invisible screen only he could see, on it sat the words…

[World Missions] (New!)

[Knight in Shining Armor III]

[Pet Owner I]

[The Student and the Master] (Unlocked)

Alot of you have been asking when he's going to reach Oraria, and to you I say, here's a School District Arc (woo).

Anyways the School District Arc will lead into the the Oraria/Adventurer Arc, but first MC's gona get his ass kicked by old man Zald a few times...

P.S. MC's gonna be under an OC god's class, during School District Arc, might convert familias possibly, tho...

Kill_it_with_firecreators' thoughts
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