

Wind whispers throughout the silent forest foot steps can only been heard deep within it.

Ace: Damn can't get rid of these beast

Hounds of Claw : woof woof

The hounds quickly catching up to Ace

Ace : Time to step it up.

Ace quickly jumps in the air while unsheathing his dagger from behind his waist throwing it at the tree in front of him wrapping the end of the chain around his left hand that's connected to the handle of the dagger; Pulling himself towards the tree at a fast pace.

With full might Ace yanks his dagger out of the tree returning it back to his left hand while extending his legs out in front of him making his boots come into contact with the tree; Ace then leaps off the tree back towards the hounds at full speed tackling one of them, slitting its throat before rolling with its dead corpse onto the ground.

Coming to a halt Ace throws the dead hound's corpse aside while standing back up as the last hound charges at him. With a blink of an eye Ace threw his dagger with his full might penetrating the inside of the hound's mouth. Piercing the brain the hound becomes lifeless As ace yanks his dagger out the hound's body returning it back to his left hand quickly sheathing it back while walking towards the hounds body.

Ace : Glad that's over

Ace bends over while opening the mouth of the larger hound then rips the fangs from its mouth before letting its lifeless body drop back on the ground.

Ace : Material secured time to return back to base.

Exhaling a deep breath Ace begins to walk home in peace.

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